Order. Determining the rations of the men on board the company's ships in New Netherland. [1647] (page 289);Ordinance. Against the sale of beer or other strong liquors, on Sundays, before two o'clock, when there is no sermon, otherwise before four o'clock; and on any day, after the ringing of the bell, i.e., nine o'clock, p. m.; also against drawing a knife or sword, or inflicting wounds therewith, "agreeably to the laudable ordinance of the most wise and worshipful council of the city of Amsterdam." [1647] (page 289);Resolution. To subject Michel Picquet to torture, at seven o'clock of the morning of the 15th June, as he remains obstinate and headstrong, and to notify him thereof. [1647] (page 290);Sentence. Cornelis Symonsz, alias the Boer, and Gerrit Philipsen, sailors, for tearing down the ordinance affixed to the mainmast, prohibiting seaman going ashore, or remaining there over night, and other misdemeanors: to be chained to a wheel- or hand-barrow, and employed at hard labor, for three months, on bread and water. [1647] (page 290);Queries submitted to the commissioners appointed to investigate the differences between the Hon. Mr. Kieft and Jochim Pietersen (Kuyter) and Cornelis Melyn, respecting the proper action to be taken on a petition presented by the latter, praying that the members of the late council be examined on certain interrogatories. [1647] (page 291);Answer of director Stuyvesant to the above. [1647] (page 292)