Lot: L4 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
The comfortable house of Albert the Trumpeter, on the site of Nos. 37 and 39 Beaver Street.

Albert Pietersen, of Hamburg, was in New Amsterdam as early as 1641, for he married here, on July 28 of that year, Marritje Pieters, of Copenhagen. — Marriages in Ref. Dutch Ch., 10. In 1654, he petitioned for leave to sell beer and wine by the small measure {Rec. N. Am., I: 269), probably at his old house on the west side of the Graght, south of the Marckvelt Steegh (see Block D, No. 17).

In the later part of 1655, he moved to this house on the Prince Straet, where he resided until September 30, 1673, when he sold it to Mr. Gabriel Minvielle. — Original Book of N. Y. Deeds, in N. Y. Hist. Soc. Collections, 1913, pp. 16-17. In the deed, which he signed as "Albert Pietersz Swart Trompetter," he is referred to as "burgher and inhabitant of this City."

According to the tax-list of 1677, "Capt Nicolls" occupied in that year "y° hous of Albert y= Trumpet^"— A/. C. C, I: 58.