Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Sybout Claessen
From Party (Text)
Grant Notes
Prior to 1643 Gr-br. to Aert Teunissen. Not found of record. Note: Aert Teunissen was killed by Indians in 1643. His wid. m. Sybout Claessen.
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Sybout Claessen, who has m. the wid. of Aert Teunissen. (GG: 148.) Desc: A cert, lot for a ho. and garden, lying along the Public Road (Broadway) near to the garden of Jan Damen, extending in the br. along the said road 5 r., S ft. and in the length till to the post-and- rail fence of said Jan Damen and behind along the post- and-rail fence in br. 5 r., 5 ft.
Document Source(s)
GG: 148
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Prior to 1643
Gr-br. to Aert Teunissen. Not found of record.
Note: Aert Teunissen was killed by Indians in 1643.
His wid. m. Sybout Claessen.
June 5 Gr-br. to Sybout Claessen, who has m. the wid. of Aert
Teunissen. (GG: 148.) Desc: A cert, lot for a ho. and
garden, lying along the Public Road (Broadway) near to
the garden of Jan Damen, extending in the br. along the
said road 5 r., S ft. and in the length till to the post-and-
rail fence of said Jan Damen and behind along the post-
and-rail fence in br. 5 r., 5 ft.
Aug. 13 Deed. Sybolt Claesen to Pieter Cock. (Dutch MSS.,
Ill: 52.) Desc: A lot on the Highway near the garden
of Jan Damen, by virtue of a gr-br. of June 5, 1646.
May 20 Deed. Pieter Kock to Jacob Steendam. Not found of
record. Recited in Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 45.
May 8 Deed. Jacob Steendam to Harmen Smeeman. Not
found of record but recited in a mtge. of same date.
(Mtges., 1654-1660, trans, by O'Callaghan: 59, in City
Clerk's Library.)
Mch. 15 Harmen Smeeman requests grant of "an ungranted
lot about 70ft. wide and Soft, deep, lies behind his ho.
in this City, as lots are granted to others." Granted.
{Rec. N. .-/ffl., VII: 146-7.)
Prior to 1659
Feb. 19 Deed. Harmen Smeeman to Dirck Siecken. (Deed
recorded Oct. 23, 1671, Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 187;
Cf. Min. Orph. Court, I: 70.)
Deed. Jacob Steendam to Leendert Aerden. (Lib. A, May 27
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 45.) Recites sale "according to the
sale made at public auction to Frederic Gysbertsen and
that in virtue of the deed granted to him, the appearer,
dated May 20, 1654, by Pieter Kock at the Secretary's
Office of the Director-General and Council of New
Netherland which afsd. lot he, the appearer, Jacob
Steendam, with the consent of the afsd. Frederic
Gysbertsen, cedes and conveys unto" Aerden. Desc:
A cert, part of his lot on E. side Great Highway, S. of ho.
and lot of Johannes Nevius and N. of ho. of H. Smeeman,
br. in front on street or W. side, 30 ft.; in rear on E. side,
30 ft.; long both N. and S. sides 130 ft.
Conf. Governor! Ncolls to Barent Jacobsen. (Pats. May 15
Alb., Ill: 35.) Recites deed Jacob Steendam to Leendert
Aerden, May 27, 1656 (supra). Now, Leendert Aerden
being deed., and his children all daus. and one dau. being
the wife of Barent Jacobsen, conf. is to the latter.
Gr-br. to Aert Teunissen. Not found of record.
Note: Aert Teunissen was killed by Indians in 1643.
His wid. m. Sybout Claessen.
June 5 Gr-br. to Sybout Claessen, who has m. the wid. of Aert
Teunissen. (GG: 148.) Desc: A cert, lot for a ho. and
garden, lying along the Public Road (Broadway) near to
the garden of Jan Damen, extending in the br. along the
said road 5 r., S ft. and in the length till to the post-and-
rail fence of said Jan Damen and behind along the post-
and-rail fence in br. 5 r., 5 ft.
Aug. 13 Deed. Sybolt Claesen to Pieter Cock. (Dutch MSS.,
Ill: 52.) Desc: A lot on the Highway near the garden
of Jan Damen, by virtue of a gr-br. of June 5, 1646.
May 20 Deed. Pieter Kock to Jacob Steendam. Not found of
record. Recited in Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 45.
May 8 Deed. Jacob Steendam to Harmen Smeeman. Not
found of record but recited in a mtge. of same date.
(Mtges., 1654-1660, trans, by O'Callaghan: 59, in City
Clerk's Library.)
Mch. 15 Harmen Smeeman requests grant of "an ungranted
lot about 70ft. wide and Soft, deep, lies behind his ho.
in this City, as lots are granted to others." Granted.
{Rec. N. .-/ffl., VII: 146-7.)
Prior to 1659
Feb. 19 Deed. Harmen Smeeman to Dirck Siecken. (Deed
recorded Oct. 23, 1671, Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 187;
Cf. Min. Orph. Court, I: 70.)
Deed. Jacob Steendam to Leendert Aerden. (Lib. A, May 27
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 45.) Recites sale "according to the
sale made at public auction to Frederic Gysbertsen and
that in virtue of the deed granted to him, the appearer,
dated May 20, 1654, by Pieter Kock at the Secretary's
Office of the Director-General and Council of New
Netherland which afsd. lot he, the appearer, Jacob
Steendam, with the consent of the afsd. Frederic
Gysbertsen, cedes and conveys unto" Aerden. Desc:
A cert, part of his lot on E. side Great Highway, S. of ho.
and lot of Johannes Nevius and N. of ho. of H. Smeeman,
br. in front on street or W. side, 30 ft.; in rear on E. side,
30 ft.; long both N. and S. sides 130 ft.
Conf. Governor! Ncolls to Barent Jacobsen. (Pats. May 15
Alb., Ill: 35.) Recites deed Jacob Steendam to Leendert
Aerden, May 27, 1656 (supra). Now, Leendert Aerden
being deed., and his children all daus. and one dau. being
the wife of Barent Jacobsen, conf. is to the latter.