Lot: Egbert Wooterse - 1699-12-31 (Original Grants and Farms)

Egbert Wooterse - 1699-12-31
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Date Start
To Party 1 (text)
Egbert Wooterse
From Party (Text)
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
B. The Grant to Egbert Wooterse

Petrus Stuyvesant, Director, etc., to Egbert Wooterse. Patent, not found of record; recited in Liber Patents, III: 56 (Albany).

Conveys premises described in. the confirmation set forth below.

Richard Nicolls to Egbert Wooterse. Confirmation dated June 15, 1668. — Liber Patents, III: 56 (Albany).

Confirmation for "A certaine parcell of land on the Island Manhatans, lying and being neare myn Heere Stuyvesants Bowery Conteyning in Length next to Capf Willetts Land 147 rodd in breadth on y= North syde; by y= Waggon Way, 54 r. and on y« S. syde by y^ Swamp 60 r. [should read "South along the swamp 60 r."], which said Parcell of Lands lyes unmanured & unplanted. Now, &c."

Captain Willett as a neighbour is not found here.

Egbert Wouters to Bastian Ellisen. Deed dated Feb. 10, 1675/6. Not found of record; recited in Liber Deeds, XII: 126 (New York).

Conveys same property.

Marritye Brestee, wid. of John Janse Brestee, Elsie Janse, wid. of Hendrick Jogems, Cathrina Janse, wid. of Rutger Jacobs, Dorothy Janse, wife of Folchert Janse, daughters and heirs of Egbert Wouterse, deceased, to Bastian Elissen. Deed dated May 20, 1683. — Liber Deeds, XII: 126 (New York).

Consid., 1,500 guilders.

Recites same as Nicolls to Egbert Wouters, June 15, 1668 {Liber Patents, III: 56, Albany); and deed, Wouters to Bastian Ellisen, dated Feb. 10, 1675/6.

This seems to be a confirmatory deed.

(The map belonging to James Carson Breevoort, post, calls this 25 acres.)

Bastian Elliss, of the Bowery, husbandman, to John Hendricks Brevoort. Deed dated Nov. 15, 1701. Not found of record; in possession of E. De Witt, Esq., in l862.^HofFman, Estate and Rights of the Corporation, II: 191-92.

Conveys "(with other Id.) All that ffarm or bowery, situate, lying and being in the Bowery, within the county of New Y'ork aforesaid, bounded on the east by the King's highway leading from the City of New Y'ork to the Town of Harlem, north to the land now in the possession of Ryne, the brickmaker, to the west by the land of Gerrett Dowe, and to the south by the land of John Clapp. Recite the foregoing patents."

Conveys both parcels, 4I acres, more or less.

Lot Event Type