Lot: Spingler Farm (Original Grants and Farms)

Spingler Farm
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
THE SPINGLER FARM Block Check List. 816-845-565-676-816.

The early history of the Spingler farm will be found in the story of the Brevoort farm: parcel C.

Elias Brevoort and Leah, his wife, to John Smith. Deed dated Jan. 29, 1762. Not found of record; recited in Liber Deeds, L: 20 (New York).

Conveys land, &c. described in deed from Executors of John Smith to Henry Spingler, set forth below:

Last Will and Testament of John Smith. Dated Sept. 28, 1758; proved Nov. 6, 1762. — Liber JVills, XXIII: 494 (54) (New York).

Devises land, etc., described in deed set forth below:

James Duane, John Finglas, Executors of John Smith Deed., to Henry Spingler. Deed dated March i, 1788. — Liber Deeds, L: 20 (New York).

Recites will of John Smith, deceased.

Conveys "Certain Lots of land or Farm, with messuage, dwelling house, barns, &c. In the Bowery Division of the Out Ward. Beginning on the west side of the Highway, adjoining land of Henricus Brevoort; thence along his line N. 70° 30', W. 26 ch., 57 1. to land late of Sir Peter Warren, deed.; thence along his line, N. 12° E. 9 ch., 31 1. to land now or late of Boseville Dawson; thence along his line S. 68°, E. 25 ch., 13 1. to said Highway; thence along same, S. 1°, 30', W. 8 ch., 42 1. to Beginning; containing 11 acres and 9 perches."

Same as Elias Brevoort and Leah, his wife, to said testator, dated Jan. 29, 30, 1762.