Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Richard Smith
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Richard Smith. (GG: 106.) Desc: A lot lying on the Island of Manhattans on the East river, E. of the lot of Thomas Willet; it extends next to the said lot of Thomas Willet or on the E. {read W.) end, 5 r. in length off from the wharf by S., 11 r., I ft. and 7 ins.; its br. on the E. side is 4 r., 7 ft.; on the N. side along the wagon road, 12 r. and 4 ft., amtg. in all to 62 r., 7 ins.
Document Source(s)
GG: 106
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
July 4 Gr-br. to Richard Smith. (GG: 106.) Desc: A lot
lying on the Island of Manhattans on the East river,
E. of the lot of Thomas Willet; it extends next to the
said lot of Thomas Willet or on the E. {read W.) end,
5 r. in length off from the wharf by S., 11 r., I ft. and
7 ins.; its br. on the E. side is 4 r., 7 ft.; on the N. side
along the wagon road, 12 r. and 4 ft., amtg. in all to
62 r., 7 ins.
' 1651
Aug. 16 Deed. Richard Smith, Jr., Agent for Richard Smith,
to Gillis Pietersen. (Dutch MSS., Ill: 90.) Desc: Ho.
and lot next the lot of Charles Van Brugge, in size
according to the gr-br.
(This instrument is evidently a trust deed or mort-
Nov. 2 Deed. Tomas Willett, atty. of Ritzert Smith, to
TomasWandel. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 286.) Desc:
Ho. and lot of Ritzert Smith, N. of the Waal, bounded
W. by ho. and lot of O. Stevensen; N. by the Hoogh
Straat; E. by superstructure and lot of Jan Hendricks
Steelman; S. by the Waal. Measured by J. Cortelyou.
Recites gr-br. July 4, 1645 to Smith.
Apl. 20 Deed. Tomas Wandel to Arien Huybersen. (Lib.
B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 12.) Recites deed Nov. 2, 1662.
Desc: Ho. and lot S. of Hoogh Straat, bounded E. by
lot of J. H. Steelman; S. by ho. and lot of Tomas Wandel;
W. by lot of O. S. Van Cortlandt; N. by the Hoogh
Straat. Measured by J. Cortelyou, Apl. 13, 1663, is
found N. and S. sides, 3 r., 8 ft. and 8 ins. W. and E. Apl. 20
sides, 24 ft.
Deed. Tomas Willet, atty. of Ritzert Smitt, to Jan Oct. 30
Hendricksen Steelman. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 285.)
Desc: A cert, superstructure and lot N. of the Waal;
bounded W. by ho. and lot of T. Wandel, 78 ft.; N.by
Hoogh Straat, 28 ft., 5 ins.; E. by ho. and lot of Jan H.
Steelman, 78 ft.; S. by Waal, 28 ft. Measured by J.
Cortelyou, July 13, 1661. Recites gr-br. July 4, 1645.
Conf Governor Nicolls to Jan Hendricks Steelman. Feb. 17
(Pats. Alb., II: 172.) Recites transport by Thomas
Willett to Steelman, Oct. 30, 1662. Desc: s. a. preceding
Deed. Tomas Willett, atty. of Ritzert Smitt, Jr., to July 15
Jan Hendricksen Steelman. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.:
232.) Desc: An improved lot S. of Hoogh Straat,
bounded E. by ho. and lot of E. Duycking, 77 ft.; S.
by the Waal, 34 ft.; W. by ho. and lot of R. Smith, Jr.,
78 ft.; N. by Hoogh Straat, 34 ft. Measured by J.
Cortelyou, July 13, 1661; s. a. gr-br. to Willett. Accord-
ing to minute. May 25, 1661; said lot on S. side, Duyck-
ingh's lot is built on to extreme side without any drop
and on N. E. side of Evert's lot with 4 ins. drop.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jan Hendricks Steelman. Feb. 17
(Pats. Alb., II: 171.) Recites transport Thomas Willett
to Steelman, July 15, 1661; desc: s. a. said instrument
Deed. Richard Smith, senior, to Evert Duyckingh. Nov. 10
(Lib. A, Deeds, N.Y. Co.: 77.) Desc: Lot on East river,
abutting on E. side lot of A. Clock and on W. side lot of
Richard Smith, opposite ho. of R. Jacobsen on N. and
on S. side, the East river. Br. both front and rear on S.
and N. sides, 2^ r. and 2 English ft, and long from road
at N. side as St. runs, to river or sheet piling, in virtue of
gr-br. July 4, 1645.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Evert Duyckingh. (Pats. Sep. 13
Alb., II: 99.) Recites transport by Richard Smith, St.,
Nov. 10, 1656 to abovenamed Evert Duyckingh. Desc:
Lot towards East river, having on E. side Abraham
Clock; on W. side lot belonging to said Richard Smith;
on N. side and over against it Rutt Jacobs, and on the
S. side, the East river; cont'g in br. as well before as
behind, both on the S. and N. sides, 2J-2 r., 2 ft.; and
in length from highway which is on the N. side towards
the river as it lies within the fence on the E. and W. sides.
Recites that said Richard Smith did also May 25, 1661
transport and make over to Evert Duyckingh, an addi-
tion of ground adjoining to the former being on S. and
N. sides, 6 ft. in length as before.
July 4 Gr-br. to Richard Smith. (GG: 106.) Desc: A lot
lying on the Island of Manhattans on the East river,
E. of the lot of Thomas Willet; it extends next to the
said lot of Thomas Willet or on the E. {read W.) end,
5 r. in length off from the wharf by S., 11 r., I ft. and
7 ins.; its br. on the E. side is 4 r., 7 ft.; on the N. side
along the wagon road, 12 r. and 4 ft., amtg. in all to
62 r., 7 ins.
' 1651
Aug. 16 Deed. Richard Smith, Jr., Agent for Richard Smith,
to Gillis Pietersen. (Dutch MSS., Ill: 90.) Desc: Ho.
and lot next the lot of Charles Van Brugge, in size
according to the gr-br.
(This instrument is evidently a trust deed or mort-
Nov. 2 Deed. Tomas Willett, atty. of Ritzert Smith, to
TomasWandel. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 286.) Desc:
Ho. and lot of Ritzert Smith, N. of the Waal, bounded
W. by ho. and lot of O. Stevensen; N. by the Hoogh
Straat; E. by superstructure and lot of Jan Hendricks
Steelman; S. by the Waal. Measured by J. Cortelyou.
Recites gr-br. July 4, 1645 to Smith.
Apl. 20 Deed. Tomas Wandel to Arien Huybersen. (Lib.
B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 12.) Recites deed Nov. 2, 1662.
Desc: Ho. and lot S. of Hoogh Straat, bounded E. by
lot of J. H. Steelman; S. by ho. and lot of Tomas Wandel;
W. by lot of O. S. Van Cortlandt; N. by the Hoogh
Straat. Measured by J. Cortelyou, Apl. 13, 1663, is
found N. and S. sides, 3 r., 8 ft. and 8 ins. W. and E. Apl. 20
sides, 24 ft.
Deed. Tomas Willet, atty. of Ritzert Smitt, to Jan Oct. 30
Hendricksen Steelman. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 285.)
Desc: A cert, superstructure and lot N. of the Waal;
bounded W. by ho. and lot of T. Wandel, 78 ft.; N.by
Hoogh Straat, 28 ft., 5 ins.; E. by ho. and lot of Jan H.
Steelman, 78 ft.; S. by Waal, 28 ft. Measured by J.
Cortelyou, July 13, 1661. Recites gr-br. July 4, 1645.
Conf Governor Nicolls to Jan Hendricks Steelman. Feb. 17
(Pats. Alb., II: 172.) Recites transport by Thomas
Willett to Steelman, Oct. 30, 1662. Desc: s. a. preceding
Deed. Tomas Willett, atty. of Ritzert Smitt, Jr., to July 15
Jan Hendricksen Steelman. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.:
232.) Desc: An improved lot S. of Hoogh Straat,
bounded E. by ho. and lot of E. Duycking, 77 ft.; S.
by the Waal, 34 ft.; W. by ho. and lot of R. Smith, Jr.,
78 ft.; N. by Hoogh Straat, 34 ft. Measured by J.
Cortelyou, July 13, 1661; s. a. gr-br. to Willett. Accord-
ing to minute. May 25, 1661; said lot on S. side, Duyck-
ingh's lot is built on to extreme side without any drop
and on N. E. side of Evert's lot with 4 ins. drop.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jan Hendricks Steelman. Feb. 17
(Pats. Alb., II: 171.) Recites transport Thomas Willett
to Steelman, July 15, 1661; desc: s. a. said instrument
Deed. Richard Smith, senior, to Evert Duyckingh. Nov. 10
(Lib. A, Deeds, N.Y. Co.: 77.) Desc: Lot on East river,
abutting on E. side lot of A. Clock and on W. side lot of
Richard Smith, opposite ho. of R. Jacobsen on N. and
on S. side, the East river. Br. both front and rear on S.
and N. sides, 2^ r. and 2 English ft, and long from road
at N. side as St. runs, to river or sheet piling, in virtue of
gr-br. July 4, 1645.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Evert Duyckingh. (Pats. Sep. 13
Alb., II: 99.) Recites transport by Richard Smith, St.,
Nov. 10, 1656 to abovenamed Evert Duyckingh. Desc:
Lot towards East river, having on E. side Abraham
Clock; on W. side lot belonging to said Richard Smith;
on N. side and over against it Rutt Jacobs, and on the
S. side, the East river; cont'g in br. as well before as
behind, both on the S. and N. sides, 2J-2 r., 2 ft.; and
in length from highway which is on the N. side towards
the river as it lies within the fence on the E. and W. sides.
Recites that said Richard Smith did also May 25, 1661
transport and make over to Evert Duyckingh, an addi-
tion of ground adjoining to the former being on S. and
N. sides, 6 ft. in length as before.