Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Cornells Van Tienhoven
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Cornells Van Tienhoven. (HH-2: 7.) Desc: A lot on the Island of Manhattan, City of New Amsterdam, in the Sheep Pasture, having the lot of Mr. Nicasius de Sille on the S.SW.; extending in length along the lot of De Sille, 24 r. Rhynland measure in front extending in br. from the lot of De Sille to the lot of Carl Van Brugge, N NE. 7 r., 8 ft. (Rynland) and from the front corner of Van Brugge's lot N.NW. 24 r. in length and in the rear in br. bet. De Sille and Van Brugge's lot about E. by S., 3 r., 8 ft.
Document Source(s)
HH-2: 7
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
May 22 Gr-br. to Cornells Van Tienhoven. (HH-2: 7.)
Desc: A lot on the Island of Manhattan, City of New
Amsterdam, in the Sheep Pasture, having the lot of Mr.
Nicasius de Sille on the S.SW.; extending in length
along the lot of De Sille, 24 r. Rhynland measure in
front extending in br. from the lot of De Sille to the
lot of Carl Van Brugge, N NE. 7 r., 8 ft. (Rynland)
and from the front corner of Van Brugge's lot N.NW.
24 r. in length and in the rear in br. bet. De Sille and
Van Brugge's lot about E. by S., 3 r., 8 ft.
Oct. 3 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Creditors, &c. of Cornelius
Van Tienhoven. (Pats. Alb., II: 109.) Recites gr-br.
to Cornelys van Tienhoven, May 22, 1664. Desc: s. a.
preceding instrument.
Sep. 15 Deed. Raghel van Tienhoven to Robert Roelantsen (of
Berlin). (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 173.) Desc: Lot
W. of Garden street, bounded S. by lot of N. de Sille,
II r.; W. by st. afsd., 30 ft.; N. by lot of J. Vinge, 10 r.,
7 ft.; E. by Smee st., i r. Surveyed by J. Cortelyou
June 22, 1659; recites gr-br., May 22, 1654.
Deed. Robert Roelantsen to Hendrick van der Walle. Aug. 12
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 228.) Desc:s. a. preceding
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Paulus Richard. (Pats. Dec. 3
Alb., II: 143.) Recites transport of Aug. 12, 1660 from
Robert Roelans van Berlin to Hendrick van der Walle
and that Paulus Richard m. the wid. of the said Hendrick
van der Waal (sic). Desc: s. a. preceding instruments.
Deed. Raghel van Tienhoven to Hendrick Barensen Aug. 12
Smith. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 229.) Desc: Lot
S, of Tuyn St., bounded S. W. by lot of N. de Sille; W.
by lot of H. van der Walle, 2 r., i ft. ; N. E. by above st.j
S. and N. sides, 7 r. Measured by J. Cortelyou, June 22,
1659. Recites gr-br. May 22, 1654.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Hendrick Barent Smith. June 12
(Pats. Alb., II: 49.) Recites transport by Rachel van
Tienhoven to above, Aug. 12, 1660. Desc: s. a. preced-
ing instrument.
May 22 Gr-br. to Cornells Van Tienhoven. (HH-2: 7.)
Desc: A lot on the Island of Manhattan, City of New
Amsterdam, in the Sheep Pasture, having the lot of Mr.
Nicasius de Sille on the S.SW.; extending in length
along the lot of De Sille, 24 r. Rhynland measure in
front extending in br. from the lot of De Sille to the
lot of Carl Van Brugge, N NE. 7 r., 8 ft. (Rynland)
and from the front corner of Van Brugge's lot N.NW.
24 r. in length and in the rear in br. bet. De Sille and
Van Brugge's lot about E. by S., 3 r., 8 ft.
Oct. 3 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Creditors, &c. of Cornelius
Van Tienhoven. (Pats. Alb., II: 109.) Recites gr-br.
to Cornelys van Tienhoven, May 22, 1664. Desc: s. a.
preceding instrument.
Sep. 15 Deed. Raghel van Tienhoven to Robert Roelantsen (of
Berlin). (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 173.) Desc: Lot
W. of Garden street, bounded S. by lot of N. de Sille,
II r.; W. by st. afsd., 30 ft.; N. by lot of J. Vinge, 10 r.,
7 ft.; E. by Smee st., i r. Surveyed by J. Cortelyou
June 22, 1659; recites gr-br., May 22, 1654.
Deed. Robert Roelantsen to Hendrick van der Walle. Aug. 12
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 228.) Desc:s. a. preceding
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Paulus Richard. (Pats. Dec. 3
Alb., II: 143.) Recites transport of Aug. 12, 1660 from
Robert Roelans van Berlin to Hendrick van der Walle
and that Paulus Richard m. the wid. of the said Hendrick
van der Waal (sic). Desc: s. a. preceding instruments.
Deed. Raghel van Tienhoven to Hendrick Barensen Aug. 12
Smith. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 229.) Desc: Lot
S, of Tuyn St., bounded S. W. by lot of N. de Sille; W.
by lot of H. van der Walle, 2 r., i ft. ; N. E. by above st.j
S. and N. sides, 7 r. Measured by J. Cortelyou, June 22,
1659. Recites gr-br. May 22, 1654.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Hendrick Barent Smith. June 12
(Pats. Alb., II: 49.) Recites transport by Rachel van
Tienhoven to above, Aug. 12, 1660. Desc: s. a. preced-
ing instrument.