Document: Court Case:Tomas Stevensen v. Tomas Hall; attorney of Jan Robins; demand for payment of debt for freight according to judgment; inadmissability alleged; referred to Council

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Court Case | Tomas Stevensen v. Tomas Hall; attorney of Jan Robins; demand for payment of debt for freight according to judgment; inadmissability alleged; referred to Council | Apostil | On the request of Jan Vinje for execution in his suits against Poulus Heymans; according to judgment of 17 August 1654; granted | Apostil | On the request of Augustijn Heerman for approval of the decision of arbitrators in his suit against Adriaen Keyser; granted | Appointment | Marcus Hendricksen Vogelsangh; Fredrick Warnaersen; and Cornelis Steenwijck as curators of the estate of Cristiaen Jacobssen backer and authorization of sale of belongings

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