April 4. Amsterdam. Letter. Directors to Stuyvesant; address letters to the colonists; proclamation against traffic in munitions of war; proposed league with the English against Indians; colonists allowed to import negroes into New Netherland; children to be sent thither from orphan asylums; English privateers seize Dutch ships; reprisals; New Netherland bureau established; checks for abuses in land granting; part of Staten island sold; conflicts between the purchases of baron Van der Capelle and Mr. Van Werckhoven at the Raritan; New Amsterdam incorporated; public school, Jan La Montagne principal; case of the ship New Netherland Fortune; war between the Mohawks and Canada Indians; Fort Orange; Van Twiller; sheep; South river; forts Nassau and Casimir; Hartford treaty; boundary; rev. S. Drisius; rev. Mr. Grasmeer.
Document: Letter from the directors in Amsterdam to Petrus Stuyvesant
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New Netherland Fortune
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baron Van der Capelle|Mr. Van Werckhoven|Jan La Montagne|Mohawk Indians|Canada IndiansVan Twiller|rev. S. Drisius|rev. Mr. Grasmeer.