Lot: J8 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Maretie Jansen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Maretie Jansen, wid. of Dirck Cornelissen. Not found of record. (See recital in conf. to Jacob Leisler, set forth below.)
Document Source(s)
HH: 51
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
May 17 Gr-br. to Maretie Jansen, wid. of Dirck Cornelissen.
Not found of record. (See recital in conf. to Jacob
Leisler, set forth below.)

'653 ^ , ^

Oct. 15 Deed. Govert Loockermans, atty. for Maretie Jansen,
his wife, to Peter Cornelissen Van der Veen. (HH: 51.)
Desc: A ho. and lot in Pearl street, directly opposite
the ho. of Pieter Wolfertsen.

Note: Pieter Cornells Van der Veen requests by peti-
tion, as he has incurred great expense on his dwelling-
house at the corner of Pearl street and is about to make
greater improvements as an ornament thereto, that a
Square may remain and be made by resolution there.
(Mch. IS, 16S7. Rec. N. Am., VII: 147.)

Above petition answered . . . The afsd. Square was
disposed of long before the distribution of the lots was
granted to the Burgomasters and therefore does not
belong to their Worships. (Mch. 29, 1657. Rec. N.
Am., VII: 148.)

The ho. of Pieter Wolfertsen van Couwenhoven was on
the north west corner of Pearl and Whitehall streets.
Oct. 6 Deed. Pieter Cornelissen Van der Veen to Pieter
Wolfertsen Van Couwenhoven. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co., 218.) Recites gr-br. May 17, 1648. Desc: Ho.
and lot S. of Pearl St., bounded E. to Water, S. by ho.
and lot of Van der Veen; W. by ho. and lot of E. Van Bor-
sum; N. by Pearl st. Recites measured by Cortelyou,
in front on street or N. side, 3 r., 9 ft. and further in
length on E. side, 2 r., 11 ft., 7 ins. where it contracts
near lot of E. Van Borsum to br. of i r., 7 ft. and further
S. on length I r., 4 ft.; in rear on S. side, 2 r., s ft.; long
on W. side, 4 r.

Deed. Pieter W. Van Couwenhoven to Cornells May 8
Steenwick (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 266.) Recites
deed of Oct. 6, 1660 and desc. s. a. said deed.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Cornelys Steenwick. (Pats. Apl. 17
Alb., II: 10.) Recites transport by Pieter van Couwen-
hoven to above, dated May 8, 1662. Desc: S. side
Pearle St. abutting on the E. Jacques Cousseau; on the
S. Jacob Leisler; on the W. Egbert Van Borsum and on
the N. to the said street; cont'g in br. before on the N.
side to the street, 3 r., 9 ft.; further in length on the E.,
2 r., II ft., 7 ins. and there where it comes narrower near
to Egbert Van Borsum's, in br., i r., 7 ft. and further
S'ly in length i r. and 4 ft. behind on the S. side in br.
2 r. and s ft- and in length on the W. side, 4 r.

Deed. Cornells Steenwick to Jacques Cousseau. Aug. 22
(Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 4s.) Recites deed. May 8,
1662. Desc: Ho. and lot S. of Pearl St., bounded E.
by the Water; S. by ho. and lot of J. Leisler; W. by ho.
and lot of Steenwick; N. by street. Measured by J.
Cortelyou, Aug. 13 of this year, N. and S. sides, 24 ft.;
E. long, 38 ft.; W. side, 37^^ ft.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jacques Cousseau. (Pats. May 16
Alb., II: 28.) Recites transport by Cornelys Steenwyck
to Jacques Cousseau, Aug. 22, 1664. Desc: s. a. fore-
going instrument.

Conf Governor Nicolls to Jacob Leisler. (Pats. Alb., Mch. 29
IV: 32.) Recites gr-br. to Maretie Jansen, wid. of
Dirck Cornelissen, May 17, 1648; transport of same to
Pieter Cornelissen van der Veen; marriage of whose wid.
and relict unto Jacob Leisler makes conf to latter. Desc:
Pearle St., br., 3 r., 9 ft.; E. side, 8 r., 6 ft., 4 ins. W.
side, 8 r., 7 ft.; behind on Jan Pieters or Egbert van
Borsum's side, 3 r., 9 ft., 3 ins.*

*Much of this grant had been transported before this conf. was

See recital in conf. to Jacob Leisler, set forth below