Aaron Jacobse
van Nostrand
Related Modern Surnames:
Birth Location
Ancestor Notes

Sept. 4, 1687Married in Kingston by D. Van den Bosck,  Aeltje Van Steenwÿck who was born in Kingston, daughter of Albert Jansen Van Steenwÿck and Hilletje Hendricks

1693 Aaron is on the assessment roll in Flatbush

Mar. 7, 1695/6Aaron buys two house plots of Gerardus Beekman in Flatbush

1698 Aaron is on the census of Flatbush with five children

May 27, 1704 Aaron sells the two house plots In Flatbush from Gerardus Beekman to Johannes Jansen (L. B., F., 31, Flatbush Record)

April 14, 1707 Aaron and Aeltje are witnesses in Jamaica for the baptism of their grandaughter, Elizabeth Alburtis, daughter of their first child Jannetje and her husband James Alburtis

Aug. 12, 1708 Aaron and Aeltje are witnesses in Jamaica for the baptism of their grandson, Jacob Alburtis, son of their first child Jannetje and her husband James Alburtis

Sept. 12, 1708 Aeltje dies sometime after this date

1710Aaron's first child with his second wife Geerty fon Gelder, Alche, is baptised in Jamaica

May 13, 1714Aaron filed the "ear mark" for his cattle, Hempstead Town Records

June 17, 1714 A letter was written by Will Lake to George Clark requesting him to pay Aroon Van Oostrand for constructing a well.

Sept. 17, 1715 Aaron was a member of Captain Treadwell's trained band in Hempstead.

June 2, 1726 Aaron was of Foster's Meadow as per Hempstead Town Records (L. 2., F., 91)

Feb. 2, 1729 Aaron and Geerty were witnesses at the baptism of his grandson, Aaron, first child of John and his wife Lammetie Ryerson

Apr. 14, 1731Aaron subscribed £3. 10. towards the building of the church at Success (part of Hempstead).

1732 Aaron's "sit place' was transferred to his son Abram

June 12, 1745Date of Aaron's Will (R. L. 17, F., 373, N. Y.).

June 18, 1751Aaron's Will is proved (R. L. 17, F., 373, N. Y.).


"In the name of God Amen the 12th day of June in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and forty five. I Aaron Vannortstrandt of Hempstead in Queens County on the Island of Nassau in the Colony of New York, Turner, being aged and Infirm of Body but of perfect mond and memory, thanks be given unto almoghty God therefor, Calling unto mind the mor- tality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to say, principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and for my Body I recommend it to the earth, to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named, nothing doubting but at general Resurrection I shall receive the same again by the Almighty power of God, and as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form.

"Item.  I order that in the first place all my just depts with funeral charges shall be paid out of my personal Estate by my Executors hereafter named.

"Item.  I give and bequeath unto Geertry my dearly beloved wife the sum of twenty pounds of good and Lawfull money to be raised and paid out of my personal Estate after my decease, by my executors hereafter named.

"Item.  I do give and hearby order that my aforesaid wife Geertry shall have the whole use and benefit of all and singular of my Housings, Barns, Orchards, Lands, Meadows, Messuages, tenements, apportenances that I have in any manner of ways belonging unto me, for her my said wife to possess during her widowhood and that my said wife shall not commit any waste nor Imbezel any of my timber nor appurtenances thereupon, but to have the use and Liberty of so much as is necessary to be made use of on my said lands and what I have herein given and bequeathed unto Geertry my aforesaid wife is and shall be in Lieu of her dower and thirds and to bar her of and from having any right to any part or parcell of my estate of both Real and Personal, either by law or any other ways whatsoever.

"Item.  I give and bequeath all the remainder part of all my personal Estate, that I have not herein above ordered given and bequeathed, to be equally divided among my children, and grand children hereafter named, viz, my sons, Jacob, Albert, John, Aaron, Moses, William, Isaac, Evert and David, my daughters, Ann, Alche, Geertry, Mary, Elizabeth, and Jannaca, my grand children viz, the children of my daughter Jane Albur- tis deceased, and the children of my daughter Hilleche Hendrickson deceased that is my said gd children to have such part divided unto them as their mother or mothers should have had to have but equal with each of my other children.

"Item.  I do hereby order and empower my Executors here- after named with as good Power and Authority as I myself now have or could have had in my life time, that immediately after the decease of Geertry my aforesaid wife or at her mar-riage or within any reasonable time after, at their descretion as thay shall think fit to the best advantage to sell all my Housings, Barns, Orchards, Lands, Outlands, Rights in Common and un-divided lands and all my meadows both Salt and Fresh with all tenements Hereditaments, Improvements thereupon or there- unto belonging but provided my said executors do not sell my aforementioned Lands and Tenements immediately after the Marriage or decease of my aforesaid wife, that then the prof- its and benefits of my said Lands, Meadows, and Tenements shall be appropriated and diuvided by my Executors among my children and grand chil as is above named in the same manner as my personal Estate is to be divided.

"Item.  I give and bequeath unto my children and Gdchil- dren as is above named all the money that all my aforesaid Lands Meadows Tenements and appurtenances as is above men-tioned shall be sold for, to be equally divided among them as the money and payments shall become payable and due and to be divided and paid in the same manner as I have herein above ordered my personal Estate to be paid and divided to them.

"Item.   It is my Will and I do hereby order that provided my aforesaid wife Geertry shall demand her dower at law or refuse after my decease to sign her acquittance for all her dower in law that she hath in and to all my estate or by law might have, that then I do hereby order and it is my Will that she my said wife shall not have no part of any part of my Estate of neither Real or Personal, but that the said sum of twenty pounds as I have herein above given and bequeathed unto her shall be taken divided and paid, by my Executors hereafter named as apart of my Estate to them my aforesaid Children and gd children neither shall my said wife have any Benefit of this my Will in and to my Lands & Tenements nor any other part of my estatein any ways whatever.

"Item.  Lastly. "I constitute, make, ordain and appoint my loving son Jacob Van Norstrandt my bro in law Evert fon Gelder and my lovingfriend John Hegeman of Flushing, Executors of this my last

W & T. Revoking &c.

The mark


of 1762The vrou's (Dutch for woman or wife) place of Aaron was transferred to his daughters Martie and Elyzebet.


Jannetje, m. James Alburtis.

Jacob, of Ja. and Wolver Hollow, not m.

Albert, m. Echberte Hendricksen; m. Antje De Mott.

John, m. Lammatie Rverson.

Aaron, m. Sarah Ammerman.

Moses, m. Abigail .

Ann, m. John Wortman.

Gertry, m. Joost Duryea.

Hilleche, m. Abraham Hendricksen.

William, m. Catherine De Voe.

(By second wife)

Alche, bp. , 1710, in Ja. Witnesses: Benjamin Hegeman

and Geertruy Von Gelder.

Abraham, bp. June 25, 1711, in Ja. ; not mentioned in the


Isaac, m. Fransentje .

Evert, m. Phebe Skidmore.

David, m. Marya Deen.

Mary, bp. Jan. 2, 1717, in Ja. Witnesses: Jacob and Hilleche,

her half bro. and sister.

Elizabeth, bp. Jan. 17, 1720, in Ja.

Yomaca, bp. Nov. 28, 1725. The witnesses: Cornelius and

Sarah Ryerson.

A Documentary History, of the Dutch Congregation of Oyster Bay, Queens County,

Island of Nassau. (Now Long Island)

1902 Henry Augustus Stoutenburgh

Pgs. 595 - 569