Lot: Q4 (Taxlots)

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Description of this property in Stokes is not clear.  May be a bowerie, may be a house.

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Pieter Andriessen Schoorsteenveger (chimney-sweeper) came over with Bronck, in 1639 (see Remarks on Manatus Maps, No. 43), and immediately hired a plantation from him. — N. Y. Col. Docs., XIII: 5. In 1648, he was a tavern-keeper at New Amsterdam. — Rec. N. Am., 1:8. In the meantime, he had patented land on Long Island (October 19, 1645). — Liber GG: 122 (Albany). In October, 1655, while attempting to rescue his cattle from this bouwerie, he, with three others, was captured by the Indians. The director and council refused to ransom them, because, "as soon as the other savages, who have 73 of our people as prisoners, would hear, that so much has been paid for 4, they would demand a considerable sum." — N. Y. Col. Docs., XIII: 43, 45. The chimney-sweep secured the small burgherright in 1657, but was dead before May, 1664. — Rec. N. Am., VII: 151; V: 66. (See this settler in Block N, No. 6.)