WHEREAS the Schout, Burgomasters and Schepens of the City of Amsterdam in New Netherland have considered it highly necessary, that agreeably to the laudable customs of our Fatherland, rules be made for the stamping of casks, cans, weights, ells, and schepels, to prevent all questions and differences, arising therefrom, and that everybody may have just measure, —Therefore their Honors have appointed as Surveyor and Gauger Wernaar Wessels, an inhabitant of this City, who is to measure and stamp at the request of the receiver or deliverer all casks, beerbarrels, half vats, quarters and all other made, used and delivered to tapsters, burghers or strangers, in accordance with the customs of Old Amsterdam; for which gauging and stamping the said Surveyor and Gauger shall receive from him, who calls for it the following fees, to wit for every tun or halftun 6 stivers, for every quarter or auker 3 stivers, for other casks, measured singly, according to the instructions given him and that in future no dissensions may arise, it is hereby expressly forbidden, that henceforth no one shall deliver to any tapster, burgher or stranger a tun, halftun or quarter, unless they are stamped, under a penalty of 25 fl.
Concerning weights, ells, schepels and cans, which are in use here within the jurisdiction of this City for receiving and delivering, we find, that here also many frauds and abuses have crept in, to prevent which it is ordered by their Honors, that from now nobody, be it of what position, condition or nation he may be, shall be allowed to use within the jurisdiction of this City any other ell, weight or measure than those used in the renowned City of Amsterdam in the Netherlands and that this order may be carried out, all, who sell goods here by the ell, weight, schepel or can are commanded, to come with their weights and measures, used for delivery or receipt, once a year, that is to say on the 25th of January,—or if in the meanwhile they wish to have anything stamped, on a day, appointed upon due notification by the Court messenger,—to the City hall and then to have them measured in the presence of two members of the Court, for which they arc to pay into the treasury of the City, to wit:
for each schepel 50 stivers
for each ell 20 stivers
for each can, large or small 6 stivers
for each weight of from 1 to 10 lbs 3 stivers
for each weight of from 10-20 lbs 3 stivers
for each weight of from 20 to 50 lbs 8 stivers
for each weight above 50 lbs 10 stivers
And if after the expiration of the said time anybody is found, who still uses not measured weights or measures in delivering or receiving goods, he shall pay a fine of 10 fl. the first time, 20 fl. the second time and. double as much the third time with closing of his shop.
In order, that this ordinance and by-law be the better observed and carried out, the Honble Schout is authorized and charged closely to watch, whenever it is convenient to make inspections and to execute this ordinance after publication.
Thus done etc., January 13, 1657.