Lot: E21 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Related Ancestors:

Jacob Hendricksen and Jacob Stryker, Jr. shared a half interest in this property in the year 1660.

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Jacob Kip sold a half-interest in this house to Jacob Strycker, June 28, 1660. — Liber Deeds, A: 223. They were confirmed here as joint tenants, September 17, 1667, as recited in their deed to Olof Stevensen van Cortlandt, January 14, 1670. — Ibid., B: 165; cf. Book of Records of Deeds y Transfers (etc.), 1665-1672 (translated), 166-7.

For Strycker, see Block L, No. 7.