Toussaint Briel - 1642-07-06
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Date Start
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Toussaint Briel
From Party
From Party (Text)
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
F. The Grant to Toussaint Briel Toussaint Briel, a French Huguenot, had two grants for
this parcel of land, 23 acres more or less. The earlier patent may have been defective. Both were confirmed to Augustine Herman.
In 1668, when Bouwerie No. 8 was also confirmed to Herman, Briel's land was in possession of one Hendrick Thomassen. This name has not been identified on the records.
For Briel's home on the site of No. 29 Beaver St., see Vol. II: 242.
This land was earliest granted to one of the negroes in this colony, in all probability.
WiLLEM Kieft, Director, etc., to Touchyn Briel. Groundbrief dated July 6, 1642-— Liber <^G: 77 (Albany).
Same to Same. Ground-brief dated Oct. 19, 1645. — Liber GG: 124 (Albany).
These grants were almost identical; they were confirmed by two patents recorded respectively in Liber Patents, III: 73 and 79 (Albany).
The ground-briefs Convey a tract best described in the confirmation set forth below:
Nicolls to Augustine Herman. Cont. dated Aug. 1, 1668. —Liber Patents, III: 73 (Albany).
"Whereas there was a Pattent or ground-brief Kieft unto Touchyn Bryel for a certain piece of land Manhattan Island lying and being between Thomas Sandersens & ye Negroes haveing on ye S. end ye ffresh Water or ye Swamp Stretching in Length alongst ye Land of th'aforenamed Sandersen N. E. & by E. 126 r.; then goeing forth neare upon W. N. W. 55 r. & alongst ye Swamp in Breadth 55 r.; amounting in all to about 23 Acres or 1 1 Morgen & 330 r., which said patent or ground-brief &c. was dated October 19, 1645. Together with all ye Right & Interest of ye said Touchyn Bryel therein hath beene purchased by Augustine Hermans & Satisfaction given for ye same Now &c."
West of Briel's land, north and east of the swamp, there was a tract of land which is shown on the RatzerMap as woodland. The northerly part was patented to Pieter van Campen, also known as Pieter Tambour; the southerly part to Jan Francisco. Only Van Campen's ground-brief is found of record. Both grants lapsed; the woodland was included in the Smith's Hill Patent.
this parcel of land, 23 acres more or less. The earlier patent may have been defective. Both were confirmed to Augustine Herman.
In 1668, when Bouwerie No. 8 was also confirmed to Herman, Briel's land was in possession of one Hendrick Thomassen. This name has not been identified on the records.
For Briel's home on the site of No. 29 Beaver St., see Vol. II: 242.
This land was earliest granted to one of the negroes in this colony, in all probability.
WiLLEM Kieft, Director, etc., to Touchyn Briel. Groundbrief dated July 6, 1642-— Liber <^G: 77 (Albany).
Same to Same. Ground-brief dated Oct. 19, 1645. — Liber GG: 124 (Albany).
These grants were almost identical; they were confirmed by two patents recorded respectively in Liber Patents, III: 73 and 79 (Albany).
The ground-briefs Convey a tract best described in the confirmation set forth below:
Nicolls to Augustine Herman. Cont. dated Aug. 1, 1668. —Liber Patents, III: 73 (Albany).
"Whereas there was a Pattent or ground-brief Kieft unto Touchyn Bryel for a certain piece of land Manhattan Island lying and being between Thomas Sandersens & ye Negroes haveing on ye S. end ye ffresh Water or ye Swamp Stretching in Length alongst ye Land of th'aforenamed Sandersen N. E. & by E. 126 r.; then goeing forth neare upon W. N. W. 55 r. & alongst ye Swamp in Breadth 55 r.; amounting in all to about 23 Acres or 1 1 Morgen & 330 r., which said patent or ground-brief &c. was dated October 19, 1645. Together with all ye Right & Interest of ye said Touchyn Bryel therein hath beene purchased by Augustine Hermans & Satisfaction given for ye same Now &c."
West of Briel's land, north and east of the swamp, there was a tract of land which is shown on the RatzerMap as woodland. The northerly part was patented to Pieter van Campen, also known as Pieter Tambour; the southerly part to Jan Francisco. Only Van Campen's ground-brief is found of record. Both grants lapsed; the woodland was included in the Smith's Hill Patent.
Lot Event Type