Court proceedings. Andries Roulofsen vs. Govert Loockermans, for payment for digging a cellar; defendant denies having employed plaintiff; judgment for defendant. Catrina Bartram vs. Thomas Jacobsen, slander; defendant declares in court that he knows nothing of plaintiff but what is honest and virtuous; plaintiff likewise declares that defendant is a decent young man. Fiscal vs. John Celes, for shooting a hog; defendant adjudged to pay the owner such sum as arbitrators may decide to be the value of the animal, and a like sum to the fiscal, with costs. [1642] (page 124);Instructions. To Jan Jansen from Ilpendam, commissary at the South river (Delaware), for the expulsion of the English from the Schuylkil. [1642] (page 124);Court proceedings. Fiscal vs. Abraham Isaacksen Planck, for maliciously tearing down an ordinance posted in fort Amsterdam, and slandering the authorities; fined 300 guilders. [1642] (page 125)