Lot: J11 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Jan Pietersen
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. Kieft to Jan Pietersen. "Not to be found on the Register." {Rec. N. Am., VII: 172.)
Document Source(s)
Rec. N. Am., VII: 172
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Gr-br. Kieft to Jan Pietersen. "Not to be found on
the Register." {Rec. N. Am., VII: 172.)
Deed. Harman Smeeman and Thomas Hall to Thomas
Baxter. (HH: 20.) Desc: Ho. and lot on Manhattans
at East river: bounded So. by [of] Lot of Dirck
Cornelissen, extending E. side in br. along river 4 r., 3 ft. ;
in length, 5 r.; in rear on W. side, in br., as in front,

4 r.. 3 ft-

Note: Hall and Smeeman were attorneys for Pieter-
sen. {Rec. N. Am., VII: 172.)


Suit in Burgomaster's Court, at City Hall. Tomas
Bacxter, pltf vs. Tomas Hall, deft. Plaintiff says he has
bought from defendant a parcel of land 5 r. wide and 8 r.
long, for which he asks conveyance; "defendant had
promised him that there was a sufficient patent for it and
now an exception is found in it," etc. (Rec. N. Am., I: 74.)

This action recites the dimensions of the original
grant to Pietersen, of which Hall and Smeeman must
have been cognizant.


Petition of Director General Petrus Stuyvesant. (Rec.
N. Am., VII: 171, el seq.)

"To the Right Honb'= Councillors of N:Netherland and
the Honb'^ Burgomasters of the City of Amsterdam in
N: Netherland.

"Your Hon"^? petitioner, Petrus Stuyvesant, represents,
in due form and respect to the Councillors, in regard that
it appertains to them to grant the ground brief; and to
the Burgomasters, as the conveyance of the lots is left
to them; that he to your Honors manifest knowledge
and certainty hath with great cost and labour fenced,
recovered and raised from the water and morass certain
abandoned lots, granted in the year 1647 by the Direc-
tor General Kieft, petitioner's predecessor, to one Jan
Pietersen and by him or his attorney conveyed to one
Thomas Baxter, a bankrupt and fugitive from this
Province in consequence of great debts; . . . Which
lots after about 8 to nine thousand loads of sand were
carted thereunto at the cost and charge of the Petitioner
and still not raised enough, the petitioner has erected
thereupon a costly and handsome building. The peti-
tioner judging, that they are not sufficiently secured
to him in case of dismissal from his office, or to his heirs
in case of his death, in consequence of his not yet having
any proper ground brief or conveyance therefor, and he
cannot give himself any unquestionable title or convey-
ance to them. ... He therefore turns towards you in
due manner, requesting that your Honors, as Councillors
on behalf of the Lords Directors, after rendering void the
first ground brief, which however is not to be found on
the Register, to be pleased to grant to petitioner ground
brief and conveyance, and as Burgomasters to be pleased
to endorse due transport thereon. ..."

The gr-br. was granted Feb. 14, 1658. The Burgo-
masters concurred.


Conf. Governor Nicolls to Pieter Stuyvesant. (Pats.
Alb., II: 141.) "Whereas there is a lot towards S. of
Pearle street, cont'g in length on S. and N. sides, 200 ft.
and in br. on E. and W., 100 ft. as also a passage of 5 ft.
on N. side in common; and whereas Pieter Stuyvesant
has been at charges to build a ho. thereon and nobody
else claiming it," Stuyvesant is confirmed.

Note: This refers to Stuyvesant's Great House.