Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
1646-10-6 to 1646-10-24
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Peter Cornelissen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Peter Cornelissen. (GG: 159.) Desc: A cert, lot for a ho. and garden lying on the Island of Manahattans and bounded N. by [of] the lots of Hendrick Kip, Anthony Jansen and Hendrick Smith, extending mostly E. and W. along the road to the brew-house of the Company, 11 r., 3J^ ft,; from this road or the corner of the brew-ho. in a southern direction in br. ^}4 r.; from the said road to the corner of Kip's palisades its nett br. 4 r.; on the E. end its br. is I r., 6}4 ft. It is hereby reserved that in case the Director and Council should hereafter wish to make the said road wider, the said Pieter Cornelissen shall permit this to be done without any claim.
Document Source(s)
GG: 159
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Oct. 6-24 Gr-br. to Peter Cornelissen. (GG: 159.) Desc: A
cert, lot for a ho. and garden lying on the Island of
Manahattans and bounded N. by [of] the lots of Hendrick
Kip, Anthony Jansen and Hendrick Smith, extending
mostly E. and W. along the road to the brew-house of the
Company, 11 r., 3J^ ft,; from this road or the corner of
the brew-ho. in a southern direction in br. ^}4 r.; from
the said road to the corner of Kip's palisades its nett br.
4 r.; on the E. end its br. is I r., 6}4 ft. It is hereby
reserved that in case the Director and Council should
hereafter wish to make the said road wider, the said
Pieter Cornelissen shall permit this to be done without
any claim.
165 1
Mch. 20 Deed. Pieter Cornelissen to Jacob Hendricksen Kip.
{Dutch MSS., Ill: 75.) Desc: Lot to N. of Hendrick
Kip, Anthony Jansen and Hendrick Jansen, bounding
on the W. end up to the hook where the Honorable Com-
pany's brewery formerly hath stood, according to the
July 27 Deed. Hendrick H. Kip to Casper Stymensen.
(Dutch MSS., Ill: 142.) Recites gr-br. dated Apl. 28,
1643. Desc: Lot S. side Brewer Street, bounded on the
E. by Jan Jansen van St. Obin; on the S. by the ho. and
lot belonging to the grantor; on the W. by Bridge lane
(de brugh steegh); on the N. by the Brewer street; in the
length and br. according to J. Cortelyou: N. Side, 29^^
ft.; S. side, 24 ft.; W. side, 51 ft., E. side, 49 ft.
Note: This is partly out of H. H. Kip's grant and
partly from Cornelissen's grant.
Sep. 17 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jacob Kip. (Pats. Alb.,
II: 104.) Recites gr-br. to Pieter Cornelissen, Oct. 24,
1646. Transport of gr-br. by Cornelissen to Kip. Desc:
To the Northwards of lots of Hendrick Kip, Anthony
Jansen and Hendrick Smith; stretching about E. and W.
along the highway to the brewhouse heretofore of the
W. I. Co., II r., 3 ft., 6 ins.; alongst the said way to the
hook or corner where the Brew Ho. stood; southwards in
br. 4V2 r. from the said way to the corner of Kip's fence;
in br. exact 4r.; at the E. end in br. 1 r., 6 ft., 6 ins.;
with a reserve to make the highway broader upon
June 28 Deed. Jacob Kip to Jacob Strycker. (Lib. A, Deeds,
N. Y. Co.: 223.) Desc: One-half part of ho. and lot
S. of Brouwer Straat; bounded E. by ho. and lot of Isaac
Kip, Sen'r; W. by ho. and lot of Jan Jansen Van St. Obin;
bounded N. by the street. Measured by J. Cortelyou,
May 24, 1660; N. side, beginning at fence bet. ho. of J.
Kip to j/2 common passage of J. Jansen Van St. Obin
32 ft., I in.; S. side, 35 ft.; long on W. side, 44 ft., 4 ins.;
E. side, 34J^ ft. on which length it widens on lot of Isaac
Kip I ft., 7 ins., thence forward, 9 ft., 9 ins., making
together 44 ft., 3^2 ins. Recites deed, Mch. 20, 1651
Oct. 6-24 Gr-br. to Peter Cornelissen. (GG: 159.) Desc: A
cert, lot for a ho. and garden lying on the Island of
Manahattans and bounded N. by [of] the lots of Hendrick
Kip, Anthony Jansen and Hendrick Smith, extending
mostly E. and W. along the road to the brew-house of the
Company, 11 r., 3J^ ft,; from this road or the corner of
the brew-ho. in a southern direction in br. ^}4 r.; from
the said road to the corner of Kip's palisades its nett br.
4 r.; on the E. end its br. is I r., 6}4 ft. It is hereby
reserved that in case the Director and Council should
hereafter wish to make the said road wider, the said
Pieter Cornelissen shall permit this to be done without
any claim.
165 1
Mch. 20 Deed. Pieter Cornelissen to Jacob Hendricksen Kip.
{Dutch MSS., Ill: 75.) Desc: Lot to N. of Hendrick
Kip, Anthony Jansen and Hendrick Jansen, bounding
on the W. end up to the hook where the Honorable Com-
pany's brewery formerly hath stood, according to the
July 27 Deed. Hendrick H. Kip to Casper Stymensen.
(Dutch MSS., Ill: 142.) Recites gr-br. dated Apl. 28,
1643. Desc: Lot S. side Brewer Street, bounded on the
E. by Jan Jansen van St. Obin; on the S. by the ho. and
lot belonging to the grantor; on the W. by Bridge lane
(de brugh steegh); on the N. by the Brewer street; in the
length and br. according to J. Cortelyou: N. Side, 29^^
ft.; S. side, 24 ft.; W. side, 51 ft., E. side, 49 ft.
Note: This is partly out of H. H. Kip's grant and
partly from Cornelissen's grant.
Sep. 17 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jacob Kip. (Pats. Alb.,
II: 104.) Recites gr-br. to Pieter Cornelissen, Oct. 24,
1646. Transport of gr-br. by Cornelissen to Kip. Desc:
To the Northwards of lots of Hendrick Kip, Anthony
Jansen and Hendrick Smith; stretching about E. and W.
along the highway to the brewhouse heretofore of the
W. I. Co., II r., 3 ft., 6 ins.; alongst the said way to the
hook or corner where the Brew Ho. stood; southwards in
br. 4V2 r. from the said way to the corner of Kip's fence;
in br. exact 4r.; at the E. end in br. 1 r., 6 ft., 6 ins.;
with a reserve to make the highway broader upon
June 28 Deed. Jacob Kip to Jacob Strycker. (Lib. A, Deeds,
N. Y. Co.: 223.) Desc: One-half part of ho. and lot
S. of Brouwer Straat; bounded E. by ho. and lot of Isaac
Kip, Sen'r; W. by ho. and lot of Jan Jansen Van St. Obin;
bounded N. by the street. Measured by J. Cortelyou,
May 24, 1660; N. side, beginning at fence bet. ho. of J.
Kip to j/2 common passage of J. Jansen Van St. Obin
32 ft., I in.; S. side, 35 ft.; long on W. side, 44 ft., 4 ins.;
E. side, 34J^ ft. on which length it widens on lot of Isaac
Kip I ft., 7 ins., thence forward, 9 ft., 9 ins., making
together 44 ft., 3^2 ins. Recites deed, Mch. 20, 1651