Lot: K3 (Grant Lots)

Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Jacob Strycker
From Party (Text)
Jan Damen
Grant Description
Jacob Strycker requests a lot for his brother. He is granted lot formerly granted to Jan Damen, who failed to build upon it. On the Cingel, next to the lot of Jan Janszen Van Langendyck, 30 ft. wide on street, extending from road to rear of Andries's lot. {Rec. N. Am., VII: 166.)
Document Source(s)
Rec. N. Am., VII: 166
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):

Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up

Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
Dec. 20 Jacob Strycker requests a lot for his brother. He is
granted lot formerly granted to Jan Damen, who failed
to build upon it. On the Cingel, next to the lot of Jan
Janszen Van Langendyck, 30 ft. wide on street, extending
from road to rear of Andries's lot. {Rec. N. Am., VII:

Apl. 13 Abraham Kermel received the above parcel from the
Burgomasters, as the brother of Strycker had failed to
improve the same. (Min. Orph. Court, II: 171-172.)
May 15 Conf Governor Lovelace to Abraham Kermell.
(Pats. Alb., Ill: 102.) Desc: On the Cingel, bet.
Hendrick Blew Coate's* and Jan Jansen Van Langue-
dyke's. Cont'g on the S. side, 22 ft.; E. side, 84 ft.;
W. side, 96 ft.; N. side, 23^^ ft.

♦Hendrick Blue Coat was Hendrick Jansen Sluyter. (.Rrr. N
Am., VU: 208.)