Trinity's Lower Farm
Lot Group
Original Grants and Farms
Property Was Used in 1660 For:
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
(The Bouwery of Anneke Jans) Block Check List. 595-227-141-1 50-135-137-595.
March 21, 1630, the ship "de Eendracht" sailed from the Texel arriving before New Amsterdam on May 24, 1630. She brought, among others, Roelof Jansz from M.isterland (Marstrand, on the coast of Sweden) with his wife, Annetje Jans, his daughters, Sara and Trijntje, and "another child born before in New Netherland." — l^an Rensselaer-Bowier MSS., 806.
In an account of the jurisdiction, management, etc., of Rensselaerswyck, dated July 20, 1634, Jansen and his family are registered as "roeloff Jansen van masterlant; annetgen Jans, his wife; Sara and trintgen roelotfe, his daughters, 'with another child born before in that country." "—Ibid., 308.
This third child, as yet unnamed, must have been the little daughter, Sytje (Sophia), who later married Pieter Hartgers. It is evident that Anneke Jans had been in New Netherland earlier, had gone back to Holland, and then (with her husband) had contracted with Kiliaen van Rensselaer to emigrate to Rensselaerswyck as pioneers in his colony.
Before June 27, 1632, Jansen had "a complete farm and a suitable house" on de Laets-burgh in Twillers Dale, where he was'sworn as schepen, July I, 1632. — Ibid., 198, 203.
In April, 1634, Van Rensselaer wrote to his nephew, Wouter van Twiller, then director at the Manhatans, "I see that Roeloff Janssen has grossly run up my account in drawing provisions. ... I think that his wife, mother and sister and others must have given things away, which cannot be allowed. He complains that your honor has dismissed him from the farm and your honor writes me that he wanted to leave it." — Ibid., 281-2.
Roelof Jansen and his family came to New Amsterdam. In 1636, Van Twiller granted this bouwery to Anneke and to her husband, Roeloffe Jansen. The patent was not recorded. The statement that it was granted to them in common is taken from the confirmation.
Roelof Jansen died the following year. Kiliaen van Rensselaer, writing to Van Twiller under date of Sept. 21, 1637, says: " I only have from you the recommendation of the widow of Roelof Jansen, written to me hastily and with few words. ... I released the said widow from her debt long ago. My reason for so doing I will tell you orally when we meet." — Ibid., 351-2.
It is apparent that the patroon and his nephew knew Anneke Jans quite well. Her husband is said to have been from Sweden. Anneke herself was evidently Dutch. Probably the family had been domiciled in Holland for some time before they came to the new world.
Between March and August, 1638, Anneke Jans married her pastor, the Reverend Everardus Bogardus. Before that time her son, Jan Roelofts, was born. She then had three daughters and one son.
The Manatus Maps, 1 639, list the farm as the bouwery of the "Senikant" (Predikant). — Vol. II: 196.
August 16, 1647, the "Princess" sailed from New Amsterdam, having as passengers former director Kieft and dominie Bogardus.
The vessel was wrecked in the English Channel on September 27. Bogardus and Kieft were drowned, as were about eighty others. The Chronology gives a fuller account of this disaster.
Mrs. Bogardus, thus left a widow for the second time, removed from New Amsterdam to Albany, where she lived until her death.
1 65 1, Nov. I. The farm known as the Anneke Jans farm and which "has heretofore been occupied by Egbert Woutersen," is leased for six years beginning May i, 1652, to Evert Pels. The lessee is also to have the use of the Dominie's Hook farm at Maspeth for raising hay thereon. — Records N. Neth. (O'Callaghan's trans.). Ill: 97.
The grant from Van Twiller had never been recorded. The widow Bogardus procured a new patent.
Petrus Stuyvesant, Director, etc., to Annetje Jans, widow of the late Everardus Bogardus. Ground-brief dated July 4, 1654. — Liber HH-2: 13 (Albany).
Conveys "a piece of land on the Island of Manhattan along North River beginning at the Palisades near the house at the River side and running north-by-east to the division line of Old Jan's land 210 rods; from there along the said division line east-by-south to the Swamp, then south-west 160 rods; from the Swamp to the River side, extending west in breadth 50 rods; the land which lays south of the house and east of the division hne of the Company's land begins at the paHsades and
runs south to the Post and Rail fence of the Company's land, without obstruction to the road, is in breadth 60 rods, in length on the south side along the Post and Rail fence 160 rods [should read 120 r.] on the east side to the Gate of the Kalckhook in breadth 30 rods; in length on the north side along the Kalckhoeck to the division line of the aforesaid piece of land running west in length 100 rods containing together 31 morgens." (A translation by O'Callaghan in the Man. Com. Coun., 1 870, differs slightly.)
Will of Anneke Janse, dated Jan. 29, 1663, in the county clerk's office at Albany. Notarial Papers, p. 296.
"Anneke Janse, first wife of Roeloff Janse, van Masterland and now, last of Do. Everhardus Bogardus. Residing in the village of Beverwyck."
(The will was witnessed by Rutger Jacobsen and Evert Jansen Wendell. Signed with her mark X.)
Will recites:
I. Sarah, married to Hans Kiersted. (She married him June 29, 1642; after his death she married Cornells van Borsum of the ferry to Brooklyn; after his death in 1683, Elbert Elbertse.)
II. Catrina (who married Lucas Rodenbergh, and later Johannes van Brugh).
III. Sytje (Sophia) (who married Peter Hartgers van Wee. Peter Hartgers died in Holland, in 1670, leaving two daughters, Jannetje and Rachel).
IV. Jan (who was not married when his mother died. He is supposed to have been killed in i6go). These were the children by her first husband.
V. William Bogardus.
VI. Cornells Bogardus, b. 1640.
VII. Jonas Bogardus, b. January, 1643.
VIII. Pieter Bogardus, b. 1645.
— Joel Munsell, TJie Will of Anneke Janse in Dutch and English. Albany, 1870.
Anneke Jans Bogardus died in 1663.
Richard Nicolls, Governour, etc., to the heirs of Anneke Bogardus. Confirmation dated March 27, 1667. — Liber Patents, IV: 28 (Albany).
Confirms the ground-brief of July 4, 1654. This confirmation in full in the Chronology. An exemplified copy in Land Papers, LX: 113 (Albany).
The heirs of Anneke Jans, except Cornells Bogardus, united in the following conveyance.
Johannes van Brugh, in right of his wife Catrina Roelofse, and attorney of Pieter Hartgers (who was the husband of Sytje Roelofs); Willem Bogardus, for himself and his brothers Jan Roelofsen and Jonas Bogardus; Cornelis VAN Borsum, in right of his wife Sarah Roelofs, and by assignment of Pieter Bogardus. All children and heirs of Annetje Bogardus, late widow of dominie Bogardus, deed., to FR.4NCIS Lovelace. Deed dated March 9, 1671. — Book of Records of Deeds and Transfers (1665-1672), 193, in city clerk's ofiice. New York.
Conveys Lot toward the North River containing 62 acres. Recites ground-brief from Stuyvesant, July 4, 1654; Confirmation from Nicolls, March 27, 1667.
This deed is said to have been in Liber Deeds A: 222. (Recitals in Bogardus vs. Trinity Church.) It was recorded in Liber Deeds B: iSi (New York). Copied for the Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Neither of these books now in the office of the register of New York. The Liber Deeds A, now in that office, does not contain this instrument.
Feb. 25, 1672, Lovelace leased the old Company's Bouwery and the Domine's Bouwery to Dirck Sleeken, at a yearly rental of 600 guilders, wampum. — Land Papers, I: 44. In August, 1674, the Duke of York issued a warrant to Andros, authorizing him to seize the estate of Francis Lovelace, late governour, to satisfy a debt of about £7,000. In 1677, Gov. Andros made a new lease to Sleeken for thirty years. Feb. 12, 1687, Gox. Dongan wrote; "And as to the Farm . . . his Royal Highness, now his Majesty was pleased I should have both the farm & the house during the term of my government at this place."
May 6, 1697, Trinity Church received its first charter from Gov. Fletcher. — Liber Patents, VII: 82.
Aug. 19, 1697, Fletcher leased the farm to the church for seven years. May i, 1700, Lord Cornbury leased it to the church for the term that he should remain governour. Bellomont had had the prior lease annulled. Aug. 6, 1702, Cornbury renewed the lease during his term of office. Oct. 4, 1704, he recommended to the Queen that the farm be granted to the church. The patent was issued about a year later.
Edward, Viscount Cornburv, Captain-Generall, etc., to Rector and Inhabitants. Patent, dated Nov. 23, 1705. — Liber Patents, VII: 338 (new page, 285) (Albany).
Desc: "All those our Severall Closes, Peeces & Parcels of Land, Meadows and Pastures formerly Called ye Duke's Farm & ye King's Farme and now known by the Name of the Queens Farme with All & Singular ye fences, inclosures, Improvem'^ and Appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging as ye same are now in ye Occupacon of and Enjoyed by George Ryerse of ye City of New York, Yeoman, or by any former Tennant, situate, lying and being on ye Island Manhattans in ye City of New York aforesaid and Bounded on the East Partly by the Broadway, Partly by the Common and Partly by ye Swamp and on ye West by Hudsons River. And also all that our Peece or Parcel of ground situate and being on ye south side of ye Church yard of Trinity Church aforesaid Commonly Called or known by the Name of ye Queens Garden fronting to ye said Broadway on the East and extending to Low water marke upon Hudsons River on the West All w<=b said premises are now lett at the Yearly Rent of thirty Pounds."
May 29, 1917, this patent was recorded in Liber Deeds, MMMXXIII: 129 (New York).
The facts recited in this brief history of a famous farm will be found at greater length in the Chronology and in the authorities there quoted. Stephen P. Nash, who was attorney to the corporation of Trinity Church, prepared a history of the farm for Dr. Morgan Dix. It is called Anneke Jans Bogardus & Trinity Oiurch. A Critical Inquiry. Printed for the Church, 1896. There is an article in Harper's Mag., May, 1885, Vol. LXX: 836, by James W. Gerard.
The statement in that article that Cornells Bogardus was dead, at the time the deed of 1671 was made, is not correct. He died Oct. 13, 1707.
Cornells Bogardus was not a party to the deed of March 9, 1671. This was the basis of the suit of Bogardus vs. Trinity Church. The claim was made that the church took title under that deed, and that his one-sixth interest had never been conveyed. The Church denied that it claimed to own the farm under that conveyance. It declared that its only title was derived from the patent of Nov. 23, 1705.
This outstanding interest of Cornelis Bogardus has been a source of great annoyance to the church. Alleged heirs of Bogardus have brought suit to recover the property. In December, 1847, Vice-Chancellor Sandford decided the last real litigation in favour of Trinity corporation. See Bogardus vs. Trinity Church, printed in Sandford, Chancery Reports, IV: 674. A later suit was dismissed in 1859: decision affirmed by the court of appeals in i860.
Unscrupulous attorneys have obtained money from associations of heirs of Anneke Jans, from time to time, but the title of the church is indisputable. It has never been a matter of common knowledge that the only shadow of a claim was a possible one-sixth interest.
(The Bouwery of Anneke Jans) Block Check List. 595-227-141-1 50-135-137-595.
March 21, 1630, the ship "de Eendracht" sailed from the Texel arriving before New Amsterdam on May 24, 1630. She brought, among others, Roelof Jansz from M.isterland (Marstrand, on the coast of Sweden) with his wife, Annetje Jans, his daughters, Sara and Trijntje, and "another child born before in New Netherland." — l^an Rensselaer-Bowier MSS., 806.
In an account of the jurisdiction, management, etc., of Rensselaerswyck, dated July 20, 1634, Jansen and his family are registered as "roeloff Jansen van masterlant; annetgen Jans, his wife; Sara and trintgen roelotfe, his daughters, 'with another child born before in that country." "—Ibid., 308.
This third child, as yet unnamed, must have been the little daughter, Sytje (Sophia), who later married Pieter Hartgers. It is evident that Anneke Jans had been in New Netherland earlier, had gone back to Holland, and then (with her husband) had contracted with Kiliaen van Rensselaer to emigrate to Rensselaerswyck as pioneers in his colony.
Before June 27, 1632, Jansen had "a complete farm and a suitable house" on de Laets-burgh in Twillers Dale, where he was'sworn as schepen, July I, 1632. — Ibid., 198, 203.
In April, 1634, Van Rensselaer wrote to his nephew, Wouter van Twiller, then director at the Manhatans, "I see that Roeloff Janssen has grossly run up my account in drawing provisions. ... I think that his wife, mother and sister and others must have given things away, which cannot be allowed. He complains that your honor has dismissed him from the farm and your honor writes me that he wanted to leave it." — Ibid., 281-2.
Roelof Jansen and his family came to New Amsterdam. In 1636, Van Twiller granted this bouwery to Anneke and to her husband, Roeloffe Jansen. The patent was not recorded. The statement that it was granted to them in common is taken from the confirmation.
Roelof Jansen died the following year. Kiliaen van Rensselaer, writing to Van Twiller under date of Sept. 21, 1637, says: " I only have from you the recommendation of the widow of Roelof Jansen, written to me hastily and with few words. ... I released the said widow from her debt long ago. My reason for so doing I will tell you orally when we meet." — Ibid., 351-2.
It is apparent that the patroon and his nephew knew Anneke Jans quite well. Her husband is said to have been from Sweden. Anneke herself was evidently Dutch. Probably the family had been domiciled in Holland for some time before they came to the new world.
Between March and August, 1638, Anneke Jans married her pastor, the Reverend Everardus Bogardus. Before that time her son, Jan Roelofts, was born. She then had three daughters and one son.
The Manatus Maps, 1 639, list the farm as the bouwery of the "Senikant" (Predikant). — Vol. II: 196.
August 16, 1647, the "Princess" sailed from New Amsterdam, having as passengers former director Kieft and dominie Bogardus.
The vessel was wrecked in the English Channel on September 27. Bogardus and Kieft were drowned, as were about eighty others. The Chronology gives a fuller account of this disaster.
Mrs. Bogardus, thus left a widow for the second time, removed from New Amsterdam to Albany, where she lived until her death.
1 65 1, Nov. I. The farm known as the Anneke Jans farm and which "has heretofore been occupied by Egbert Woutersen," is leased for six years beginning May i, 1652, to Evert Pels. The lessee is also to have the use of the Dominie's Hook farm at Maspeth for raising hay thereon. — Records N. Neth. (O'Callaghan's trans.). Ill: 97.
The grant from Van Twiller had never been recorded. The widow Bogardus procured a new patent.
Petrus Stuyvesant, Director, etc., to Annetje Jans, widow of the late Everardus Bogardus. Ground-brief dated July 4, 1654. — Liber HH-2: 13 (Albany).
Conveys "a piece of land on the Island of Manhattan along North River beginning at the Palisades near the house at the River side and running north-by-east to the division line of Old Jan's land 210 rods; from there along the said division line east-by-south to the Swamp, then south-west 160 rods; from the Swamp to the River side, extending west in breadth 50 rods; the land which lays south of the house and east of the division hne of the Company's land begins at the paHsades and
runs south to the Post and Rail fence of the Company's land, without obstruction to the road, is in breadth 60 rods, in length on the south side along the Post and Rail fence 160 rods [should read 120 r.] on the east side to the Gate of the Kalckhook in breadth 30 rods; in length on the north side along the Kalckhoeck to the division line of the aforesaid piece of land running west in length 100 rods containing together 31 morgens." (A translation by O'Callaghan in the Man. Com. Coun., 1 870, differs slightly.)
Will of Anneke Janse, dated Jan. 29, 1663, in the county clerk's office at Albany. Notarial Papers, p. 296.
"Anneke Janse, first wife of Roeloff Janse, van Masterland and now, last of Do. Everhardus Bogardus. Residing in the village of Beverwyck."
(The will was witnessed by Rutger Jacobsen and Evert Jansen Wendell. Signed with her mark X.)
Will recites:
I. Sarah, married to Hans Kiersted. (She married him June 29, 1642; after his death she married Cornells van Borsum of the ferry to Brooklyn; after his death in 1683, Elbert Elbertse.)
II. Catrina (who married Lucas Rodenbergh, and later Johannes van Brugh).
III. Sytje (Sophia) (who married Peter Hartgers van Wee. Peter Hartgers died in Holland, in 1670, leaving two daughters, Jannetje and Rachel).
IV. Jan (who was not married when his mother died. He is supposed to have been killed in i6go). These were the children by her first husband.
V. William Bogardus.
VI. Cornells Bogardus, b. 1640.
VII. Jonas Bogardus, b. January, 1643.
VIII. Pieter Bogardus, b. 1645.
— Joel Munsell, TJie Will of Anneke Janse in Dutch and English. Albany, 1870.
Anneke Jans Bogardus died in 1663.
Richard Nicolls, Governour, etc., to the heirs of Anneke Bogardus. Confirmation dated March 27, 1667. — Liber Patents, IV: 28 (Albany).
Confirms the ground-brief of July 4, 1654. This confirmation in full in the Chronology. An exemplified copy in Land Papers, LX: 113 (Albany).
The heirs of Anneke Jans, except Cornells Bogardus, united in the following conveyance.
Johannes van Brugh, in right of his wife Catrina Roelofse, and attorney of Pieter Hartgers (who was the husband of Sytje Roelofs); Willem Bogardus, for himself and his brothers Jan Roelofsen and Jonas Bogardus; Cornelis VAN Borsum, in right of his wife Sarah Roelofs, and by assignment of Pieter Bogardus. All children and heirs of Annetje Bogardus, late widow of dominie Bogardus, deed., to FR.4NCIS Lovelace. Deed dated March 9, 1671. — Book of Records of Deeds and Transfers (1665-1672), 193, in city clerk's ofiice. New York.
Conveys Lot toward the North River containing 62 acres. Recites ground-brief from Stuyvesant, July 4, 1654; Confirmation from Nicolls, March 27, 1667.
This deed is said to have been in Liber Deeds A: 222. (Recitals in Bogardus vs. Trinity Church.) It was recorded in Liber Deeds B: iSi (New York). Copied for the Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Neither of these books now in the office of the register of New York. The Liber Deeds A, now in that office, does not contain this instrument.
Feb. 25, 1672, Lovelace leased the old Company's Bouwery and the Domine's Bouwery to Dirck Sleeken, at a yearly rental of 600 guilders, wampum. — Land Papers, I: 44. In August, 1674, the Duke of York issued a warrant to Andros, authorizing him to seize the estate of Francis Lovelace, late governour, to satisfy a debt of about £7,000. In 1677, Gov. Andros made a new lease to Sleeken for thirty years. Feb. 12, 1687, Gox. Dongan wrote; "And as to the Farm . . . his Royal Highness, now his Majesty was pleased I should have both the farm & the house during the term of my government at this place."
May 6, 1697, Trinity Church received its first charter from Gov. Fletcher. — Liber Patents, VII: 82.
Aug. 19, 1697, Fletcher leased the farm to the church for seven years. May i, 1700, Lord Cornbury leased it to the church for the term that he should remain governour. Bellomont had had the prior lease annulled. Aug. 6, 1702, Cornbury renewed the lease during his term of office. Oct. 4, 1704, he recommended to the Queen that the farm be granted to the church. The patent was issued about a year later.
Edward, Viscount Cornburv, Captain-Generall, etc., to Rector and Inhabitants. Patent, dated Nov. 23, 1705. — Liber Patents, VII: 338 (new page, 285) (Albany).
Desc: "All those our Severall Closes, Peeces & Parcels of Land, Meadows and Pastures formerly Called ye Duke's Farm & ye King's Farme and now known by the Name of the Queens Farme with All & Singular ye fences, inclosures, Improvem'^ and Appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging as ye same are now in ye Occupacon of and Enjoyed by George Ryerse of ye City of New York, Yeoman, or by any former Tennant, situate, lying and being on ye Island Manhattans in ye City of New York aforesaid and Bounded on the East Partly by the Broadway, Partly by the Common and Partly by ye Swamp and on ye West by Hudsons River. And also all that our Peece or Parcel of ground situate and being on ye south side of ye Church yard of Trinity Church aforesaid Commonly Called or known by the Name of ye Queens Garden fronting to ye said Broadway on the East and extending to Low water marke upon Hudsons River on the West All w<=b said premises are now lett at the Yearly Rent of thirty Pounds."
May 29, 1917, this patent was recorded in Liber Deeds, MMMXXIII: 129 (New York).
The facts recited in this brief history of a famous farm will be found at greater length in the Chronology and in the authorities there quoted. Stephen P. Nash, who was attorney to the corporation of Trinity Church, prepared a history of the farm for Dr. Morgan Dix. It is called Anneke Jans Bogardus & Trinity Oiurch. A Critical Inquiry. Printed for the Church, 1896. There is an article in Harper's Mag., May, 1885, Vol. LXX: 836, by James W. Gerard.
The statement in that article that Cornells Bogardus was dead, at the time the deed of 1671 was made, is not correct. He died Oct. 13, 1707.
Cornells Bogardus was not a party to the deed of March 9, 1671. This was the basis of the suit of Bogardus vs. Trinity Church. The claim was made that the church took title under that deed, and that his one-sixth interest had never been conveyed. The Church denied that it claimed to own the farm under that conveyance. It declared that its only title was derived from the patent of Nov. 23, 1705.
This outstanding interest of Cornelis Bogardus has been a source of great annoyance to the church. Alleged heirs of Bogardus have brought suit to recover the property. In December, 1847, Vice-Chancellor Sandford decided the last real litigation in favour of Trinity corporation. See Bogardus vs. Trinity Church, printed in Sandford, Chancery Reports, IV: 674. A later suit was dismissed in 1859: decision affirmed by the court of appeals in i860.
Unscrupulous attorneys have obtained money from associations of heirs of Anneke Jans, from time to time, but the title of the church is indisputable. It has never been a matter of common knowledge that the only shadow of a claim was a possible one-sixth interest.