Document: Dutch colonial council minutes, 20 September - 4 October 1640

Holding Institution
Document ID

Court proceedings. Jan Jansen Damen and David Provoost, guardians of Jan van Vorst, vs. Jacob Stoffelsen, in the matter of the estate of Cornelis van Vorst, deceased; further time allowed defendant to account. Samuel Chandler vs. Jacob Stoffelsen, husband of Vroutje Ides, widow of Cornelis van Vorst, deceased; action of debt due by the late Mr. van Vorst; referred to arbitration. Adam Roelantsen vs. Gillis de Voocht, for payment of washing account; defendant claims that the year is not yet expired; plaintiff ordered to make up the full time, and then collect his bill. [1640];Court proceedings. Fiscal vs. Gerrit and Floris Jansen, for disobedience of their skipper's orders; Gerrit Jansen fined. Hester Symens, widow of Jacob Vernu, vs. Roland Hackwart, slander; defendant makes reparation before the court. Jansen Damen and David Provoost, as guardians, &c., vs. Jacob Stoffelsen; defendant being ready with his account, demands that plaintiffs give security for any debt which may hereafter be brought against the Van Vorst estate; ordered accordingly. [1640]

Document Date
1640-09-20 to 1640-10-04
Document Date (Date Type)
Document Type
Document Type Unlinked
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For a complete translation see:

Translations are created by Charles Gehring  with assistance from  the New Netherland Institute,  Copyright to the translations is held by the Holland Society of New York.  The translations are hosted online by the New York State Archives.

Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
Jan Jansen Damen
David Provoost
Jan van Vorst
Jacob Stoffelsen
Cornelis van Vorst
Samuel Chandler
Jacob Stoffelsen
Vroutje Ides
Cornelis van Vorst
Adam Roelantsen
Gillis de Voocht
Floris Jansen
Gerrit Jansen
Hester Symens
Jacob Vernu
Roland Hackwart
A1809 Additional Party
Document Location