Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Burger Jorissen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Burger Jorissen. (GG: 58.) Desc: A lot Apl. 28 lying on the margin of the East river on the Island of the Manhattans, east of the Fort, extending E. II r. and N. 10 r., being an uneven square (parallelogram) cont'g no r. of land.
Document Source(s)
GG: 58
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. to Burger Jorissen. (GG: 58.) Desc: A lot Apl. 28
lying on the margin of the East river on the Island of the
Manhattans, east of the Fort, extending E. II r. and N.
10 r., being an uneven square (parallelogram) cont'g
no r. of land.
Deed and Bill of Sale. Burger Joris to Cornelis Dec. 15
Melyn. (Cal. Hist. MSS., DuUh: 31.) Desc: Ho. and
lot on E. River on the Island of Manhattan, bet. Melyn's
premises and the Great Tavern.
Deed. Burgomasters to Hendrick Van der Vin. (Lib. Feb. 14
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 120.) Recites that Orphan Masters
have not been pleased to regulate the Estate of Jochem
Pietersen Cuyter,* &LeentjeMettens,his wife, both killed
by Indians. t Desc: Ho. and lot of Jochem Pietersen
at the waal. W. by Heere Graft; bet. said Graft and ho.
and lot of S. Classen, in front on street 18 ft.; deep, 60 ft.;
recites conditions at Public Sale Jan. 12, this year.
*No deed found of record into Jochem Pietersen Cuyter.
t Cuyter or Kuyter was killed in Mch., 1654; his wid. m. Willem
Jansen but was also killed by the Indians in 1655.
Hendrick Jansen van der Vin appeared before burgo- May 6
masters and requested "that the lot be measured, saying
that ^yi ft. of the 9 ft. alley belongs to him, as the lot
was sold according to the bill of sale." {Min. Orph.
Court, II: 92.)
Deed. Cornelys Melyn to Sybout Claesen. Not found Apl. —
of record, but recited in Pats., II: 88, set forth below.
Note: The property changed hands in Apl., 165 1, but
the date of record of the instrument was not until nearly
10 years later (see below); litigation between Melyn
and Claesen is reported at length in the Records of New
Aug. 6 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Sybout Claesen. (Pats.
Alb., II: 88.) Recites transport Cornelys Melyn to
Claesen, Mch. 19, 1661; lot to N. of waal, having to W.
Hendrick Jans Vandervin; to the N. Cornells Melyn;
to the E. Adolph Peters; and to S. the waal aforenamed;
cont'g S. and N. sides, in br. 24 ft. and in length of either
side, 1:3 ft., 5 ins.
165 1
Sep. 20 Gr-br. to Mattheus de Vos. Not found of record, but
recited in conf. set forth below.
May 16 Declaration of Sale. Mattheus de Vos to AdolfF
Pietersen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 42.) Recites
same as adjoining lots by virtue of Director General to
De Vos, Sep. 20, 1651. Desc: Lot on East river,
abutting on W. side the lots of Sybout Claesen; on E.
side, lot of Jacob Steendam; N. side, St. opposite ho. of
Jacob van Couwenhoven, 20 ft.; S. side, the river; br. S.
side, 25 ft. running along. N. side, 20 ft. Timber
Feb. II Conf. Governor Nicolls to Adolph Pieters. (Pats.
Alb., II: 160.) Recites gr-br. to de Vos, Sep. 20, 165 1 ;
and transport by said Mattheus de Vos to Adolph
Pieters, June 16, 1656. Desc: Towards the East river,
next to Sybrant Claesen's. Cont'g in br. alongst the
Strand, 25 ft. and behind, 20 ft.
Sep. 20 Gr-br. to Cornelis Van Tienhoven. (GG: 225.)
Desc: A cert, lot lying on the Island of Manhattans in
the City of New Amsterdam on the East river, bounded
on the E. by Govert Loockermans, W. by the land of
Matheus de Vos; extending in br. 25 timber feet in
front on the Strand; in length till to the public road;
in the rear over against the ho. of Jacob Wolphertsen,
in br. 20 ft.
Oct. 12 Deed. Cornelis Van Tienhoven to Jacob Hendrick
Varrevanger. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: i.) Recites
gr-br. Sep. 20, 1651 {supra). Desc: s. a. preceding
Note: This deed was re-recorded Oct. 23, 1654. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 6.)
Oct. 12 Deed. Jacob Hendrick Vaervanger to Jacob Steen-
dam. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: i.) Recites s. a. van
Tienhoven to Vaervanger (Varrevanger).
Note: This deed was re-recorded Oct. 23, 1654. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 6.)
Sep. 23 Deed. Jacob Steendam to Jan CorneHssen Van
Hoorn. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 72.) Desc: Ho.
and lot on East river opposite ho. of J. Van Couwen-
hoven, bounded E. by G. Loockermans; W. by M. de
Vos and as large and small, br. and long as it was con-
veyed by J. H. Varrevanger to Steendam, by deed of
Oct. 23, 1654 and by him improved, &c., except what has
been cut off it.
Sep. 15 Deed. Jan Cornelissen van Hoorn to Cornelis Jansen
Van Hoorn. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 174.) Recites
bill of sale, Aug. 18, 1659; deed, Sep. 23, 1656. Desc:
Lot N. of the Waal within the city; bounded W. by ho.
and lot of A. Pietersen, 48 ft.; N. by lot of J. C. Van
Hoorn, 22>2 ft,; E. by ho. and lot of S. Jansen, 46 ft.; S. by
waal afsd., 25 ft. Passage way of 4 ft. to be on E. side.
Note: This instrument conveys only the S'ly part of
this lot.
May 16
Sep. 20
Mch. 29
Sep. 20
June 19
May S
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Cornelys Jansen Van
Hoorn. (Pats. Alb., II: 29.) Recites transport by Jan
Cornelys van Hoorn Sep. 15, 1659 to C. J. van Hoorn.
Lot to the N. of the waal, having on the W. the ground
of Adolph Pietersen; on the N. side Jan Cornelys van
Hoorn; on the E. Sybrant Jansen, and on the S. the said
waal; on the S. side, 25 ft. and on the N. behind 22^2 ft.;
in length on the W. side, 48 ft. and on the E. 46 ft.
Condition reserving on the E. side of the lot a space of
4 ft. for a common passage.
165 1
Gr-br. to Govert Loockermans. Not found of record
but recited in conf. set forth below.
Prior to 1661
Deed. Govert Loockermans to Sybrant Jansen. Not
found of record, but recited in conf. set forth below.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Sybrant Jansen. (Pats.
Alb., IV: 31.) Recites gr-br. to Loockermans, Sep. 20,
165 1 ; transport of the same by Loockermans to Jansen.
Desc: Lying by the East river, cont'g in br. on the
Strand, 25 ft. and behind, 20 ft.
Gr-br. to Adrian Bloemmart. Not found of record,
but recited in conf. set forth below.
Deed. Adrian Bloemmart to Rem Jansen (Smith).
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 161.) Recites gr-br. Sep. 20,
165 1 ; recites according to condition public sale on July 5,
1657. Desc: His cert. ho. and lot N. of the Waal; W.
by ho. and lot of S. Jansen; N. by High Street; E. by
City Hall (Stadt Huys); S. by the Waal. Br. and
length according to gr-br.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Rem Jansen. (Pats. Alb.,
Ill: 19.) Recites gr-br. to Adriaen Bloemmart, Sep. 20,
165 1 and transport by him June 19, 1659, to above-
named Jansen. Desc: N. of waal to N. of High St.,
as by the gr-br.
Note: The N. part of this lot was conveyed to Walter
Salter Sep. i, 1666. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 102.)
Therefore the conf. applies only to the remainder.
Stadt Harbergh — Stadt Huys — City Hall
The Stadt Harbergh or City Inn was built by Director-
General Kieft and completed by the early part of the
year 1642:
Lease. Director Kieft to Philip Gerritsen of the Com-
pany's House (Tavern); rent, 300 guilders; with the
right to retail the Company's wine and brandy, on which
he is to be allowed a profit of 6 stivers the can. A well
and brew-house to be erected in the rear. {Cal. Hist.
MSS., Dutch: 21.)
Stadt Huys granted to the
Directors at Amsterdam. (A'. Y
Rec. N. Am., I: 219.)
Council asked for a transfer to them of Stadt Huys
which now passed wholly under the city's jurisdiction.
{Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch: 147; Rec. N. Am., I: 291.)
Gr-br. to Burger Jorissen. (GG: 58.) Desc: A lot Apl. 28
lying on the margin of the East river on the Island of the
Manhattans, east of the Fort, extending E. II r. and N.
10 r., being an uneven square (parallelogram) cont'g
no r. of land.
Deed and Bill of Sale. Burger Joris to Cornelis Dec. 15
Melyn. (Cal. Hist. MSS., DuUh: 31.) Desc: Ho. and
lot on E. River on the Island of Manhattan, bet. Melyn's
premises and the Great Tavern.
Deed. Burgomasters to Hendrick Van der Vin. (Lib. Feb. 14
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 120.) Recites that Orphan Masters
have not been pleased to regulate the Estate of Jochem
Pietersen Cuyter,* &LeentjeMettens,his wife, both killed
by Indians. t Desc: Ho. and lot of Jochem Pietersen
at the waal. W. by Heere Graft; bet. said Graft and ho.
and lot of S. Classen, in front on street 18 ft.; deep, 60 ft.;
recites conditions at Public Sale Jan. 12, this year.
*No deed found of record into Jochem Pietersen Cuyter.
t Cuyter or Kuyter was killed in Mch., 1654; his wid. m. Willem
Jansen but was also killed by the Indians in 1655.
Hendrick Jansen van der Vin appeared before burgo- May 6
masters and requested "that the lot be measured, saying
that ^yi ft. of the 9 ft. alley belongs to him, as the lot
was sold according to the bill of sale." {Min. Orph.
Court, II: 92.)
Deed. Cornelys Melyn to Sybout Claesen. Not found Apl. —
of record, but recited in Pats., II: 88, set forth below.
Note: The property changed hands in Apl., 165 1, but
the date of record of the instrument was not until nearly
10 years later (see below); litigation between Melyn
and Claesen is reported at length in the Records of New
Aug. 6 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Sybout Claesen. (Pats.
Alb., II: 88.) Recites transport Cornelys Melyn to
Claesen, Mch. 19, 1661; lot to N. of waal, having to W.
Hendrick Jans Vandervin; to the N. Cornells Melyn;
to the E. Adolph Peters; and to S. the waal aforenamed;
cont'g S. and N. sides, in br. 24 ft. and in length of either
side, 1:3 ft., 5 ins.
165 1
Sep. 20 Gr-br. to Mattheus de Vos. Not found of record, but
recited in conf. set forth below.
May 16 Declaration of Sale. Mattheus de Vos to AdolfF
Pietersen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 42.) Recites
same as adjoining lots by virtue of Director General to
De Vos, Sep. 20, 1651. Desc: Lot on East river,
abutting on W. side the lots of Sybout Claesen; on E.
side, lot of Jacob Steendam; N. side, St. opposite ho. of
Jacob van Couwenhoven, 20 ft.; S. side, the river; br. S.
side, 25 ft. running along. N. side, 20 ft. Timber
Feb. II Conf. Governor Nicolls to Adolph Pieters. (Pats.
Alb., II: 160.) Recites gr-br. to de Vos, Sep. 20, 165 1 ;
and transport by said Mattheus de Vos to Adolph
Pieters, June 16, 1656. Desc: Towards the East river,
next to Sybrant Claesen's. Cont'g in br. alongst the
Strand, 25 ft. and behind, 20 ft.
Sep. 20 Gr-br. to Cornelis Van Tienhoven. (GG: 225.)
Desc: A cert, lot lying on the Island of Manhattans in
the City of New Amsterdam on the East river, bounded
on the E. by Govert Loockermans, W. by the land of
Matheus de Vos; extending in br. 25 timber feet in
front on the Strand; in length till to the public road;
in the rear over against the ho. of Jacob Wolphertsen,
in br. 20 ft.
Oct. 12 Deed. Cornelis Van Tienhoven to Jacob Hendrick
Varrevanger. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: i.) Recites
gr-br. Sep. 20, 1651 {supra). Desc: s. a. preceding
Note: This deed was re-recorded Oct. 23, 1654. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 6.)
Oct. 12 Deed. Jacob Hendrick Vaervanger to Jacob Steen-
dam. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: i.) Recites s. a. van
Tienhoven to Vaervanger (Varrevanger).
Note: This deed was re-recorded Oct. 23, 1654. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 6.)
Sep. 23 Deed. Jacob Steendam to Jan CorneHssen Van
Hoorn. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 72.) Desc: Ho.
and lot on East river opposite ho. of J. Van Couwen-
hoven, bounded E. by G. Loockermans; W. by M. de
Vos and as large and small, br. and long as it was con-
veyed by J. H. Varrevanger to Steendam, by deed of
Oct. 23, 1654 and by him improved, &c., except what has
been cut off it.
Sep. 15 Deed. Jan Cornelissen van Hoorn to Cornelis Jansen
Van Hoorn. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 174.) Recites
bill of sale, Aug. 18, 1659; deed, Sep. 23, 1656. Desc:
Lot N. of the Waal within the city; bounded W. by ho.
and lot of A. Pietersen, 48 ft.; N. by lot of J. C. Van
Hoorn, 22>2 ft,; E. by ho. and lot of S. Jansen, 46 ft.; S. by
waal afsd., 25 ft. Passage way of 4 ft. to be on E. side.
Note: This instrument conveys only the S'ly part of
this lot.
May 16
Sep. 20
Mch. 29
Sep. 20
June 19
May S
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Cornelys Jansen Van
Hoorn. (Pats. Alb., II: 29.) Recites transport by Jan
Cornelys van Hoorn Sep. 15, 1659 to C. J. van Hoorn.
Lot to the N. of the waal, having on the W. the ground
of Adolph Pietersen; on the N. side Jan Cornelys van
Hoorn; on the E. Sybrant Jansen, and on the S. the said
waal; on the S. side, 25 ft. and on the N. behind 22^2 ft.;
in length on the W. side, 48 ft. and on the E. 46 ft.
Condition reserving on the E. side of the lot a space of
4 ft. for a common passage.
165 1
Gr-br. to Govert Loockermans. Not found of record
but recited in conf. set forth below.
Prior to 1661
Deed. Govert Loockermans to Sybrant Jansen. Not
found of record, but recited in conf. set forth below.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Sybrant Jansen. (Pats.
Alb., IV: 31.) Recites gr-br. to Loockermans, Sep. 20,
165 1 ; transport of the same by Loockermans to Jansen.
Desc: Lying by the East river, cont'g in br. on the
Strand, 25 ft. and behind, 20 ft.
Gr-br. to Adrian Bloemmart. Not found of record,
but recited in conf. set forth below.
Deed. Adrian Bloemmart to Rem Jansen (Smith).
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 161.) Recites gr-br. Sep. 20,
165 1 ; recites according to condition public sale on July 5,
1657. Desc: His cert. ho. and lot N. of the Waal; W.
by ho. and lot of S. Jansen; N. by High Street; E. by
City Hall (Stadt Huys); S. by the Waal. Br. and
length according to gr-br.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Rem Jansen. (Pats. Alb.,
Ill: 19.) Recites gr-br. to Adriaen Bloemmart, Sep. 20,
165 1 and transport by him June 19, 1659, to above-
named Jansen. Desc: N. of waal to N. of High St.,
as by the gr-br.
Note: The N. part of this lot was conveyed to Walter
Salter Sep. i, 1666. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 102.)
Therefore the conf. applies only to the remainder.
Stadt Harbergh — Stadt Huys — City Hall
The Stadt Harbergh or City Inn was built by Director-
General Kieft and completed by the early part of the
year 1642:
Lease. Director Kieft to Philip Gerritsen of the Com-
pany's House (Tavern); rent, 300 guilders; with the
right to retail the Company's wine and brandy, on which
he is to be allowed a profit of 6 stivers the can. A well
and brew-house to be erected in the rear. {Cal. Hist.
MSS., Dutch: 21.)
Stadt Huys granted to the
Directors at Amsterdam. (A'. Y
Rec. N. Am., I: 219.)
Council asked for a transfer to them of Stadt Huys
which now passed wholly under the city's jurisdiction.
{Cal. Hist. MSS., Dutch: 147; Rec. N. Am., I: 291.)