Lot: John Clendening Farm (Original Grants and Farms)

John Clendening Farm
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)

(Sharon Farm) Block Check List. 1857-1838-1834-1854-1857.

The Clendening farm included all of Eve Benson's land (part of the Lawrence Kortwright farm) west of 8th Ave., together with about fifteen acres of the Le Roy farm.

The early history set forth under the Le Roy Farm.

Eve, daughter of Lawrence Kortwright, married Adolph Benson. Her son, named for his maternal grandfather, conveyed all of the farm west of 8 th Ave. by the following deed. The remainder was afterwards included in Central Park.

Lawrence Benson, Gentleman, to John Clendening, Merchant. Deed dated May 2, 1S14.— Liber Deeds, CVI: 257 (New York).

Conveys "All that certain Tract or parcel of Land . . .

Beginning at a stake in the middle of the Eighth Avenue thence running along the middle of said Avenue S. 34° 30' W. 15 chains 78 links to the land of Dr. Williamson, Thence along his land, and the land of S. Boyd and W. A. Davis, N. 54° W. 26 chains, 48 links to the land of B. Vroome. Thence along the same N. 39° 30' E. 7 chains 60 links to land of W. & G. Post. Thence N. 36° E. 7 chains 90 links along the same and . . . Hicks land to land of Dr. Burrows. Thence S. 55° E. 20 chains 75 links along said Burrow's land and said John Clendening's land to the place of beginning.

"Con. 32a, 3roods, 1 1 perches."

Clendening already owned about 10 acres north of the Benson land, being lots 5 and 6 of the Le Roy farm.

Herman Le Roy to John Goodeve & James N. Brown. Deed dated July 19, 1786. — Liber Deeds, CV: 591 (New York).

Conveys Lots 5 and 6 of the Le Roy farm as shown on the map by C. Th. Goerck, Feb. 6, 1796.

Lot 5 contained 5 Acres, i Rood, 36 Perches.

Lot 6 contained 5 Acres, i Rood, 7 Perches.

James N. Brown sold his K interest to John Goodeve, July 9, 1802. — Liber Deeds, CV: 594 (New York).

John Goodeve then sold both lots to John Clendening, Jan. 20, lioZ.— Liber Deeds, CV: 633 (New York).

After he had made his will, John Clendening bought lot 7 of the Le Roy farm from the Phoenix Insurance Co., which had taken it upon foreclosure of mortgage.

The Phoenix Fire Ins. Co. to John Clendenning. Deed dated May 10, 1832.— Z./^fr Deeds, CCLXXXVI: 97 (New York).

Conveys Lot 7, of the Le Roy farm, as shown on the map by C. Th. Goerck, Feb. 6, 1796. 4 acres, 31 perches.

John Clendening died Jan. 27, 1836. By his will dated July 23, 1829, proved Feb. 21, 1836 {Liier Wills, LXXVII: 137, New York), he devised "My farm called Sharon" to his wife, together with an annuity. Remainder to his children.

The Randel Map shows the Clendening mansion in 1819. A fine house fifty feet square standing 250 feet back from Clendening's Lane, which was the outlet to the old Bloomingdale Road. The driveway gate was at the southwest corner of 105th St. and 9th Ave. The mansion was south of 104th St., partly in the bed of the avenue. See map.

There is a charming picture of the house in 1863, in Mott's The New York of Yesterday, page 22('-

The atlas of 1867, Dripp's, shows a large house on the corner of 104th St. and 9th Ave. Perhaps the old house had been moved back.