Document: Court Session:

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Court Session | | Attendance List | | Appearance | Daniel de Silla and Margrita Warnaers; marriage promise; pregnancy stated; decision to communicate with the Director General and the ministers | Court Case | Philip Geraerdy v. Lodewyck Pos; default | Court Case | Captain Jan Jacobsen v. Adriaen Keyser; demand for payment of debt for costs of justice in suit with Jan Jongh over purchase of wine; copy granted | Court Case | Dirck van Schelluyne; attorney of Jacobus Schellinger; v. Pieter Andriessen; default; demand for payment of debt | Court Case | Dirck van Schelluyne; attorney of Jacobus Schellinger; v. Tomas Adamsen and Mr. Bosser; default; demand for payment of debt for tobacco; arrest on bark and cargo declared provisionally valid | Court Case | Jan Adriaensen v. Joost Goderisen; demand for payment of debt according to obligation; acknowledged; ordered to pay

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