Lot: R4 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Gilyam Cornelse
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Gilyam Cornelse (or Cornelys). (GG: 198.) Desc: A cert, lot lying on the Island of Manhattans, on the public ditch; its br. S'ly on the road over against the lot of Gerrit t)ouman, 8 r., 3 ft.; N'ly 8 r., 3 ft,; E'ly over against the lot of Abraham Rycken, 5 r., 3 ft.; W'ly on the lot of Evert Snvder, 5 r., 3 ft
Document Source(s)
GG: 198
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)

Mch. 25 Gr-br. to Gilyam Cornelse (or Cornelys). (GG: 198.)
Desc: A cert, lot lying on the Island of Manhattans,
on the public ditch; its br. S'ly on the road over against
the lot of Gerrit t)ouman, 8 r., 3 ft.; N'ly 8 r., 3 ft,;
E'ly over against the lot of Abraham Rycken, 5 r., 3 ft.;
W'ly on the lot of Evert Snvder, 5 r., 3 ft.

Jan. 14 Conf Governor Nicolls to Sonnes of Gulielin Cornelis-
sen. (Pats. Alb., II; 152.) Recites gr-br. to Gilyam
Cornelissen, who, being deceased, title devolves on Will-
iam Guilyams and Pieter Guilyams (sic) his two sons.
Desc: Towards the Great Graft, cont'g in br. on S. side
of highway over against the lot heretofore of Gerrit
Douman, 8 r., 3 ft.; to the N. the like; in length, E. side,
over against Abraham Ryckens, 5 r., 3 ft. and on W., by
Evert Snyder, the like.

"The Little Street"
Bet. the grants of Van Elslandt and Evert Jansen
there was "a little street." Originally it was a rod
(i2 ft., 6 ins.) wide and ran diagonally through the block.
When the grants were cut up into lots, which were laid
out nearly at right angles to the Beaver's Graft (Beaver
street), there was left by usage, a street wider than it
had at first been, and now running at right angles to the
Graft. This street was sold under the following deed:


Deed. Burgomasters of Amsterdam, New Nether- Aug. 23
lands, to Hendrick Eghbersen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y.
Co.: 209.) Desc: Lot S. of Beaver's Graft, bounded
E. by ho. and lot of H. Van Bommel, 4 r., 12 ft., 6 ins.;
S. by Marckvelt Steeghie, 24 ft., 8 ins.; W. by ho. and
lot of P. Pra, 5 r., 2 ft.; N. by the Graght, 23 ft.
Measured by J. Cortelyou, Aug. 21, 1660.

Deed. Hendrick Eghbersen to Jan Schryver. (Lib. Oct. 7
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co. : 197.) Desc: s. a. preceding instru-

A Grant Unlocated on the Map of Dutch Grants


Gr-br. to Ariaen Petersen (from Alckmaer). (GG: Sep. 7
105.) Desc: A lot for a ho. and garden lying on the
Island of Manhattans, situated N. of the Fort and
bounded on the N. by Martin Cregier (Krugier); it ex-
tends on the W. side in length 11 r., 3 ft., 3 ins.; on the
N. side, 7 r., 9 ft.; on the E. side, 9 r., 9 ft., 8 ins.; on the
S. side, II r., 9 ft.; next to Martin Cregier; amtg. in all
to 103 r., 3 ft. and i in.


Elsie Jans, wife of Hendrick Joghimsen, late wid. of May 20
Adriaen Petersen van Alkmaaer, asks for payment of
p. o. the lot drawn into the Marketfield (for the City),
asks for another lot for Van Alkmaaer's children.
"Whereas p. o. the above lot has been paid for to Adriaen
Dircksen Koe, not by the Burgomasters but by the
Director-General and Council and building thereon
forbidden, petitioners are referred to them," &c. (Min.
Orph. Court, II: 197.)

Note: This grant could not have been in the described
location, bounded N. by Martin Cregier. It was
probably on the E. of the Marketfield, and "drawn into"
(i. e. condemned as part of) the Marketfield by the Di-
rector-General and Council. A portion of it may have
been subsequently regranted, but the records are silent
upon this subject.