Thomas Addis Emmet Farm
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
THE THOMAS ADDIS EMMET FARM (Union Flag Farm) Block Check List. 1414-I434-1349-1331-1414.
The Thomas Addis Emmet farm occupied all of the Danielson grant west of the road and a parcel ot land bought from the city of New York. For the early history, see thS Thomas C. Pearsall farm.
The Emmet farm is chiefly interesting because for many years an ancient inn called "The Union Flag" stood there. The oldest known map of this section of the island, the Goerck Map of the Common Lands, 1785 (A. PI. 9a), shows the name "Harmon," and a house and outhouse at the bend of the road (midway between <;8th and 59th Sts.) which may have been the old tavern buildings. The British Headquarters Map, 1782 (PL 50), shows a good sized house at the same point.
"The House above Tortoise Bay, known by the name of the Union Flag," is first mentioned Feb. 6, 1738, when it seems to have been already well known.
"The noted Tavern, known by the Name of The Union-Flag, about 4 Miles distant from New-York, on the Post-Road," is found in an advertisement in January, 1757. This is the last known mention of the inn.
In 1764, the farm was mortgaged by Lawrence Hardman tO' Simon Johnson. — Liier Mtges., I: 422 (New York). This^ mortgage was foreclosed.
John Ray, Master in Chancery, to Hugh Gaine, Printer, Deed dated March 15, 1791. — Liber Deeds, LXIX: 165 (NewYork).
Conveys A certain tract piece or parcel of Land ... in; breadth in front along the Highway and in the rear along th& Commons 40 rods . . . bounded on the northeast to the landi of the late John Van Zandt, and on the south west to the land of the late David Devore. . . .About 11 acres of land.
In 1829, this tract together with the land bought from the city of New York by Hugh Gaine vested in Thomas Addis Emmtt.— Liber Deeds, CCXLVIII: 333 (New York).
As the entire Danielson patent belonged originally to theUnion Flag farm, see that history for the entries about the tavern, in full (The T. C. Pearsall farm). For other title history of the Emmet farm, see Turtle, Abstracts of Farm Titles, I: 199.
The Thomas Addis Emmet farm occupied all of the Danielson grant west of the road and a parcel ot land bought from the city of New York. For the early history, see thS Thomas C. Pearsall farm.
The Emmet farm is chiefly interesting because for many years an ancient inn called "The Union Flag" stood there. The oldest known map of this section of the island, the Goerck Map of the Common Lands, 1785 (A. PI. 9a), shows the name "Harmon," and a house and outhouse at the bend of the road (midway between <;8th and 59th Sts.) which may have been the old tavern buildings. The British Headquarters Map, 1782 (PL 50), shows a good sized house at the same point.
"The House above Tortoise Bay, known by the name of the Union Flag," is first mentioned Feb. 6, 1738, when it seems to have been already well known.
"The noted Tavern, known by the Name of The Union-Flag, about 4 Miles distant from New-York, on the Post-Road," is found in an advertisement in January, 1757. This is the last known mention of the inn.
In 1764, the farm was mortgaged by Lawrence Hardman tO' Simon Johnson. — Liier Mtges., I: 422 (New York). This^ mortgage was foreclosed.
John Ray, Master in Chancery, to Hugh Gaine, Printer, Deed dated March 15, 1791. — Liber Deeds, LXIX: 165 (NewYork).
Conveys A certain tract piece or parcel of Land ... in; breadth in front along the Highway and in the rear along th& Commons 40 rods . . . bounded on the northeast to the landi of the late John Van Zandt, and on the south west to the land of the late David Devore. . . .About 11 acres of land.
In 1829, this tract together with the land bought from the city of New York by Hugh Gaine vested in Thomas Addis Emmtt.— Liber Deeds, CCXLVIII: 333 (New York).
As the entire Danielson patent belonged originally to theUnion Flag farm, see that history for the entries about the tavern, in full (The T. C. Pearsall farm). For other title history of the Emmet farm, see Turtle, Abstracts of Farm Titles, I: 199.