Lot: A10 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Date Start
Occupancy Date Notes
(After 1660-12-00)
Related Ancestors:

Pieter Sinkham, a tailor, was a tenant here in 1660.   The property was owned by Peter Stuyvesant.  Stokes describes this as a "little house".

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
This is the present No. 23 Broadway. Reindert Jansen Hoorn, who bought this house and lot in 1657, seems to have been, at that time, an energetic person, with good connections in Holland. His many business ventures brought him to bankruptcy a few years later. Finally, "being a quarrelsome man," he viciously assaulted Jan Gillis, the younger, on December 13, 1660, fled the colony, and is not heard of again. — Rec. N. Am., Ill: 247, 256, 317, et seq.

Before his departure, he had sold this property to Director-General Stuyvesant, who installed here one Pieter Sinkam (Sinkampf, Simkam, Simkans), a tailor, from Nimevegen. The director had paid Sinkam's passage in the "Spotted Cow," on her voyage of April 15, 1660. — List from Account Books of W. I. Co., copied by J. Riker, Jr. After Stuyvesant's death, his widow, in 1672, sold the little house to Sinkam. — Liber Deeds, B: 188; cf. Book of Records of Deeds y Transfers (etc.), 1665-1672 (translated), 207.

When, in 1663, Sinkam married Debora Jans, of Batavia, he styled himself "of Oye." — Marriages in Ref. Dutch Ch., 28.