Document: Appointment of commissioners to take charge of the estate of capt. John Manning

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Appointment of commissioners to take charge of the estate of capt. John Manning

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Whereas, I am informed that John Manningh, late Captain in these parts, hath on his departure left behind him divers outstanding debts and bills for which he was security to divers inhabitants; therefore have I deemed it necessary for the benefit of the common creditors to appoint some persons Commissioners to wind up the abovenamed Manningh's estate; to which end I accordingly have commissioned and qualified, do hereby commission and qualify Messrs Peter Jacobse Marius and Assur Levy as Commissioners over the estate left by the abovenamed John Manningh, who are hereby required and commanded to affix notices in public, that all those having claims against, or who are indebted to said estate, shall make the same known to them on double penalty, and the aforesaid Commissioners are hereby further qualified to gather together and sell the cattle and other personal property which may be discovered and found by them within this government; which being done, to render me an account and report of the ertate, when further order shall be made in the premises.

Translation Superscripts
Translation: O'Callaghan, E.B., trans./ed., Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New-York, vol. 2 (Albany: Weed, Parsons: 1858), pp. 569-730 (vol. 23, pp. 1-270 only).A complete copy of this publication is available on the New Netherland Institute website.
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