Lot: G7 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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George (Joris) Rapalje built this house. He sold it in June, 1654, to Hendrick Hendricksen Obe, who, although he was drummer at Fort Amsterdam, found it convenient to live at Middleburgh (Newtown) "for the present," and therefore sold it again, in October, 1654, to Pieter Lucasen, from Goes, in Holland, "skipper of the little craft called Abraham's Sacrifice." — N. Y. Col. MSS.,lll: lie,; Liber Deeds, h.: 5. However, the house reverted to the drummer; but it was generally rented out. Hendrick Bosch, who seems to have moved quite frequently, leased it in April, 1661. — La Chair's Register, m Holland Society Year Book, 1900, p. 133.

When Colve took New York, in August, 1673, one of his first acts was to engage the services of Hendrick Obe " as City-drummer for fl. 400 zewant, for which he shall serve three Burgher Companies according to his ability." — Rec. N. Am., VI : 402. As a guilder, seawant, was worth 13V3 cents, the pay amounted only to $53.33.

Obe sold the house, March 25, 1673, to Luykas van Tienhooven, son of the former provincial secretary. — Original Book of N. Y. Deeds, in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections, 1913, p. 8.