Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Tymen Jansen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Tymen Jansen. (GO: 71.) Desc: Apiece of land lying on the Manhattans bounded on the west by the land of Hendrick Jansen, extending W-by-N. and W. N. W. 37 r., 7 ft.; and 20 r., 10 ft., i in., S.; a little W. 24 r., 5 ft., 6 ins.; yet 17 r., 6 ft., 10 ins. S. W.; a little S'ly with an outpoint, E'ly 2 r., 4>^ ft., extending out; amtg. in all to 646 r., 10 ft., 5 ins
Document Source(s)
GO: 71
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
July 3 Gr-br. to Tymen Jansen. (GO: 71.) Desc: Apiece
of land lying on the Manhattans bounded on the west
by the land of Hendrick Jansen, extending W-by-N.
and W. N. W. 37 r., 7 ft.; and 20 r., 10 ft., i in., S.; a
little W. 24 r., 5 ft., 6 ins.; yet 17 r., 6 ft., 10 ins. S. W.;
a little S'ly with an outpoint, E'ly 2 r., 4>^ ft., extending
out; amtg. in all to 646 r., 10 ft., 5 ins.
Note: The wid. of Tymen Jansen m. Govert Loocker-
mans. See conf. to him, set forth below.
Nov. 28 Deed. Govert Loockermans to Caturlna Roelofs, wid.
of Lucas Rodenburgh. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 108.)
Desc: Lot, bounded E. by ho. and lot occupied by
Govert Loockermans, 1 1 r., 8 ft., 3 ins.; S. by road or
shore of East river, 3 r.; W. by ho. and lot of B. Jorissen
12 r., 2 ft.; N. by lot of his, the appearer's, 3 r. measured
in length and br. by J. Cortelyou, Oct. 2, 1657; recites
gr-br. July 3, 1643.
July 10 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Katherine Roeliffs. (Pats.
Alb., II: 72.) Recites transport Loockermans to
Katherine Roeliffs, Nov. 28, 1657; that Katherine is the
wid. of Lucas Rodenburgh, deed. That Johannes Van
Brugh has married the said Katherine. Desc: Lot
having to the E. Govert Loockermans's dwelling-ho.;
S. the Strand of the East river; W. Burger Jorissen; N.
lot belonging to said Govert; cont'g in br. on S. side,
3 r.; N. side, 3 r.; E. side, 11 r., 8 ft., 3 ins.; W. side,
12 r., 2 ft.
Feb. 20 Deed. Govert Loockermans to Claes Hendricks.
(HH: 12.) Desc: A lot E'ward of the ho. now occupied
by Govert Loockermans; in br. on S. side or along the
shore, 16 r., 2,14 ft.; on N. side, along Jan Damen's land,
16 r., 4 ft.; on E. 7K r.: on W., 16 r., 6 ft.
Feb. 28 Deed. Claes Hendricksen to William Pietersen. (HH:
15.) Desc: A lot with the buildings thereon standing,
next to Govert Loockermans, along the river side; being
in length on the S. side 3 r. and in the rear along Jan
Damen's land in br., 3 r. ; in length on W. side, 16 r.,
6 ft.; on E., 14 r., 4 ft. Recites gr-br. of Feb. 2, 1653.
Mch. 24 Deed. William Pieters to R. Reynoutsen. Not re-
corded but recited in conf set forth below:
Apl. 4 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Reynout Reynoutsen.
(Pats. Alb., IV: 37.) Recites transport William Pieters
unto R. Reynoutsen, Mch. 24, 1661. Desc: S. to the
water-side where the shipps ride, having to the W. ground
belonging to Govert Loockermans; to the N. that of
Reynier Ryckes; to the E. Andries Joghims and to the
S. the waterside aforementioned. Cont'g in br. before
to the St., 3 r., and to the N. the like; in length on the W.
side, 16 r., 6 ft., and on the E. 14 r., 4 ft.
May 25 Deed. Claes Hendrix to Andries Jochemsen. Not
found of record, but recited in a mortgage by Jochemsen
to John Lawrence, of May i, 1667. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 131.)
May 17 Deed. Claes Hendricks to J. J. Hays. Not found of
record, but recited in deed Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 58, May 17
set forth below.
Deed. J. J. Hays to Arent Van Corlaer. Not found July 16
of record, but recited in deed Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 58.
Deed. Arent Van Corlaer to William Beeckman. Not June 24
found of record, but recited in deed Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 58.
Deed. Wilhelm Beeckman to Alexander Bryan and July 20
William East. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 58.) Desc:
His houses and lots on East river, bet. ho. and lot of A.
Jochemsen on the W. side; E. side by lot of J. Flodder.
Formerly of C. Hendricks and by him conveyed. May 17,
1654 to J. J. Hays and by him conveyed, July 16, 1655
unto Arent Van Corlaer and by him conveyed June 24,
1656 to Wilhelm Beeckman; except mill ho. Lot as
large and small as in above deeds.
Deed. William East to Jan Lauwerensen. (Lib. A, Aug. 7
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 172.) Desc: 2 houses and lots N. of
the Waal, bounded W. by A. Joghimsen, 12 r., 4 ft., but
on length of 72 ft., jutting out 6 ft.; N. by D. Litcho,
1 r., 9 ft., 4 ins.; E. by J. Flodder, 10 r., 2 ft.; S. by Waal,
3 r., 5 ft., 4 ins. According to survey by J. Cortelyou,
Sep. 6, this year. According to bill of sale, June 22,
1659; deed July 20, 1656.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to John Lawrence. (Pats. Apl. 15
Alb., II: 9.) Recites transport made by Mr. William
East of Milford, New England to John Lawrence Aug. 7,
1659. Desc: N. side St. which lies towards the Waal or
place where the ships ride at anchor on the East river;
abutting on the W. to Andries Joghimsen; on the N. to
the ground heretofore belonging to Lieut. Daniell
Litscho; on the E. to Jacob Flodder's and on the S. to
the said waal. Cont'g in br. on the S. side, 3 r., 5 ft.,
4 ins.; and on the N., I r., 9 ft., 4 ins.; in length on the
W. side, 12 r., 4 ft. and at the length of 72 ft. striking
with a corner of ground 6 ft. farther; it is on the E. side
10 r., 2 ft.
Deed. Claes Hendricksen to J. J. Flodder. Not May 17
found of record, but recited in conf set forth below.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jacob Jansen Flodder. Apl. 5
(Pats. Alb., IV: 40.) Recites transport by Claes
Hendricksen to J. J. Flodder, May 17, 1654, who had
the same transported to him by Govert Loockermans on
Feb. 2, 1653. Desc: Lying towards the East river;
cont'g in br. on the S. side to the St., 3 r., 2 ft,, 6 ins.;
behind on the N. side i r., 7 ft., 6 ins.; in length on the
W. side, 10 r., 2 ft., 6 ins. and on the E. side, 7 r., 7 ft.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Balthazar De Haart. June 28
(Pats. Alb., II: 56.) Recites transport Claes Hendrick-
sen to Jacob Jansen Flodder, May 17, 1654. Desc: Lot
towards the East river near unto the water port in the
St. commonly called the Waal, bet. the houses of Mr.
John Lawrence and the wid. Litscho. Cont'g in br.
on the S. side to the St., 3 r., 2 ft., 6 ins. and behind on
the N. side, i r., 7 ft., 6 ins.; length on the W. side, 10 r.,
2 ft., 6 ins.; on the E. side, 7 r., 7 ins. on which said
lot of ground was heretofore a dwelling-ho. which the
said Jacob Jansen Flodder hath suffered to be dilapi-
dated and wholly come to ruin, the said ground having
likewise for divers years layn waste and the fence and
highway who {sic) ought to have been kept in repairs,
having been neglected to the great prejudice of the
neighbors in particular and also of the inhabitants in
general, of all of which though divers admonitions have
been sent to the said Flodder as well as the several orders
made thereupon yett he hath taken no notice thereof
nor any way minded the same, therefore the said
June 28 lot ... is .. . forfeited to his R. Highness . . .
and I do confirme and graunt the same unto Balthazar
de Haart, &c.
Apl. 18 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Govert Loockermans.
(Pats. Alb., II: 14.) Recites gr-br. Kieft to Tymen
Jansen {supra). Desc: s. a. gr-br.
Note: Loockermans is confirmed in the entire gr-br.
This sometimes was done, although, as with the property
here treated of, much of the land had been ahenated
before the date of the confirmation.
July 3 Gr-br. to Tymen Jansen. (GO: 71.) Desc: Apiece
of land lying on the Manhattans bounded on the west
by the land of Hendrick Jansen, extending W-by-N.
and W. N. W. 37 r., 7 ft.; and 20 r., 10 ft., i in., S.; a
little W. 24 r., 5 ft., 6 ins.; yet 17 r., 6 ft., 10 ins. S. W.;
a little S'ly with an outpoint, E'ly 2 r., 4>^ ft., extending
out; amtg. in all to 646 r., 10 ft., 5 ins.
Note: The wid. of Tymen Jansen m. Govert Loocker-
mans. See conf. to him, set forth below.
Nov. 28 Deed. Govert Loockermans to Caturlna Roelofs, wid.
of Lucas Rodenburgh. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 108.)
Desc: Lot, bounded E. by ho. and lot occupied by
Govert Loockermans, 1 1 r., 8 ft., 3 ins.; S. by road or
shore of East river, 3 r.; W. by ho. and lot of B. Jorissen
12 r., 2 ft.; N. by lot of his, the appearer's, 3 r. measured
in length and br. by J. Cortelyou, Oct. 2, 1657; recites
gr-br. July 3, 1643.
July 10 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Katherine Roeliffs. (Pats.
Alb., II: 72.) Recites transport Loockermans to
Katherine Roeliffs, Nov. 28, 1657; that Katherine is the
wid. of Lucas Rodenburgh, deed. That Johannes Van
Brugh has married the said Katherine. Desc: Lot
having to the E. Govert Loockermans's dwelling-ho.;
S. the Strand of the East river; W. Burger Jorissen; N.
lot belonging to said Govert; cont'g in br. on S. side,
3 r.; N. side, 3 r.; E. side, 11 r., 8 ft., 3 ins.; W. side,
12 r., 2 ft.
Feb. 20 Deed. Govert Loockermans to Claes Hendricks.
(HH: 12.) Desc: A lot E'ward of the ho. now occupied
by Govert Loockermans; in br. on S. side or along the
shore, 16 r., 2,14 ft.; on N. side, along Jan Damen's land,
16 r., 4 ft.; on E. 7K r.: on W., 16 r., 6 ft.
Feb. 28 Deed. Claes Hendricksen to William Pietersen. (HH:
15.) Desc: A lot with the buildings thereon standing,
next to Govert Loockermans, along the river side; being
in length on the S. side 3 r. and in the rear along Jan
Damen's land in br., 3 r. ; in length on W. side, 16 r.,
6 ft.; on E., 14 r., 4 ft. Recites gr-br. of Feb. 2, 1653.
Mch. 24 Deed. William Pieters to R. Reynoutsen. Not re-
corded but recited in conf set forth below:
Apl. 4 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Reynout Reynoutsen.
(Pats. Alb., IV: 37.) Recites transport William Pieters
unto R. Reynoutsen, Mch. 24, 1661. Desc: S. to the
water-side where the shipps ride, having to the W. ground
belonging to Govert Loockermans; to the N. that of
Reynier Ryckes; to the E. Andries Joghims and to the
S. the waterside aforementioned. Cont'g in br. before
to the St., 3 r., and to the N. the like; in length on the W.
side, 16 r., 6 ft., and on the E. 14 r., 4 ft.
May 25 Deed. Claes Hendrix to Andries Jochemsen. Not
found of record, but recited in a mortgage by Jochemsen
to John Lawrence, of May i, 1667. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 131.)
May 17 Deed. Claes Hendricks to J. J. Hays. Not found of
record, but recited in deed Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 58, May 17
set forth below.
Deed. J. J. Hays to Arent Van Corlaer. Not found July 16
of record, but recited in deed Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 58.
Deed. Arent Van Corlaer to William Beeckman. Not June 24
found of record, but recited in deed Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 58.
Deed. Wilhelm Beeckman to Alexander Bryan and July 20
William East. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 58.) Desc:
His houses and lots on East river, bet. ho. and lot of A.
Jochemsen on the W. side; E. side by lot of J. Flodder.
Formerly of C. Hendricks and by him conveyed. May 17,
1654 to J. J. Hays and by him conveyed, July 16, 1655
unto Arent Van Corlaer and by him conveyed June 24,
1656 to Wilhelm Beeckman; except mill ho. Lot as
large and small as in above deeds.
Deed. William East to Jan Lauwerensen. (Lib. A, Aug. 7
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 172.) Desc: 2 houses and lots N. of
the Waal, bounded W. by A. Joghimsen, 12 r., 4 ft., but
on length of 72 ft., jutting out 6 ft.; N. by D. Litcho,
1 r., 9 ft., 4 ins.; E. by J. Flodder, 10 r., 2 ft.; S. by Waal,
3 r., 5 ft., 4 ins. According to survey by J. Cortelyou,
Sep. 6, this year. According to bill of sale, June 22,
1659; deed July 20, 1656.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to John Lawrence. (Pats. Apl. 15
Alb., II: 9.) Recites transport made by Mr. William
East of Milford, New England to John Lawrence Aug. 7,
1659. Desc: N. side St. which lies towards the Waal or
place where the ships ride at anchor on the East river;
abutting on the W. to Andries Joghimsen; on the N. to
the ground heretofore belonging to Lieut. Daniell
Litscho; on the E. to Jacob Flodder's and on the S. to
the said waal. Cont'g in br. on the S. side, 3 r., 5 ft.,
4 ins.; and on the N., I r., 9 ft., 4 ins.; in length on the
W. side, 12 r., 4 ft. and at the length of 72 ft. striking
with a corner of ground 6 ft. farther; it is on the E. side
10 r., 2 ft.
Deed. Claes Hendricksen to J. J. Flodder. Not May 17
found of record, but recited in conf set forth below.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jacob Jansen Flodder. Apl. 5
(Pats. Alb., IV: 40.) Recites transport by Claes
Hendricksen to J. J. Flodder, May 17, 1654, who had
the same transported to him by Govert Loockermans on
Feb. 2, 1653. Desc: Lying towards the East river;
cont'g in br. on the S. side to the St., 3 r., 2 ft,, 6 ins.;
behind on the N. side i r., 7 ft., 6 ins.; in length on the
W. side, 10 r., 2 ft., 6 ins. and on the E. side, 7 r., 7 ft.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Balthazar De Haart. June 28
(Pats. Alb., II: 56.) Recites transport Claes Hendrick-
sen to Jacob Jansen Flodder, May 17, 1654. Desc: Lot
towards the East river near unto the water port in the
St. commonly called the Waal, bet. the houses of Mr.
John Lawrence and the wid. Litscho. Cont'g in br.
on the S. side to the St., 3 r., 2 ft., 6 ins. and behind on
the N. side, i r., 7 ft., 6 ins.; length on the W. side, 10 r.,
2 ft., 6 ins.; on the E. side, 7 r., 7 ins. on which said
lot of ground was heretofore a dwelling-ho. which the
said Jacob Jansen Flodder hath suffered to be dilapi-
dated and wholly come to ruin, the said ground having
likewise for divers years layn waste and the fence and
highway who {sic) ought to have been kept in repairs,
having been neglected to the great prejudice of the
neighbors in particular and also of the inhabitants in
general, of all of which though divers admonitions have
been sent to the said Flodder as well as the several orders
made thereupon yett he hath taken no notice thereof
nor any way minded the same, therefore the said
June 28 lot ... is .. . forfeited to his R. Highness . . .
and I do confirme and graunt the same unto Balthazar
de Haart, &c.
Apl. 18 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Govert Loockermans.
(Pats. Alb., II: 14.) Recites gr-br. Kieft to Tymen
Jansen {supra). Desc: s. a. gr-br.
Note: Loockermans is confirmed in the entire gr-br.
This sometimes was done, although, as with the property
here treated of, much of the land had been ahenated
before the date of the confirmation.