Document: Indian deed for land on the east bank of the North river

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Indian deed. Proprietors of the lands situate on the east bank of the North river, called Wiequaeskeck, extending in breadth through the woods to a kil called Seweyrue, which divides at the East river Greenwich northerly and southerly, [and] to a kil called Kechkawes, which land between the two kils runs to the middle of the woods between the North and East rivers, so that the west half remains to the above proprietors, and the east half, in a direct north and south line through the centre of the woods, is now conveyed to the director-general of New Netherland, with the right of preemption to the west half (Westchester county).

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For a complete translation see:

Translations are created by Charles Gehring  with assistance from  the New Netherland Institute,  Copyright to the translations is held by the Holland Society of New York.  The translations are hosted online by the New York State Archives.

Property Type
Property Type
To Party 1
From Party 1
From Party 1 Text Unlinked
Megtegichkama, Oteyochque and Wegtakochken
From Party 1 Entity
Related Ancestors (Unlinked)
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