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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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Pieter Wolfertsen van Couwenhoven (263) aquired this property from Govert Loockermans (151). (Notes from the Index to the Castello Plan).
Tax Lot Events
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The "two stone houses, both dwelling house and brewhouse" of Jacob Wolphertsen van Couwenhoven, so-called in a mortgage dated June 7, 1656. — Alortgages, 1654-60 trans, by O'Callaghan, 33. Erected after September 15, 1646 (Liber GG: 158, Albany), and before February, 1655, when Jacob Steendam refers to his own house (Block 0, No. 5) as being "opposite J. v. Couwenhoven." — Rec. N. Am., I: 286. The tax-list of April, 1665, assesses the brewery building (No. 2) to Jacob van Couwenhoven, and the dwellinghouse (No. 1) to Joannes van Couwenhoven, his eldest son. — Ibid., V: 222.
Van Couwenhoven acquired the grant made to Govert Loockermans, his brother-in-aw, September 15, 1646 {Liber GG: 158, Albany), and Michael Paulussen's grant of January 21, 1647 {ibid., 163), adjoining, by deeds not of record.
Just how long the brewery was in active operation has not been ascertained. In a deed of December, 1670, from Van Couwenhoven's administrators to Abel Hardenbrook, of a small strip of land between their lots, mention is made of "the great stone brewhouse." — Liber Deeds, B: 175; cf. Book of Records of Deeds & Transfers (etc.), 1665-1672 (translated) 183-4.
Few citizens of the New Amsterdam of 1660 could claim longer residence than Jacob Wolpfiertsen van Couwenhoven. He is supposed to have sailed with his father, Wolfert (Wolphert) Gerritsen, from Amersfoort, by "de Eendracht," which left the Texel March 21, 1630, arriving at New Amsterdam the 24th of May following. — Fan Rensselaer Bowier MSS., 805. In 1637, he was back in Amsterdam, on business. Here he held several conferences with Kiliaen van Rensselaer, and returned on "het Wapen van Noorwegen," in May, 1638, as the patroon's representative. — Ibid., 350-52; 419-21.
His first wife was Hester Jans, a sister of Ariaentje Jans, who had been married to Govert Loockermans. Hester died after April 20, 1653 (the date of her will). — Min. of Orph. Court, I: 12. Van Couwenhoven then married Magdaleentje Jacobs (September 26, 1655 — Marriages in Ref. Dutch Ch., 20), who survived him.
Jacob Wolphertsen's life of forty years in New Amsterdam is too long and varied to be told here in detail. He was one of the signers of the Vertoogh, and, with Jan Evertsz. Bout and Adriaen van der Donck, was commissioned to present that document to the States General.^ — -N. Y. Col. Docs., I: 319. He was also one of the great burghers. — Rec. N. Am., VII: 150. As a speculator in real estate and a general trader, as well as a brewer, he had a certain measure of success, but finally died bankrupt, prior to April 12, 1670.— Ibid.,Yl: 231.
In September, 1670, the curators of his estate were allowed "to proceed with the sale of the goods, real and personal, on condition that the fence of the lot of the Great House on the Heere Graft may be drawn back and set on the common line of the abovenamed Graft."— 7^-z"^., VI: 252.
They declared, in 1671, that the estate "will fall short verry much and consequently nothing will be left for the Widdow except something out of Charity be allowed hur." — Ibid., VI: 295.
In March, 1672, the following record appears:
The Widdow of Jacob van Couwenhoven deceased desiring that in Lieu of the Lett w'^^ the late GovT Peter. Stuyvesant had given to hur s^ husband behind his house in the dirty Lane or Slycksteegh, the Court would be pleased to graunt hur a Lott elsewhere within this Citty. Whereuppon the Court replyed that it doth not appeare to this Court that the S'? Lott was a Lawful graunt to the Petit"." husband; Neverthelesse the Court being willing to let hur have some Concideration for itt, do leave it to the Petitr for to make an enquiry whether there be any lott undisposed of within this Citty which can be no prejudice to the Towne or the fort; and uppon discovery to give Notice thereof to this Court. — Ibid., VI: 366-7.
On September 17, 1672, it is related that:
Uppon the Petition of the Widdow of Jacob van Couwenhoven, desireing some satisfaction for the Erve or Lott of ground w'^^ was given hur Late husband by the late duch Governf Stuyvesant, for w^*" Lot the Worship!' Court heretofore have promised to give hur a peece of ground elsewhere. The Court do Allow to the s^ Widdow in Lieu of the s^ Lott, the summe of two hundred gilders, and do order the Secretary N. Bayard to passe a bill to the paghters towards the paiment thereof. — Ibid., VI: 387.
A glance at the Grant Map shows that the only piece of land "behind his house" in the Slyck Steegh which was not private property when Van Couwenhoven's house was built was the land of the negroes (Block M, No. lo). Van Couwenhoven had bought Adriaen Dircksen Coen's ground-brief, which surrounded the house plot of the negroes. He must have asked for a grant of the latter, also, from Stuyvesant, to complete his holdings there. No such grant can be found of record, but the same statement applies to many Stuyvesant patents, one book of which seems to have disappeared; the fact is, the Deacons did secure a grant of that piece from Stuyvesant, which fact is attested by subsequent instruments, although the deed was not registered. Possibly, the later grant was given in ignorance of the prior one to Van Couwenhoven. The city admitted the justice of Magdalena van Couwenhoven's claim, by their payment to her. Evidently, no other lot was to be found not occupied. The old churchyard on Broadway had been abandoned as a place of sepulture; so that, on July 2, 1674, the churchwardens, "with the consent and approval of the Messrs. Burgomasters," conveyed a parcel out of the old Kerckhof to Maghdaleentie, which transaction is recorded in Original Book of N. Y. Deeds, 1673-1675, in N. Y. Hist. See. Collections, 1913, PP- 37-8. This lot was on the present south-west corner of Morris Street and Broadway.
Magdalena van Couwenhoven's title was confirmed there by Governor Andres, February 26, 1676. — Patents, II: 114 (Albany).
Van Couwenhoven acquired the grant made to Govert Loockermans, his brother-in-aw, September 15, 1646 {Liber GG: 158, Albany), and Michael Paulussen's grant of January 21, 1647 {ibid., 163), adjoining, by deeds not of record.
Just how long the brewery was in active operation has not been ascertained. In a deed of December, 1670, from Van Couwenhoven's administrators to Abel Hardenbrook, of a small strip of land between their lots, mention is made of "the great stone brewhouse." — Liber Deeds, B: 175; cf. Book of Records of Deeds & Transfers (etc.), 1665-1672 (translated) 183-4.
Few citizens of the New Amsterdam of 1660 could claim longer residence than Jacob Wolpfiertsen van Couwenhoven. He is supposed to have sailed with his father, Wolfert (Wolphert) Gerritsen, from Amersfoort, by "de Eendracht," which left the Texel March 21, 1630, arriving at New Amsterdam the 24th of May following. — Fan Rensselaer Bowier MSS., 805. In 1637, he was back in Amsterdam, on business. Here he held several conferences with Kiliaen van Rensselaer, and returned on "het Wapen van Noorwegen," in May, 1638, as the patroon's representative. — Ibid., 350-52; 419-21.
His first wife was Hester Jans, a sister of Ariaentje Jans, who had been married to Govert Loockermans. Hester died after April 20, 1653 (the date of her will). — Min. of Orph. Court, I: 12. Van Couwenhoven then married Magdaleentje Jacobs (September 26, 1655 — Marriages in Ref. Dutch Ch., 20), who survived him.
Jacob Wolphertsen's life of forty years in New Amsterdam is too long and varied to be told here in detail. He was one of the signers of the Vertoogh, and, with Jan Evertsz. Bout and Adriaen van der Donck, was commissioned to present that document to the States General.^ — -N. Y. Col. Docs., I: 319. He was also one of the great burghers. — Rec. N. Am., VII: 150. As a speculator in real estate and a general trader, as well as a brewer, he had a certain measure of success, but finally died bankrupt, prior to April 12, 1670.— Ibid.,Yl: 231.
In September, 1670, the curators of his estate were allowed "to proceed with the sale of the goods, real and personal, on condition that the fence of the lot of the Great House on the Heere Graft may be drawn back and set on the common line of the abovenamed Graft."— 7^-z"^., VI: 252.
They declared, in 1671, that the estate "will fall short verry much and consequently nothing will be left for the Widdow except something out of Charity be allowed hur." — Ibid., VI: 295.
In March, 1672, the following record appears:
The Widdow of Jacob van Couwenhoven deceased desiring that in Lieu of the Lett w'^^ the late GovT Peter. Stuyvesant had given to hur s^ husband behind his house in the dirty Lane or Slycksteegh, the Court would be pleased to graunt hur a Lott elsewhere within this Citty. Whereuppon the Court replyed that it doth not appeare to this Court that the S'? Lott was a Lawful graunt to the Petit"." husband; Neverthelesse the Court being willing to let hur have some Concideration for itt, do leave it to the Petitr for to make an enquiry whether there be any lott undisposed of within this Citty which can be no prejudice to the Towne or the fort; and uppon discovery to give Notice thereof to this Court. — Ibid., VI: 366-7.
On September 17, 1672, it is related that:
Uppon the Petition of the Widdow of Jacob van Couwenhoven, desireing some satisfaction for the Erve or Lott of ground w'^^ was given hur Late husband by the late duch Governf Stuyvesant, for w^*" Lot the Worship!' Court heretofore have promised to give hur a peece of ground elsewhere. The Court do Allow to the s^ Widdow in Lieu of the s^ Lott, the summe of two hundred gilders, and do order the Secretary N. Bayard to passe a bill to the paghters towards the paiment thereof. — Ibid., VI: 387.
A glance at the Grant Map shows that the only piece of land "behind his house" in the Slyck Steegh which was not private property when Van Couwenhoven's house was built was the land of the negroes (Block M, No. lo). Van Couwenhoven had bought Adriaen Dircksen Coen's ground-brief, which surrounded the house plot of the negroes. He must have asked for a grant of the latter, also, from Stuyvesant, to complete his holdings there. No such grant can be found of record, but the same statement applies to many Stuyvesant patents, one book of which seems to have disappeared; the fact is, the Deacons did secure a grant of that piece from Stuyvesant, which fact is attested by subsequent instruments, although the deed was not registered. Possibly, the later grant was given in ignorance of the prior one to Van Couwenhoven. The city admitted the justice of Magdalena van Couwenhoven's claim, by their payment to her. Evidently, no other lot was to be found not occupied. The old churchyard on Broadway had been abandoned as a place of sepulture; so that, on July 2, 1674, the churchwardens, "with the consent and approval of the Messrs. Burgomasters," conveyed a parcel out of the old Kerckhof to Maghdaleentie, which transaction is recorded in Original Book of N. Y. Deeds, 1673-1675, in N. Y. Hist. See. Collections, 1913, PP- 37-8. This lot was on the present south-west corner of Morris Street and Broadway.
Magdalena van Couwenhoven's title was confirmed there by Governor Andres, February 26, 1676. — Patents, II: 114 (Albany).