John Bassett - 1677-10-09
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Date Start
To Party 1 (text)
John Bassett
From Party (Text)
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
A. The Grant to John Bassett
Sir Edmund Andros, Governour, etc., to John Bassett. Patent dated Oct. 9, 1677. — Liber Patents, IV: 127 (Albany).
"Whereas there is a certain piece of land upon this island Manhattans, ye which, by virtue of my warrant, hath beane layd out for John Bassett, ye said land being in breadth by ye water side, 80 rodds, and ranging into ye woods 120 rodds, being bounded to ye north-east by ye land of George Elverson, to ye north-west by ye Commons, and to ye south-west by ye land of Cornelius Mattison. Containing in all 60 acres, as by ye returne of ye survey may and doth appeare."
John Bassett to William Green. Deed not found of record; recited in Liber Deeds, LXV: 367 (New York).
William Green to William Hallett. Deed not found of record; recited in Liber Deeds, LXV: 367 (New York).
William Hallett to George Hallett. Deed not found of record; recited in Liber Deeds, LXV: 367 (New York).
These three deeds conveyed the land as patented.
Sir Edmund Andros, Governour, etc., to John Bassett. Patent dated Oct. 9, 1677. — Liber Patents, IV: 127 (Albany).
"Whereas there is a certain piece of land upon this island Manhattans, ye which, by virtue of my warrant, hath beane layd out for John Bassett, ye said land being in breadth by ye water side, 80 rodds, and ranging into ye woods 120 rodds, being bounded to ye north-east by ye land of George Elverson, to ye north-west by ye Commons, and to ye south-west by ye land of Cornelius Mattison. Containing in all 60 acres, as by ye returne of ye survey may and doth appeare."
John Bassett to William Green. Deed not found of record; recited in Liber Deeds, LXV: 367 (New York).
William Green to William Hallett. Deed not found of record; recited in Liber Deeds, LXV: 367 (New York).
William Hallett to George Hallett. Deed not found of record; recited in Liber Deeds, LXV: 367 (New York).
These three deeds conveyed the land as patented.
Lot Event Type