Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Jan Swaen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Jan Swaen. (HH-2: 20.) Desc: A lot on Oct. 23 the Island of Manhattan in rear of the lot of Dirck Nes and the lot of Frederick Jansen, extending on the N. along the lot of Do. Drisius and on the S. along the lot of Jan Huygen; is in br. on E. and W., 6 r.; in length on N. and S., 4 r
Document Source(s)
HH-2: 20
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. to Jan Swaen. (HH-2: 20.) Desc: A lot on Oct. 23
the Island of Manhattan in rear of the lot of Dirck Nes
and the lot of Frederick Jansen, extending on the N.
along the lot of Do. Drisius and on the S. along the lot of
Jan Huygen; is in br. on E. and W., 6 r.; in length on N.
and S., 4 r.
Deed. Jan Swaen to Hans Steyn. (Original in library Aug. 28
of J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq.) Desc: A cert, strip of lot
for a passage, 4 ft. in regular width from end to end, of
the length of the seller's lot along the S. side of the lot of
Mother Pietersen, wid. of the late Jan Huygen, situated
in the rear of the lot of Dirck Nes and the lot of Frederick
Jansen within this city, to the S. of the afsd. Hans
Steyn's dwelling and premises. And this by authority
and in accordance with gr-br. dated Oct. 23, 1654.
Deed. Jan Swaen to Luycas Dircksen Vanderburgh. Mch. I
(Original in library of J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq.) Desc:
Cert. ho. and lot situated in this city behind the premises
of Dirck Nes and the premises of Frederick Jansen, ex- '
tending on the N. side of Rev. Drisius's premises and on
the S. side of Jan Huygen's premises, being wide, on the
E. side, 6 r. and on the W. side wide 6 r. ; in length on the
S. side, 4 r. and on the N. side, 4 r.
1 668
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Lucas Dircks. (Pats. Alb., Apl. I
III: 8.) Recites deed, John Swaen to Dircks, i Mch.,
1657. Desc: s. a. gr-br. recited above.
Gr-br. to Jan Swaen. (HH-2: 20.) Desc: A lot on Oct. 23
the Island of Manhattan in rear of the lot of Dirck Nes
and the lot of Frederick Jansen, extending on the N.
along the lot of Do. Drisius and on the S. along the lot of
Jan Huygen; is in br. on E. and W., 6 r.; in length on N.
and S., 4 r.
Deed. Jan Swaen to Hans Steyn. (Original in library Aug. 28
of J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq.) Desc: A cert, strip of lot
for a passage, 4 ft. in regular width from end to end, of
the length of the seller's lot along the S. side of the lot of
Mother Pietersen, wid. of the late Jan Huygen, situated
in the rear of the lot of Dirck Nes and the lot of Frederick
Jansen within this city, to the S. of the afsd. Hans
Steyn's dwelling and premises. And this by authority
and in accordance with gr-br. dated Oct. 23, 1654.
Deed. Jan Swaen to Luycas Dircksen Vanderburgh. Mch. I
(Original in library of J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq.) Desc:
Cert. ho. and lot situated in this city behind the premises
of Dirck Nes and the premises of Frederick Jansen, ex- '
tending on the N. side of Rev. Drisius's premises and on
the S. side of Jan Huygen's premises, being wide, on the
E. side, 6 r. and on the W. side wide 6 r. ; in length on the
S. side, 4 r. and on the N. side, 4 r.
1 668
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Lucas Dircks. (Pats. Alb., Apl. I
III: 8.) Recites deed, John Swaen to Dircks, i Mch.,
1657. Desc: s. a. gr-br. recited above.