Lot: N7 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Wessel Evertsen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Wessel Evertsen. (GG: 151.) Desc: A July 2 cert, lot for a ho. and garden, bounded on the E. by Jacob Wolphertsen's and on the W. by Burger Joris- sen's lot; its br. on the S. side is 17 r., 5 ft., on the W. side, 9 r., 3 ft.; behind or on N. side its br. is 15 r., 5 ft.; on the E. side next to Burger Jorissen's, 6 r., 9 ft.; amtg. in all to 133 r., 6 ft., 5 ins
Document Source(s)
GG: 151
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)

Gr-br. to Wessel Evertsen. (GG: 151.) Desc: A July 2
cert, lot for a ho. and garden, bounded on the E. by
Jacob Wolphertsen's and on the W. by Burger Joris-
sen's lot; its br. on the S. side is 17 r., 5 ft., on the W.
side, 9 r., 3 ft.; behind or on N. side its br. is 15 r., 5 ft.;
on the E. side next to Burger Jorissen's, 6 r., 9 ft.; amtg.
in all to 133 r., 6 ft., 5 ins.


Deed. Wessell Evertsen to Michael Paulissen. Not Nov. 16
found of record, but recited in deed Paulissen to Otto,
set forth below.

Deed. Michael Paulissen to Tielman Van Vleck. Dec. 16
Not found of record, but recited in conf to Van Vleck,
set forth below.


Conf Governor Nicolls to Tielman Van Vleck. (Pats. May 6
Alb., Ill: 22.) Recites Michael Paulus transported
Dec. 16, 165S to Tielman Van Vleck: Desc: A cert. ho.
and lot to N. of High St., having to E. the housing and
lot of Aris Otto, to S. the High St. afsd.; to the W. the
ho. and lot of Nicklas de Meyer and to the N. the st.
called the Slyck Steegh; cont'g in br. on the S. side, 23
ft., 2 ins.; on the N. side, the like; in length on the E.
side, 8 r., 9 ft. and on W. side, 9 r., 2 ft.

Deed. Mighiel Paulissen to Aris Otto. (Lib. A, Dec. 16




Dec. 16 Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 144.) Desc: H. and lot of Paulissen,
N. of Hoogh St.; bounded E. by ho. and lot of W.
Eversen, 9 r., 2 ft.; S. by Hoogh St., 18 ft., 2 ins.; W. by
ho. and lot of Paulissen, 8 r., g ft.; N. by Slyck Steegh,
18 ft., 2 ins. Recites measured by J. Cottelyou, Oct. 10,
1658, according to bill of sale, Oct. 2, 1658. Deed, Nov.
16, 1658 and with a mtge. for 900 guilders.

Jan. 21 Deed. Lambert Barensen, having m. wid. of Otto
Aris, to Gerrit Hendricksen Van Harderwyck. (Lib. B,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: i.) Recites deed, Dec. 16, 1658.
Desc: His cert. ho. and lot N. of Hoogh Straat, s. a.
foregoing instrument.
Jan. 28 Deed. Gerrit Hendricksen van Harderwyck to Tysje
Willems, wid. of Willem Pietersen de Groot. (Lib. B,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 2.) Recites deed Jan. 21, 1663.
Desc; s. a. foregoing instrument.

Note: Evertsen's ho. and garden were retained by his
heirs until 1726. (Lib. 31, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 185.)

July 29 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Wessell Everts. (Pats.
Alb., H: 84.) Recites gr-br. to Wessell Evertsen, July 2,
1646. Desc: E. of Jacob Wolfertsen; W. of Burger
Jorissen; cont'g in br. on the S., 17 r., 6 ft.; behind on
the N., 15 r., 5 ft.; on W. side, 9 r., 3 ft.; on E. side,
6 r., 9 ft., next to Burger Jorissen; in all amtg. to 133 r.,
6 ft. and 5 ins.

Deed. Wessel Evertsen to Asset Levy. (Lib. B,
N. Y. Co.: 16.) Recites gr-br. July 2, 1646. Desc:
Lot N. of Hoogh Straat. Bounded E. by the ho. and
lot of D. Joghimsen; S. by St. afsd.; W. by the ho. and
lot of Wessel Evertsen; N. by the Slyck Steegh. Measured
by J. Cortelyou, May 9, 1663, is found: S. side, 21 ft.,
3 ins.; N. side, 21ft., 6 ins.; E. side, 7 r., 4 ft., 6 ins.;
W. side, 7 r., 8 ft., 7 ins. Recites gr-br. of July 2, 1646.

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Asser Levy. (Pats. Alb.,
II: I.) Recites transport by Wessell Everts to Levy,
June I, 1663. Desc: s. a. preceding instrument.
Prior to 1652
Deed. Wessell Evertsen to Burger Jorissen. Not
found of record. See Pats. Alb., H: 98. Set forth below.

28 Deed. Burger Jorissen to Jacob Hay. Not found of
record, but recited in conf. set forth below.

12 Conf. Governor Nicolls to David Jochems. (Pats.
Alb., H: 98.) Recites transport by Burger Jorissen
unto Jacob Hay, May 28, 1652, and further that David
Jochems m. the wid. of Jacob Hay. Desc: Lot, being
the Easternmost part of a cert, parcel granted unto
Wessell Everts by Kieft, July 2, 1646. Said lot cont'g
in br. before to the Strand, 3 r., 4 ft. and behind the like.
In length, stretching along as far as the whole parcel of
land reaches.