Paulus Schrick - 1653-10-07
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
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To Party 1 (text)
Paulus Schrick
From Party
From Party (Text)
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
A. The Grant to Paulus Schwck
Petrus Stuyvesant, Director, etc., to Paulus Schrick. Ground-brief dated Oct. 7, 1653. Not found of record, recited in Liier Patents, II: 154 (Albany).
Conveys land "lying and being just on to'thr side of ye fresh water between the Bowery then belonging to William Beekman and said Fresh Water, beginning from the Pond of fresh water near the Bridge upon the common highway and extending to the mark set by appointment and consent of Cornelys van Tienhoven, fiscal!, continuing in length till it comes over against (i e., opposite to) the house of Wolphert Webber, 50 rods and from thence alongst the common wagonway in breadth 13 rods and ^ a rod [should be 2o}4]; then between the Bowery of the said William Beekman and the land of the said Paulus Schryck to the Pond of the fresh water aforesaid, its in length 60 rod and in breadth behind 44 rods, amounting in all to about 5 Acres or 2 morgen and }4 and 95 rods."
Paulus Schrick, by his attorney, Augustine Herman, to Do. Johannes Megapolensis and Cornelis van Ruyven. Deed dated Sept. I, 1662. Not found of record: recited in Lil>er Deeds, XXXVI: 486 (New York).
Richard Nicolls, Governour, etc., to Do. Johannes Megapolensis and Cornelis van Ruyven. Confirmation dated Jan. 15, 1667/8. — Liber Patents, II: 154 (Albany).
Confirms land described in the ground-brief.
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Petrus Stuyvesant, Director, etc., to Paulus Schrick. Ground-brief dated Oct. 7, 1653. Not found of record, recited in Liier Patents, II: 154 (Albany).
Conveys land "lying and being just on to'thr side of ye fresh water between the Bowery then belonging to William Beekman and said Fresh Water, beginning from the Pond of fresh water near the Bridge upon the common highway and extending to the mark set by appointment and consent of Cornelys van Tienhoven, fiscal!, continuing in length till it comes over against (i e., opposite to) the house of Wolphert Webber, 50 rods and from thence alongst the common wagonway in breadth 13 rods and ^ a rod [should be 2o}4]; then between the Bowery of the said William Beekman and the land of the said Paulus Schryck to the Pond of the fresh water aforesaid, its in length 60 rod and in breadth behind 44 rods, amounting in all to about 5 Acres or 2 morgen and }4 and 95 rods."
Paulus Schrick, by his attorney, Augustine Herman, to Do. Johannes Megapolensis and Cornelis van Ruyven. Deed dated Sept. I, 1662. Not found of record: recited in Lil>er Deeds, XXXVI: 486 (New York).
Richard Nicolls, Governour, etc., to Do. Johannes Megapolensis and Cornelis van Ruyven. Confirmation dated Jan. 15, 1667/8. — Liber Patents, II: 154 (Albany).
Confirms land described in the ground-brief.
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