Lot: D4 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Gerrit Douman
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Gerrit Douman. (GG: 160.) Desc: A cert, lot for a ho. and garden lying on the Island of Man- hattans extending in the br. on the E. side along the ditch, 3 r., 7J-2 ft. in length next to the lot of Jan Cor- nelissen or on the S. side, 7 r., 9^2 ft.; on the W. end behind along the lot of said Jan Cornelissen, 4 r., i ft.; on the N. side in its length along the road, 7 r., 9^2 ft.
Document Source(s)
GG: 160
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Nov. 29 Gr-br. to Gerrit Douman. (GG: 160.) Desc: A cert,
lot for a ho. and garden lying on the Island of Man-
hattans extending in the br. on the E. side along the
ditch, 3 r., 7J-2 ft. in length next to the lot of Jan Cor-
nelissen or on the S. side, 7 r., 9^2 ft.; on the W. end
behind along the lot of said Jan Cornelissen, 4 r., i ft.;
on the N. side in its length along the road, 7 r., 9^2 ft.

Note: No deed of record out of Douman or into Van

Apl. I Deed. Lubbert Van Dincklagen to William Beeck-
man. (HH: 25.) Desc: A lot on the island of Man-
hattan in this city of New Amsterdam, adjoining to the
lot of Jan Cornelissen and containing as the same is set
forth in the gr-br. 29th Nov., 1646 to Gerrit Douman.

Oct. 15 Deed. William Beeckman to Peter Naerden. (HH:
60.) Desc: A lot in New Amsterdam, bounded on the
lot of Jan Cornelissen and next to the lot of Claes Tyssen
Cuypers; in length on the S., 3 r.,9 ft.; in br. on the N. or
street side, 3 r., 9 ft.; on the E., I r., 8 ft.; on the W.,
I r., 8 ft.


Feb. 14 Conf. Governor Nicolls to wid. of Pieter Van Naarden.
(Pats. Alb., II: 170.) Recites deed William Beeckman
to Pieter Van Naarden, Oct. 15, 1653. Death of Van
Naarden and that Aschee Jans is his relict. Desc: Near
unto the lot of Jan Cornelissen (Van Hoorn), next ad-
joining to that of Claes Tyssen. s. a. preceding instru-


Oct. 15 Deed. William Beeckman to Claes Tyssen. (HH:
61.) Desc: A lot in New Amsterdam next to the lot
of Conraet Ten Eyck; in length on the N., 3 r., 9 ft.; on
the S., 3 r., 9 ft.; on the E. in the street side, i r., 8 ft.;
on the W., I r., 8 ft.


Mch. 18 Deed. Claes Tysen, Cooper, to David Wessels. (Lib.
A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 125.) Desc: Ho. and lot on Heere
Graght next to ho. and lot of C. Ten Eyck; long on N.
side, 3 r., 9 ft.; S. side, 3 r., 9 ft.; E. side, or St., i r., 8 ft.;
W. side, I r., 8 ft. Recites deed Oct. 15, 1653.

May 23 Conf. Governor Nicolls to David Wessells. (Pats.
Alb., II: 34.) Recites transport Claes Tysen to Wessells,
Mch. 18, 1658.


Oct. 15 Deed. William Beeckman to OlofF Stevensen Van
Cortlandt. (HH: 59.) Desc: A lot on the Man-
hattans in New Amsterdam, adjoining Coenradt Ten
Eck's lot, in length on the N., 3 r., 9 ft.; in br. on the W.

3 r., 6 ft.; on the E., 3 r., 6 ft.


Deed. OlotF Stevensen Van Cortland to David Apl. 27
Wessels. (Lib. A, Deeds, N. Y. Co.: 44.) Desc: Lot
on E. side Fort Amsterdam, abutting on S. side C. Ten
Eyck; on E. side, P. Van Naerden; W. side, lot of O.. S
Van Cortlandt. Long on S. side, 3 r., 9 ft.; br. on W.
side, 3 r., 6 ft.; E. side, 3 r., 6 ft. In virtue of deed by
Beeckman to O. S. Van Cortlandt, Oct. 15, 1653.

Note: As much of this deed as "remains undisposed
of" was confirmed to Wessels by Pats. Alb.: 34 (supra).

Deed. David Wessels to Jan Adams. Not found of
record, but recited in confirmation set forth below.

Conf Governor Nicolls to Jan Adams. (Pats. Alb., May 23
II: 35.) Recites transport by OloflF S. Van Cortlandt to
David Wessells, Apl. 27, 1656. Desc: [of Van Cort-
landt to Wessells]; E. of Fort, having to S., Conraet Ten
Eyck's; to E., Pieter van Naerden's and Claes the
Cooper; to W.,01off; cont'g in length on the S. side, 3 r.,
9 ft.; in br. on W., 3 r., 6 ft.; on E., the same. Recites
said David Wessells transported unto Jan Adams a cert,
proportion out of the afsd., cont'g on the N. side, 24 ft.,
2 ins.; S. side, the same; E. and W. sides, 50 ft.

Deed. David Wessells to Jan Meynderts. Not found
of record, but recited in conf. set forth below:

Conf. Governor Nicolls to Jan Meynderts. (See May 23
above last-recited conf. for desc. of deed Wessells to
Van Cortlandt.) Confirms transport by Wessells to
Jan Meynderts of a portion of the ground afsd. cont'g
in length 27 ft. and in br. 24 ft.