Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Claes Jansen Van Naerden
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Claes Jansen Van Naerden. (GG: 97.) Desc. : A double lot for two houses lying bet. Rem Jansen and Willem Cornelissen Coster; S'ly from the Ft. Amster- dam, extending in br. in front of the ho., 5 r., 5 ft., 7 ins. and 8 gr. ; on the E. side to the Strand, 8 r., 8 ins.; in the rear, its br. along by the Strand 5 r., 5 ft. and 7 ins.; and from the Strand to the road, on the W. side of the ho., S r., 4 ft., 2 ins.; amtg. to 42 r., 7 ins. and 6 gr
Document Source(s)
GG: 97
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
May — Gr-br. to Claes Jansen Van Naerden. (GG: 97.)
Desc. : A double lot for two houses lying bet. Rem Jansen
and Willem Cornelissen Coster; S'ly from the Ft. Amster-
dam, extending in br. in front of the ho., 5 r., 5 ft., 7 ins.
and 8 gr. ; on the E. side to the Strand, 8 r., 8 ins.; in the
rear, its br. along by the Strand 5 r., 5 ft. and 7 ins.; and
from the Strand to the road, on the W. side of the ho.,
S r., 4 ft., 2 ins.; amtg. to 42 r., 7 ins. and 6 gr.
Oct. 29 Deed. Claes Jansen Van Naerden to Paulus Schrick.
(HH: 13.) Recites gr-br. 2 Jan. (sic), 1644. Desc: A
lot in Pearl Street, W. of the said Claes Jansen's ho. and
E. of Rem Jansen's lot; is in br. in front along the street
2 r., 4K ft.; in the rear along the shore, 2 r., 434 ft.; in
length on the E. 6 r., 8 ft., 4 ins.; in length on W., 6 r.,
Feb. 7 Deed. Paulus Schrick to Nickless Verlett. (Lib. A,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 123.) Recites survey by Cortelyou
Feb. 7, 1658; deed Oct. 29, 1652; public sale. Desc:
Lot S. of Pearl St.; bounded W. of ho. and lot of C.
Jansen Ruyter; E. of ho. and lot of P. Jacobsen Marius;
N. side, lyi r. br.; S. side, 2 r., 4 ft., 5 ins.; long on E.
side, 6 r., 8 ft., 4 ins.; W. side, 6 r., i ft., 5 ins.
Sep. 30 Deed. Claes Jansen Ruyter, Pieterje Jansen, ux. and
Herman Dousen to Tomas Francen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N.
Y. Co.: 244.) Desc: Ho. and lot S. of Pearl St. bounded
E. by ho. and lot of S. Fransen 104 ft., 6 ins.; S. by ho.
and lot of Jacob StofFelsen, 43 ft., 7 ins.; W. by ho. and
lot of Resolveert Waldron, 90 ft., 4 ins.; N. by Pearl St.,
May 25 Conf. Governor NicoUs to Thomas Fransen. (Pats.
Alb., Ill: 47.) Confirms s. a. above.
May — Gr-br. to Claes Jansen Van Naerden. (GG: 97.)
Desc. : A double lot for two houses lying bet. Rem Jansen
and Willem Cornelissen Coster; S'ly from the Ft. Amster-
dam, extending in br. in front of the ho., 5 r., 5 ft., 7 ins.
and 8 gr. ; on the E. side to the Strand, 8 r., 8 ins.; in the
rear, its br. along by the Strand 5 r., 5 ft. and 7 ins.; and
from the Strand to the road, on the W. side of the ho.,
S r., 4 ft., 2 ins.; amtg. to 42 r., 7 ins. and 6 gr.
Oct. 29 Deed. Claes Jansen Van Naerden to Paulus Schrick.
(HH: 13.) Recites gr-br. 2 Jan. (sic), 1644. Desc: A
lot in Pearl Street, W. of the said Claes Jansen's ho. and
E. of Rem Jansen's lot; is in br. in front along the street
2 r., 4K ft.; in the rear along the shore, 2 r., 434 ft.; in
length on the E. 6 r., 8 ft., 4 ins.; in length on W., 6 r.,
Feb. 7 Deed. Paulus Schrick to Nickless Verlett. (Lib. A,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 123.) Recites survey by Cortelyou
Feb. 7, 1658; deed Oct. 29, 1652; public sale. Desc:
Lot S. of Pearl St.; bounded W. of ho. and lot of C.
Jansen Ruyter; E. of ho. and lot of P. Jacobsen Marius;
N. side, lyi r. br.; S. side, 2 r., 4 ft., 5 ins.; long on E.
side, 6 r., 8 ft., 4 ins.; W. side, 6 r., i ft., 5 ins.
Sep. 30 Deed. Claes Jansen Ruyter, Pieterje Jansen, ux. and
Herman Dousen to Tomas Francen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N.
Y. Co.: 244.) Desc: Ho. and lot S. of Pearl St. bounded
E. by ho. and lot of S. Fransen 104 ft., 6 ins.; S. by ho.
and lot of Jacob StofFelsen, 43 ft., 7 ins.; W. by ho. and
lot of Resolveert Waldron, 90 ft., 4 ins.; N. by Pearl St.,
May 25 Conf. Governor NicoUs to Thomas Fransen. (Pats.
Alb., Ill: 47.) Confirms s. a. above.