Cornells Jacobsen Stille - 1647-03-18
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Date Start
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Cornells Jacobsen Stille
From Party (Text)
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Williem Kieft, Director etc., to Cornelis Jacobsen Stille. Ground-brief dated March 18, 1647. — Liber GG: 191; (Albany).
Conveys Bouwery No. 6, heretofore occupied by Wolphert Gerritsen (Van Couwenhoven) containing 28^ morgens.
Cornelis Jacobsen Stille conveyed the easterly one half of the bouwery to Augustine Herman. Deed not found: recited in the following confirmation of the westerly one half of the farm.
Conveys Bouwery No. 6, heretofore occupied by Wolphert Gerritsen (Van Couwenhoven) containing 28^ morgens.
Cornelis Jacobsen Stille conveyed the easterly one half of the bouwery to Augustine Herman. Deed not found: recited in the following confirmation of the westerly one half of the farm.
Lot Event Type