Lot: D8 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Harmen Myndertsen Van Bogaert
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Harmen Myndertsen Van Bogaert. (GG: Mch. 16 190.) Desc: A cert, lot lying E. from the Company's five hos.; its br. on the S. side on the street is 5 r., 3 ft., 3 ins.; on the E. side 9 r., 18 ins.; on the N. side its br. IS 4 r., 6 ins.; on the W. side its length next the lot of Adam Roelantsen is 8 r. and 3 ft
Document Source(s)
GG: Mch. 16 190
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. to Harmen Myndertsen Van Bogaert. (GG: Mch. 16
190.) Desc: A cert, lot lying E. from the Company's
five hos.; its br. on the S. side on the street is 5 r., 3 ft.,
3 ins.; on the E. side 9 r., 18 ins.; on the N. side its br.
IS 4 r., 6 ins.; on the W. side its length next the lot of
Adam Roelantsen is 8 r. and 3 ft.

Deed. Adrian Keyser to Evert Pels.* {Dutch MSS., July 8
III: 39.) Recites "in the year 1648 the Director and
Council offered for sale to the highest bidder the lot
heretofore the property of Harmen Myndersen van de
Bogaert . . . bounded on the W. by the lot of Adam
Roelantsen, and on the E. by that of Oloff Stevensen."
Adriaen Keyser purchased it, and is now confirmed in it,
this 8th July, 1649. On the same date, said Adriaen
Keyser transports and makes over the above lot to Evert

* Evert Pels herein acts for wid. of Van der Bogaert, as is abun-
dantly evident from transactions following.


Deed. Jan Labatie to Jan Gillisen Verbrugge. (HH: Sep. 22
2.) Desc: A ho. and lot situated next to Oloff Steven-
sen, m br. on the St., 2 r., 5 ft., 8 ins.; in the rear, on the
N., 2 r., I}4 ft.; in the length, 8 r., 3 ft.

Deed. Jacob Van Kouwenhoven, atty. for Jan Oct. 15
Gillissen Van Brugge, to Isaac de Foreest. (HH: 50.)
Desc: s. a. preceding instrument-

Deed. Jan Labatie, who m. the wid. of H. M. Van Aug. 19
Bogaert, to Paulus Schrick. Not found of record, but
recited in instrument set forth below.




Sep. II Deed. Paulus Schrick to Gillls Verbrugge and Com-
pany. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 29.) Desc: Lot E.
of Fort Amsterdam, bet. ho. and lot on E. side Isaac de
Foreest, on W. side Skipper W. Tomassen; S. side, St.
Is br. in front on st. or S. side, 2 r., 5 ft., 6 ins. Beginning
from eaves of I. d'Foreest where he can conveniently
break off his eaves and also must leave the drip of 7 ins.
to lot of W. Tomassen as same is at present set off by
Surveyors by virtue of deed Aug. 19, 1654 granted to
him by Jan Labatie who m. wid. of H. M. Van Bogert.
Recites gr-br. Mch. 16, 1647; sale on Mch. 10, 1655 by
J. L. Verbrugge.