Lot: N5 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Peter Andriessen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Peter Andriessen. (GG: 121.) Desc: A cert, lot for a ho. and garden lying behind the Public Tavern (Stadt Harberg) betwixr Jacob Wolphertsen and Jochim Calder. Its br. before on the street is 3 r. ; on the E. side its length is 8 r., ; ft.; on the W. side next Jochim Calder its length is 7 r., 5 ft. and 7 ins.; amtg. in all to 24 r., i ft., 5 gr
Document Source(s)
GG: 121
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)

Oct. 19 Gr-br. to Peter Andriessen. (GG: 121.) Desc: A
cert, lot for a ho. and garden lying behind the Public
Tavern (Stadt Harberg) betwixr Jacob Wolphertsen and
Jochim Calder. Its br. before on the street is 3 r. ; on
the E. side its length is 8 r., ; ft.; on the W. side next
Jochim Calder its length is 7 r., 5 ft. and 7 ins.; amtg.
in all to 24 r., i ft., 5 gr.


Apl. 17 Deed. Peter Andriessen to Cornelys de Potter and
Cornelys Steenvvick. Not found of record, but recited
in conf. set forth below.

Aug. 31 Deed. Cornelys de Potter and Cornelys Steenwick
to William Herrick. Not found of record, but recited
in conf. set forth below.


Mch. II "Pieter Andriessen, alias the Chimney Sweep, asks
for a conveyance of the lot bought from the City, and
is ordered to go to the President [of the Burgomasters]
for a note." {Min. of Orph. Ct., II: 85.)
(In front of his grant, part of Slyck Steegh.)

Mch. 22 Conf Governor Nicolls to Thomas Wandall. (Pats.
Alb., IV: 23.) Recites transport by Pieter Andriessen
to Cornelys de Potter and Cornelys Steenwick 17th Apl.,
1654 out of a cert, patent or gr-br. Kieft to Andriessen,
Oct. 19, 1645; and the said Cornelys de Potter and
Cornelys Steenwick having likewise on the 31st Aug.,
1654 transported over to William Herrick of Mespath
Hills the same lot; and said Wandall having m. the wid.
and relict of Herrick. Desc: Behind the fence belonging
to the State House, abutting on the E. side to the ho.
and lot of Pieter Andriessen, on the W. upon Jochem
Calder, and having on the S. the St.; cont'g in br. towards
the said St., i r., 5 ft., 8 ins., in length on the E. side,

8 r., I ft.; on the W. 7 r., 8>^ ft., and behind to the st.
on the N. side in br. i r., 5 ft., 8 ins., which said ho. and
lot was on the 17th Apl., 1654 transported, &c., &c., as
above recited.

Apl. 20 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Pieter Andriessen's Wid.
(Pats. Alb., II: 12.) Recites gr-br. Kieft to Andriessen,
Oct. 19, 1645. Desc: Behind the State Ho., bet. Jacob
Wolphertsen and Jochim Calder; cont'g in br. before
towards the St., 3 r., in length on the E. side, 8 r., 5 ft.;
and on the W. side, next to Jochim Calder's, 7 r., 5 ft.,
7 ins.
Note: Wid. of Andriessen named Grieteyn