Document: Ordinance|Burgomasters and Schepenen regarding the weight of bread

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Ordinance|Burgomasters and Schepenen regarding the weight of bread |Ordinance|Registration of the bakers: with their marks

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Ordinance, relating to the Bakers and how they are to bake their Bread.

A whole wheat bread must weigh 8 lbs
A half wheat bread must weigh 4 lbs
A whole rye bread must weigh 8 lbs
A half rye bread must weigh 4 lbs
A white bread, sold for 10 stivers must weigh 2 lbs
A white bread, sold for 5 stivers must weigh 1 lbs

The buns or rolls must weigh 2 lbs and not less, the halves in proportion; all this until further orders. And you are hereby further ordered by the Schout, Burgomasters and Schepens of this City, to govern yourself accordingly under the penalties, stated in the proclamation, and to designate the bread, you bake, with a special mark under the penalty of forfeiting the bread, found unmarked, and paying a fine of 25 fl. You are also to report the mark, which you intend to use, to the Secretary of this City within three times twenty four hours.
Thus done etc., March 25, 1661.

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