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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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little cottage
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
The little cottage and garden of Pieter Pietersen, the Menist, or Mennonite, which, too, were owned by Augustine Herrman, whose tenant Pietersen seems to have been. — Liber Deeds, A: 250. From the fact that Pieter, on May 16, 1661, witnessed the sale of an anker of brandy to a customer of Verveelen's {Register of Solomon Lachaire, trans, by O'Callaghan, 105), it is inferred that he worked in the brewery. He may, however, have been the carpenter of the same name who acquired the small burgherright. — Rec. N. Am., VII: 153. The rear part of the plot, on which eight small trees are growing, was exchanged by Herrman for a whole farm on Long Island; at least, Symon Joosten so asserts in his litigation over the lot. Before Smee Straet was cut through, Joosten had bargained for a parcel, 50 x 100 feet, which was ruined by that city improvement. In exchange, he was obliged to take a piece of the same dimension in the rear of the Menist's plot, which he in disgust conveyed a few months later to Johannes de la Montagne. — Liber Deeds, A: 59, 88; Rec. N. Am., II: 160, 167, 183.