Lot: Beyond-the-Wall1 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Date Start
Related Ancestors:

Small House.

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
East of the Highway, outside of the Land Gate, stood a small house belonging to Sybout Claessen. His ground-brief was dated May 15, 1647.— Zii^r GG: 220 (Albany). Claessen did not live here; his home was on the Strand (Block O, No. 2). In 1664, he conveyed this lot to the burgomasters, in exchange for a lot on the Hoogh Straet, behind the City Hall. These deeds, made "with the knowledge of the late Director-General," were recorded November 17/27, 1664. — Liber Deeds, B: 56, 57; cf. Mortgages, 1664-1675, trans, by O'Callaghan, 17, 19. The house stood about one hundred feet north of the line of Wall Street, the site of the present No. 96 Broadway.