Lot Group
Grant Lots
Date Start
Date End
To Party 1 (text)
Carl Van Brugge
From Party (Text)
Grant Description
Gr-br. to Carl Van Brugge. (HH-2: 6.) Desc: A lot on the Island of Manhattan, City of New Amster- dam, in the Sheep Pasture, having the lot of Cornells Van Tienhoven adjoining in the S.S.W.; extending in length along the lot of said Tienhoven, 24 Rhynland r., in front extending in br. from Tienhoven's lot to the land of Do. Samuel Drisius, which lies N.N.E. from him, 7 r., 8 ft.; and along the land of Samuel Drisius, in length 24 r.; in the rear on the E. and S. in br., 3 r., 8 ft
Document Source(s)
HH-2: 6
Full Grant Entry (The Iconography of Manhattan Island, Vol. 4, Ch. 4: The Dutch Grants):
Note: The following entry was copied from a scanned image that was converted to text by a computer (OCR), so please excuse the text errors. If you would like to see the scanned document, open the following link and flip to the right page: https://archive.org/details/iconographyofma_02stok/page/n683/mode/2up
Full Stokes Entry (See images below)
May 22 Gr-br. to Carl Van Brugge. (HH-2: 6.) Desc: A
lot on the Island of Manhattan, City of New Amster-
dam, in the Sheep Pasture, having the lot of Cornells
Van Tienhoven adjoining in the S.S.W.; extending in
length along the lot of said Tienhoven, 24 Rhynland r.,
in front extending in br. from Tienhoven's lot to the
land of Do. Samuel Drisius, which lies N.N.E. from him,
7 r., 8 ft.; and along the land of Samuel Drisius, in length
24 r.; in the rear on the E. and S. in br., 3 r., 8 ft.
Note: The balance of this block is covered by gr-br.
to Cornells Van Tienhoven (HH-2:7). See Block L,
Lot 9.
May 22 Gr-br. to Carl Van Brugge. (HH-2: 6.) Desc: A
lot on the Island of Manhattan, City of New Amster-
dam, in the Sheep Pasture, having the lot of Cornells
Van Tienhoven adjoining in the S.S.W.; extending in
length along the lot of said Tienhoven, 24 Rhynland r.,
in front extending in br. from Tienhoven's lot to the
land of Do. Samuel Drisius, which lies N.N.E. from him,
7 r., 8 ft.; and along the land of Samuel Drisius, in length
24 r.; in the rear on the E. and S. in br., 3 r., 8 ft.
Note: The balance of this block is covered by gr-br.
to Cornells Van Tienhoven (HH-2:7). See Block L,
Lot 9.