Lot: F13 (Taxlots)

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Property Was Used in 1660 For:
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At what is now No. 47 Pearl Street, lived, at the date of the Plan, Samuel Edsal, an English hatter, who seems also to have dealt here in tobacco and general merchandise. — Liber HH (2): 55 (Albany); Rec. N. Am., I: 373; HI: 315; IV: 96, 105, 303; V: 174. In 1655, he married Jannetje Wessels, of Aernhem. — Marriages in Ref. Dutch Ch., 19. In 1664, he acquired the 500 acres of land at Hell Gate "commonly called Bronckx Land," which he later sold to Captain Richard Morris. — Patents, I: 11 (Albany); Rec. N. Am., V: 258«. This was the original grant to Jonas Bronck. See Manatus Maps (Pis. 41 and 42).

The later part of Edsal's life was spent in Woodbridge, N. J., where he was still living in 1683. — N. J. Archives, 1st series, I: 80, 81-2, 131, 364; Daily's Woodbridge and Vicinity, C)J.