Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1
To Party 1 (text)
Cosyn Gerritsen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Cosyn Gerritsen. (GG: 186.) Desc: A lot for a ho. and garden, lying on the Common Public High- way (Heerenwegh: Broadway), betwixt Rutgert Aertsen and Joris (sic) Nyssen's; its br. on the afsd. road is 4 r.; its length on the S. side is 18 t., 2 ft., 5 ins.; its length on N. side is 18 r., 2 ft., 5 ins., amtg. in all to 27 r., 8 ft., 2 ins
Document Source(s)
GG: 186
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. to Cosyn Gerritsen. (GG: 186.) Desc: A lot
for a ho. and garden, lying on the Common Public High-
way (Heerenwegh: Broadway), betwixt Rutgert Aertsen
and Joris (sic) Nyssen's; its br. on the afsd. road is 4 r.;
its length on the S. side is 18 t., 2 ft., 5 ins.; its length on
N. side is 18 r., 2 ft., 5 ins., amtg. in all to 27 r., 8 ft.,
2 ins.
May 3 Deed. Cosyn Gerritsen to Matys Capito. (Lib. A,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 81.) Desc: Ho. and lot E. side of
Great Highway, bet. hos. and lots of H. Hendricks on S.
and Cornells J. Cloppenborgh on N. ; br. in front on St.,
4 r., 8 ft., 9 ins.; E. side, rear, 4 r.; N. and S. sides, 18 r.,
2 ft., 5 ins.; according to a survey by Court Messenger,
Nov. 7, 165 1 ; in virtue of a gr-br. to Nyssen, Mch. 13,
1647, and deed from Teunis Nyssen.
Gr-br. to Matthys Capito. Not found of record, but
recited in conf. set forth below to Frederick Phillips.
Note: This gr-br. by way of conf. of his deed.
Prior to 1658
Deed. Matthys Capito to Pieter Rudolphus. Not
found of record, but recited in conf. set forth below.
(Cf. Ric. N. Am., II: 382.)
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Frederick Phillips. (Pats.
Alb., II: 7.) Recites that Matthys Capito had heretofore
a gr-br. from Stuyvesant; that he did transport the same
over to Pieter Rudolphus; also that the wid. of Rudol-
phus m. Frederick Phillips and hence this conf. to him.
Desc: E. side of Broadway to the N. of Isaac Greveraet;
to the S. of De Haes. Cont'g on the W. side, 2 r., 9 ft.,
4 ins.; on the S. and N. sides 6 ft., 7 ins. {sic) in length
and on the E. side, 2 r.
Deed. Matthys Capito to Gabryel de Haas. (Lib. A,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 193.) Desc: Ho. and lot E. of Heer
Straet, bounded N. by ho. and lot of C. J. Visser, who
m. the wid. of C. J. Cloppenborgh, 18 r.; E. partly by
lot of I. Kip and part by lot of P. Rodolphus, 26 ft.; S.
by ho. and lot which P. Rodolphus bought from Capito
at public sale, 18 r.; W. by St., afsd., 28 ft. Measured
by J. Cortelyou, Aug. 25, 1658. Recites deed May 3,
for a ho. and garden, lying on the Common Public High-
way (Heerenwegh: Broadway), betwixt Rutgert Aertsen
and Joris (sic) Nyssen's; its br. on the afsd. road is 4 r.;
its length on the S. side is 18 t., 2 ft., 5 ins.; its length on
N. side is 18 r., 2 ft., 5 ins., amtg. in all to 27 r., 8 ft.,
2 ins.
May 3 Deed. Cosyn Gerritsen to Matys Capito. (Lib. A,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 81.) Desc: Ho. and lot E. side of
Great Highway, bet. hos. and lots of H. Hendricks on S.
and Cornells J. Cloppenborgh on N. ; br. in front on St.,
4 r., 8 ft., 9 ins.; E. side, rear, 4 r.; N. and S. sides, 18 r.,
2 ft., 5 ins.; according to a survey by Court Messenger,
Nov. 7, 165 1 ; in virtue of a gr-br. to Nyssen, Mch. 13,
1647, and deed from Teunis Nyssen.
Gr-br. to Matthys Capito. Not found of record, but
recited in conf. set forth below to Frederick Phillips.
Note: This gr-br. by way of conf. of his deed.
Prior to 1658
Deed. Matthys Capito to Pieter Rudolphus. Not
found of record, but recited in conf. set forth below.
(Cf. Ric. N. Am., II: 382.)
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Frederick Phillips. (Pats.
Alb., II: 7.) Recites that Matthys Capito had heretofore
a gr-br. from Stuyvesant; that he did transport the same
over to Pieter Rudolphus; also that the wid. of Rudol-
phus m. Frederick Phillips and hence this conf. to him.
Desc: E. side of Broadway to the N. of Isaac Greveraet;
to the S. of De Haes. Cont'g on the W. side, 2 r., 9 ft.,
4 ins.; on the S. and N. sides 6 ft., 7 ins. {sic) in length
and on the E. side, 2 r.
Deed. Matthys Capito to Gabryel de Haas. (Lib. A,
Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 193.) Desc: Ho. and lot E. of Heer
Straet, bounded N. by ho. and lot of C. J. Visser, who
m. the wid. of C. J. Cloppenborgh, 18 r.; E. partly by
lot of I. Kip and part by lot of P. Rodolphus, 26 ft.; S.
by ho. and lot which P. Rodolphus bought from Capito
at public sale, 18 r.; W. by St., afsd., 28 ft. Measured
by J. Cortelyou, Aug. 25, 1658. Recites deed May 3,