Document: Court Case | Unknown v. Hendricksen; demand for payment of balance of debt according to account; acknowledged; delay requested; denied; ordered to pay

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|Court Case |Unknown v. Hendricksen; demand for payment of balance of debt according to account; acknowledged; delay requested; denied; ordered to pay|Court Case |Cornelia Schellinger v. Joresij Rapalje; default; breaking of arrest alleged|Court Case |Sijmen Joosten v. Augustijn Heermans; default; breaking of arrest alleged; defendant burgher; not subject to arrest|Court Case |Matewis de Vos; attorney of Francoys Fijn; v. the wife of Dirck Smith; demand for payment of balance of debt for purchase of oxen and other cattle according to contract; acknowledged; poor condition husband pleaded; arrest valid; preference granted

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Document Type Unlinked
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Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Cornelia Schellinger
Francoys Fijn
Dirck Smith
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