Lot: C5 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
From Party (Text)
Hendnck Jansen
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Adam Brouwer. (GG: 167.) Desc: A cert. Feb. 7 lot for a ho. and garden out of the lot of Hendrick Jansen, on the 2nd day of June, A. D. 1644, laid out by the surveyor. It extends in front on the road from the E. end, 9 r., 2 ft., 2 ins. and 7 gr. On the W. side, 6 r. to the rear of the ho. along a cert, fence; further on as the fence runs, 2 r., 9 ft., 2 ins.; on the W. side the length to the rear of the lot, 5 r., 6 ins.; the br. in the rear or on the N. side, 3 r., 8 ft., i in. and 2 gr.; on the E. side in length next to the lot of Willem Bredenbent. 9 r., 7 ft., 3 ins. and I gr.; amtg. in all to 61 r., 5 ft. 8 ins. and 3 gr.*
Document Source(s)
Dutch Feb. 21 MSS., II: 141
Source Types
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Deed. Hendnck Jansen to Adam Brouwer. (Dutch Feb. 21
MSS., II: 141.) Desc: "formerly occupied by Jeuriacn


Gr-br. to Adam Brouwer. (GG: 167.) Desc: A cert. Feb. 7
lot for a ho. and garden out of the lot of Hendrick
Jansen, on the 2nd day of June, A. D. 1644, laid out by
the surveyor. It extends in front on the road from the E.
end, 9 r., 2 ft., 2 ins. and 7 gr. On the W. side, 6 r. to the
rear of the ho. along a cert, fence; further on as the fence
runs, 2 r., 9 ft., 2 ins.; on the W. side the length to the
rear of the lot, 5 r., 6 ins.; the br. in the rear or on the N.
side, 3 r., 8 ft., i in. and 2 gr.; on the E. side in length
next to the lot of Willem Bredenbent. 9 r., 7 ft., 3 ins.
and I gr.; amtg. in all to 61 r., 5 ft. 8 ins. and 3 gr.*

*AI1 subsequent transactions prove this desc. erroneous. The
actual dimensions and form of the grant are shown on Map.

1656 -

Deed. Adam Brouwer to Dirck Van Schelluyne. Aug. 19
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 69.) Desc: Ho. and lot N.
of begun Graft* bet. lot of Jan the Cooper on W. and E.
Woutersen on E. side; br. in front on St. with free drop
on both sides, i r., 4 ft., 6 ins.; thence E. along division
of lot of H. Jochemsen, equi strait (sic) to rear of garden,
6 r., 9 ft.; thence E. up to fence and division of E.
Woutersen, 3 r., 6 ft., 2 ins., along said division line, N.
up 7 r., and I ft.; thence W. along the division of D.
Bensinck's lot to Gerrit the Miller's lot where Jacob the
Brewer's man has now built, 3 r., 6 ins. along said lot;
S. up 4 r., 3 ft. along corner of Gerrit the Miller's lot
back E. I r., 7 ft. and so fonvard along division of Gerrit
and Abram the Miller's lot unto the rear of Jan the
Cooper's lot; again S., 5 r., 5 ft., 4 ins.; thence agam a
hoeckie running E., i r., 2 ft. and 8 ins.; thence to front
of St., S. 5 r., 6 ft. and l inch; according to survey by
Court Messenger in presence of E. Woutersen and ors.
on Aug. 18 inst.; in virtue of gr-br. by Director-General
to Adam Brouwer, Feb. 7, 1647.

Deed. Dirck Van Schelluyne to Jacobus Vis. (Lib. Aug. 22
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 99.) Desc: s. a. preceding instru-

•Beaver Graft (now Beaver Street).




June 9 Deed. Jacob Vis to Jan Schryver. (Lib. B, Deeds,
N. Y. Co.:37.) Recites above instrument. Desc.:s. a.
in two preceding instruments.