Lot Group
Grant Lots
Grant Lot Document(s)
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To Party 1 (text)
Teunis Tomassen Van Naerden
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Teunis Tomassen Van Naerden. (GG: 107.) July 4 Desc: A lot for a ho. and garden lying on the N. E. side of Fort Amsterdam; it e,xtends on the S. side in length, next to the lots of Isaac de Foreest and Flip Geraerdy, 9 r., 8 ft., 2 ins.; in front by the road with an outpoint (projecting point) of I r., l^ ft.; on the W. side along said road, 8 r., 3 ft.; on the N. side next to the road, till to the lot of Willem Morrits; along his lot, 5 r., 5 ft.; further along said lot till to the lot of Isaac de Foreest, 6 r., 6 ft., gins.; further on to the place of beginning, I r., 3 ft. and 8 ins.; aratg. in all to 56 r., 4 ft., 7 ins.
Document Source(s)
GG: 107
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. to Teunis Tomassen Van Naerden. (GG: 107.) July 4
Desc: A lot for a ho. and garden lying on the N. E. side
of Fort Amsterdam; it e,xtends on the S. side in length,
next to the lots of Isaac de Foreest and Flip Geraerdy,
9 r., 8 ft., 2 ins.; in front by the road with an outpoint
(projecting point) of I r., l^ ft.; on the W. side along said
road, 8 r., 3 ft.; on the N. side next to the road, till to the
lot of Willem Morrits; along his lot, 5 r., 5 ft.; further
along said lot till to the lot of Isaac de Foreest, 6 r., 6 ft.,
gins.; further on to the place of beginning, I r., 3 ft.
and 8 ins.; aratg. in all to 56 r., 4 ft., 7 ins.
Deed. Teunis Tomassen Van Naarden to Frerick Feb. 22
Aarsen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 148.) Desc: Lot on
Marckvelt, bounded N. by Marckvelt Steegh, 52 ft.,
8 ins.; E. by lot of C. Nysen Romp, 23 ft., 10 ins.; S. by
ho. and lot of G. Hendricksen, 52 ft.; W. by the Marck-
velt, 24 ft. wood measure. Recites measured by Cortel-
you; recites gr-br. July 4, 1645 and bill of sale Nov. 11,
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Frederick Aartsen. (Pats. July 17
Alb., II: 77.) Recites transport by Teunis Tomas van
Naarden dated Feb. 22, 1659. Desc: Marckvelt, having
to the N. lane called Marckvelt Steeghie; to the E. the
lot of Christian Nysen; S., Gerrit Hendricks and to the
W. the Marckvelt; cont'g on the E. side, 23 ft., 10 ins.;
S. side, 52 ft.; W. side, 24 ft.; N. side, 52 ft., 8 ins.
Deed. Teunis Tomassen Van Naarden to Gerrit May 8
Hendricks. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 129.) Ho. and
lot E. of Fort on the Marckvelt, surveyed by J. Cortelyou,
Jan. 7, 1658. W. side is br., 20ft.; E. side, 20ft.; N.
side, long 40 ft.; S. side, 40 ft. (each foot 13 ins.), accord-
ing to conditions of public sale, Jan. 12, 1658 by C. Van
Ruyven, Secy.; recites gr-br. July 4, 1645.
Conf. GovernorNicolls to Gerrit Hendricksen. (Pats. July 23
Alb., II: 81.) Recites transport by Teunis Tomassen
van Naarden, May 8, 1658. Desc: s.a. preceding in-
Deed. Teunis Tomassen Van Naarden, to Jan Jansen Aug. 22
de Jongh. Not found of record, but recited in deed set
forth below.
July 6 Deed. Jan Jansen de Jongh to Jonas Barteltsen.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 272.) Desc: Lot E. of the
Marckvelt, bounded N. by ho. and lot of G. H. Van
Hardewyck, 5 r., 7 ft.; E. by lot of N. Boot, 18 ft., 5 ins.;
S. by lot of Jan Joosten, 5 r., s ft.; W. by Marckvelt,
24 ft., 3 ins. Measured by Jacques Cortelyou, Mch. 8,
1661; recites deed Aug. 22, 1658; bill of sale, Feb. 22,
Apl. II Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jonas Bartelste. (Pats.
Alb., II: I.) Recites transport by Jan Jans de Jongh
unto Jonas Bartelste, dated July 6, 1662; Desc. s. a.
preceding instrument.
Aug. 22 Deed. Teunis Tomassen Van Naarden to Jan Jansen
de Jongh. Not found of record, but recited in deed
set forth below.
Sep. 2 Deed. Jan Jansen de Jongh to Jan Joosten. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 239.) Desc: Lot E. of Marckvelt;
bounded N. by ho. and lot of J. Bartellsen, 5 r., 5 ft.;
E. by lot of N. Boot, 18 ft., 5 ins.; S. by ho. and lot of J.
Kay, 5 r., 4 ft.; W. by Marckvelt, 24 ft., 3 ins. Recites
deed Aug. 22, 1658.
Oct. 28 Deed. Teunis Tomassen Van Naarden to Christian
Nyssen Romp. Not found of record but recited in deed
set forth below.
June 27 Deed. Christian Nyssen Romp to Gerrit Hendricksen.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 162.) Desc: Lot in Marck-
velt Steegh, bounded W. by ho. and lot of F. Aarsen;
N. by lane afsd.; E. by ho. and lot of N. Boot; S. by ho.
and lot of T. T. Van Naarden. In length and br. accord-
ing to deed Oct. 28, 1658.
Oct. 4 Deed. Gerrit Hendricksen to Christiaen Pieters.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 245.) Desc: s. a. preceding
instrument. According to deeds, Oct. 28, 1658 and June
27, 1659.
Oct. i. Deed. Christiaen Pieters to Jacob Leendersen Van
■ der Grist (Grift). (Lib A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 246.)
Desc: Ho. and lot S. of Marckvelt.; bounded E. by ho.
and lot of N. Bout, 48 ft.; S. by lot of Jacob T. Kay,
20 ft., 3 ins.; W. by ho. and lot of F. Aarsen, 47 ft.,
6 ins.; recites deed Oct. 4, 1661.
.Apl. 5 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jaques Cossart. (Pats.
Alb., IV: 39.) Recites transport Jacob Leendertsen
vander Grift to Simon Jansen Romein, Aug. 26, 1666
[see Lib. B, N. Y. Co., loi]; and is by him since conveyed
to Jaques Cossart. Desc: S. side Marckvelt Steegh
joining on the E. to Nicholas Boot; on the S. to Jonas
Bartletts [Bartelste]; on the W. Frederick Aertsen; and
on the N. to the said Lane; cont'g in br. on the N. and S.
sides, 20 ft., 3 ins.; on the E. side in length 48 ft. and on
the W. side, 45 ft., 6 ins., wood measure.
Aug. 22 Deed. Teunis Tomassen Van Naerden to Jacob
Teunissen Kay. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 21.) Recites
gr-br. July 4, 1645; bill of sale June 7, 1660. Desc: Ho.
and lot E. of Marckvelt; bounded S. by ho. and lot of
F. Flypsen; N. lot of J. Joosten; E., lot of J. E. Boot;
W. by the Marckvelt ; measured by J. Cortelyou, Aug. 1 2,
1660 and found, W. side, 2 r., 4ft., Sins.; S. side,
obliqued, 5 r., 10 ft.; long, N. side, 5 r., 5 ft.; br. this
length bet. M. Polet and Jan Joosten, I r., 6 ins., in rear
of Jan Joosten, I r., 3 ft., 4 ins.; br. altogether, 2 r., 3 ft.,
10 ins.; long, S. side, 5 r., 6 ft.; N. side, 5 r., 5 ft.; br. E.
side, 2 r., 6 ins.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jacob Teunis Kay. (Pats. Apl. 20
Alb., II: 16.) Recites gr-br. Kieft to Teunis Thomassen
van Naerden, July 4, 1645; that the right, title and in-
terest therein were transported by Teunis Tomassen (van
Naerden) to Jacob Teunis Kay, Aug. 22, 1663. Desc:
N. side Fort, the S. side thereof stretching along next to
Isaac de Foreest and Philip Gerart, it contains 9 r., 8 ft.,
2 ins.; then striking out before towards the way, with an
angle of i r., 4 ft., it is on the W. side along the said way,
8 r. and 3 ft.; on the N. side, next to the way to the
ground of William Morrice; then 5 r., 5 ft. further going
along the said ground till you come to that of Isaac de
Foreest, it's 6 r., 6 ft., 9 ins.; and further on to the first
going off, I r., 3 ft.. Sins.; in all amtg. to 561., 4ft.,
7 ins.
Gr-br. to Teunis Tomassen Van Naerden. (GG: 107.) July 4
Desc: A lot for a ho. and garden lying on the N. E. side
of Fort Amsterdam; it e,xtends on the S. side in length,
next to the lots of Isaac de Foreest and Flip Geraerdy,
9 r., 8 ft., 2 ins.; in front by the road with an outpoint
(projecting point) of I r., l^ ft.; on the W. side along said
road, 8 r., 3 ft.; on the N. side next to the road, till to the
lot of Willem Morrits; along his lot, 5 r., 5 ft.; further
along said lot till to the lot of Isaac de Foreest, 6 r., 6 ft.,
gins.; further on to the place of beginning, I r., 3 ft.
and 8 ins.; aratg. in all to 56 r., 4 ft., 7 ins.
Deed. Teunis Tomassen Van Naarden to Frerick Feb. 22
Aarsen. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 148.) Desc: Lot on
Marckvelt, bounded N. by Marckvelt Steegh, 52 ft.,
8 ins.; E. by lot of C. Nysen Romp, 23 ft., 10 ins.; S. by
ho. and lot of G. Hendricksen, 52 ft.; W. by the Marck-
velt, 24 ft. wood measure. Recites measured by Cortel-
you; recites gr-br. July 4, 1645 and bill of sale Nov. 11,
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Frederick Aartsen. (Pats. July 17
Alb., II: 77.) Recites transport by Teunis Tomas van
Naarden dated Feb. 22, 1659. Desc: Marckvelt, having
to the N. lane called Marckvelt Steeghie; to the E. the
lot of Christian Nysen; S., Gerrit Hendricks and to the
W. the Marckvelt; cont'g on the E. side, 23 ft., 10 ins.;
S. side, 52 ft.; W. side, 24 ft.; N. side, 52 ft., 8 ins.
Deed. Teunis Tomassen Van Naarden to Gerrit May 8
Hendricks. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 129.) Ho. and
lot E. of Fort on the Marckvelt, surveyed by J. Cortelyou,
Jan. 7, 1658. W. side is br., 20ft.; E. side, 20ft.; N.
side, long 40 ft.; S. side, 40 ft. (each foot 13 ins.), accord-
ing to conditions of public sale, Jan. 12, 1658 by C. Van
Ruyven, Secy.; recites gr-br. July 4, 1645.
Conf. GovernorNicolls to Gerrit Hendricksen. (Pats. July 23
Alb., II: 81.) Recites transport by Teunis Tomassen
van Naarden, May 8, 1658. Desc: s.a. preceding in-
Deed. Teunis Tomassen Van Naarden, to Jan Jansen Aug. 22
de Jongh. Not found of record, but recited in deed set
forth below.
July 6 Deed. Jan Jansen de Jongh to Jonas Barteltsen.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 272.) Desc: Lot E. of the
Marckvelt, bounded N. by ho. and lot of G. H. Van
Hardewyck, 5 r., 7 ft.; E. by lot of N. Boot, 18 ft., 5 ins.;
S. by lot of Jan Joosten, 5 r., s ft.; W. by Marckvelt,
24 ft., 3 ins. Measured by Jacques Cortelyou, Mch. 8,
1661; recites deed Aug. 22, 1658; bill of sale, Feb. 22,
Apl. II Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jonas Bartelste. (Pats.
Alb., II: I.) Recites transport by Jan Jans de Jongh
unto Jonas Bartelste, dated July 6, 1662; Desc. s. a.
preceding instrument.
Aug. 22 Deed. Teunis Tomassen Van Naarden to Jan Jansen
de Jongh. Not found of record, but recited in deed
set forth below.
Sep. 2 Deed. Jan Jansen de Jongh to Jan Joosten. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 239.) Desc: Lot E. of Marckvelt;
bounded N. by ho. and lot of J. Bartellsen, 5 r., 5 ft.;
E. by lot of N. Boot, 18 ft., 5 ins.; S. by ho. and lot of J.
Kay, 5 r., 4 ft.; W. by Marckvelt, 24 ft., 3 ins. Recites
deed Aug. 22, 1658.
Oct. 28 Deed. Teunis Tomassen Van Naarden to Christian
Nyssen Romp. Not found of record but recited in deed
set forth below.
June 27 Deed. Christian Nyssen Romp to Gerrit Hendricksen.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 162.) Desc: Lot in Marck-
velt Steegh, bounded W. by ho. and lot of F. Aarsen;
N. by lane afsd.; E. by ho. and lot of N. Boot; S. by ho.
and lot of T. T. Van Naarden. In length and br. accord-
ing to deed Oct. 28, 1658.
Oct. 4 Deed. Gerrit Hendricksen to Christiaen Pieters.
(Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 245.) Desc: s. a. preceding
instrument. According to deeds, Oct. 28, 1658 and June
27, 1659.
Oct. i. Deed. Christiaen Pieters to Jacob Leendersen Van
■ der Grist (Grift). (Lib A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 246.)
Desc: Ho. and lot S. of Marckvelt.; bounded E. by ho.
and lot of N. Bout, 48 ft.; S. by lot of Jacob T. Kay,
20 ft., 3 ins.; W. by ho. and lot of F. Aarsen, 47 ft.,
6 ins.; recites deed Oct. 4, 1661.
.Apl. 5 Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jaques Cossart. (Pats.
Alb., IV: 39.) Recites transport Jacob Leendertsen
vander Grift to Simon Jansen Romein, Aug. 26, 1666
[see Lib. B, N. Y. Co., loi]; and is by him since conveyed
to Jaques Cossart. Desc: S. side Marckvelt Steegh
joining on the E. to Nicholas Boot; on the S. to Jonas
Bartletts [Bartelste]; on the W. Frederick Aertsen; and
on the N. to the said Lane; cont'g in br. on the N. and S.
sides, 20 ft., 3 ins.; on the E. side in length 48 ft. and on
the W. side, 45 ft., 6 ins., wood measure.
Aug. 22 Deed. Teunis Tomassen Van Naerden to Jacob
Teunissen Kay. (Lib. B, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 21.) Recites
gr-br. July 4, 1645; bill of sale June 7, 1660. Desc: Ho.
and lot E. of Marckvelt; bounded S. by ho. and lot of
F. Flypsen; N. lot of J. Joosten; E., lot of J. E. Boot;
W. by the Marckvelt ; measured by J. Cortelyou, Aug. 1 2,
1660 and found, W. side, 2 r., 4ft., Sins.; S. side,
obliqued, 5 r., 10 ft.; long, N. side, 5 r., 5 ft.; br. this
length bet. M. Polet and Jan Joosten, I r., 6 ins., in rear
of Jan Joosten, I r., 3 ft., 4 ins.; br. altogether, 2 r., 3 ft.,
10 ins.; long, S. side, 5 r., 6 ft.; N. side, 5 r., 5 ft.; br. E.
side, 2 r., 6 ins.
Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jacob Teunis Kay. (Pats. Apl. 20
Alb., II: 16.) Recites gr-br. Kieft to Teunis Thomassen
van Naerden, July 4, 1645; that the right, title and in-
terest therein were transported by Teunis Tomassen (van
Naerden) to Jacob Teunis Kay, Aug. 22, 1663. Desc:
N. side Fort, the S. side thereof stretching along next to
Isaac de Foreest and Philip Gerart, it contains 9 r., 8 ft.,
2 ins.; then striking out before towards the way, with an
angle of i r., 4 ft., it is on the W. side along the said way,
8 r. and 3 ft.; on the N. side, next to the way to the
ground of William Morrice; then 5 r., 5 ft. further going
along the said ground till you come to that of Isaac de
Foreest, it's 6 r., 6 ft., 9 ins.; and further on to the first
going off, I r., 3 ft.. Sins.; in all amtg. to 561., 4ft.,
7 ins.